And between the two the gardens grew sweetly down to the hither side of thatopalescent water across which were the radiant cliffs and the curtain of mystery.
He led us to a tiny fountain room in whose miniature pool the white waters were concentrated, pearl-like and opalescent in their circling rim.
On and on it swept toward us--an opalescent mistiness that sped with the suggestion of some winged creature in arrowed flight.
Out of it, through the long transverse slit through which the Silent Ones kept their watch on cavern, bridge, and abyss, a torrent of the opalescent light was pouring.
The land heaved up in peaks and rising vales; it fell in cliffs and buttresses; its colour ran through fifty modulations in a scale of pearl, rose and olive; and it was crowned above by opalescent clouds.
That it had been long in use was evident from the fine opalescent enamelling of the inside.
If they could only escape from the pits there might be a chance to trap Layroh and slay him before he brought those hordes of opalescent slugs to life.
It says: "You are of dust while I am robed in opalescent airs.
To be intelligible we replace theopalescent shining by the terms of the anatomist, and we speak of the pineal gland and the pituitary body in the same breath with the Most High.
Ah, what plumage of white fire rayed out with pinions of opalescent glory!
Tantalizingly she dangled the purse under his nose as he brought her absinthe--always this opalescent absinthe.
When the sun was up the next morning and Logotheti came on deck to drink his coffee alone, he saw the magic Straits not many miles ahead, in an opalescent haze that sent up a vapour of pure gold to the pale blue enamel of the sky.
Amid a theatre of opalescentclouds reefed in the east, the sun diffused its glory, and shaped rubescent coral columns, edging its facade with azure and gold.
The grey summit of the Matterhorn, at the same time, could scarcely be distinguished from the opalescenthaze around it; but when the Nicol quenched the haze, the summit became instantly isolated, and stood out in bold definition.
A plate of glass was placed beneath this slit, and caused to pass slowly under it; it came out perfectly depolished, with a bright opalescent glimmer, such as could only be produced by the most careful grinding.
This year I have seen the Weisshorn thus dissolved in opalescent air.
The hills beyond stand in dark blue outline against a pale opalescent sky and the dim gray towers of Wray Castle rear their massive bulk in the foreground.
A dark band of cloud lay low along the western horizon, with a clear, opalescent sky above, and below a thin strip of lucent gold with silvery clouds floating in it like fairy ships.
We enter its gates in the opalescent light of a perfect morning.
The light sang, softly, musical with the murmur of innumerable bees, and the girl felt as though she were in the heart of an opalescentsphere which vibrated with harmony.
Thus the grim Cornish country and the far-stretching Atlantic waters, so magically beautiful under an opalescent sunset, baffled him for the moment.
The water has the faculty of dividing the light into its component colors, producing effects very similar to those of the opalescent glass of commerce.
A gray, opalescent cloud came over his eyes; his head fell slightly toward his right shoulder in an attitude of careful consideration.
They crossed the room and vanished through a door into the rear apartment; and our last glimpse was of the opalescent reflection of a lamp upon a cranium astonishingly bald.
And to eastward through the opalescent haze, the warmer whites and yellows of the houses in Park-lane shone as unsubstantially as if the clouds themselves had taken on the shape of mansions to mock the men who sat there in the cold.
In the Mare's Nest I shall discover that dim, enormous opalescent egg from which is hatched the Nightmare.
It is a picture beautiful as the opalescent colors of a soap bubble.
There was soaring lights, figures and the opalescent glow of ground glass doors marked with black inscriptions.
The frail notes of the birds hinted at silence beyond, and through the opalescent and transuming landscape Guy and Pauline floated in fancy once more down the young Thames from Ladingford.
In this case a slightly opalescent liquid is obtained which, when left twelve hours, is transformed into a brown mass soluble in water, which strongly precipitates gelatine and possesses tanning properties.
When heated several hours an opalescent liquid results from which, however, no flocculent deposits separate when left for some time.
On adding gelatine to this liquid, a slimy precipitate is thrown down, leaving a slightly opalescent liquid.
The sudden darkness betrayed theopalescent windows of the Beau's bed-chamber.
There was a curious stillness as of frost, and she watched the reflection of the fire leaping in opalescent miniature about the high windows.
Little fish begin to leap; they spring and fall in glittering showers like opalescent blown spray.