I cannot believe that we are justifies in annexing to Austria an electorate which, not being ours by indisputableright of inheritance, may be the cause of involving us in a bloody war.
In a period of dramatic productivity, dramatic criticism has an indisputable function and is charged with an undeniable duty, both to the aspiring play-makers and to the main body of the playgoing public.
As the technic of the drama is exacting, it needs to be acquired by a period of apprenticeship; and here is another of the indisputable advantages of collaboration.
But, not to be led too far into the subtleties of these myths, observe respecting them all, that even in very simple parables, it is not always easy to attach indisputable meaning to every part of them.
But even that apparently indisputable statement was untrue.
Now that they witness our indisputable success, they shake their heads, look at us askance, mutter something like curses, and pray the Lord to turn us from our evil ways.
When that time conies, that action will be determined in the line of indisputable right and duty.
When that time comes, that action will be determined in the line of indisputable right and duty.
As almost the sole, indisputable result of this study we must count the increase of the student's skill and precision in expression.
Finally, the susceptibility to training evinced by the higher vertebrates is indisputable proof of the ability of these animals to profit by experience.
But the comparative fates of the Africans in the British colonies, and those in our States, tell the contrast between the humanity of our system, and the barbarity of theirs, in terms of indisputable clearness.
But, as a matter of fact, no one has ever succeeded in giving an indisputable mechanical representation of the whole physical world.
But the most indisputable triumph of this thermodynamic statics is the discovery of the laws which regulate the changes of physical state or of chemical constitution.
Aldhelm needs no support from fiction: such great things are there concerning him of indisputable truth, so many which are beyond the reach of doubt.
It was indisputable that Good was ignorant of either the theory or practice of those conventions of the table upon which, against her will, she set much store.
And when the clergyman remained obdurate to all his subtlest questions and cajoleries and indisputable logic, the Judge lost his temper.
But it is indisputable that nothing short of the heroic measures he recommended would suffice to separate Imrie from a resolve, once firmly made.
I will begin with those little pegs seen on the backs of Violins near the button, and at the bottom; the position of these airy nothings without habitation or name "is deemed indisputable evidence of certain makers' handicraft.
It would be idle to question her indisputable claim to this high honour; and Sixtus IV.
That he loved her with genuine and generous devotion was now the one clear and indisputable fact in her unstable existence.
At her feet--proof indisputable of the truth of the story she had been told--lay a charred fragment of the cigar that had doubtless been between his lips when he had sunk into that fatal sleep.
She made a movement to free herself, but he frustrated her, gently but with indisputable mastery.
The indisputable splendour of this music, its marvellous witchery, are incurably external.
In the name of all the indisputable truths of modern science, I should dare to think that you were trying to impose upon me.
On the other hand, we have not found a singleindisputable fossil of any higher mammal (a placental) in the whole of this period.
These (including man) are much younger, and we do not find indisputable fossil remains of them until the Cenozoic age, or the Tertiary period.
Then there was one strong indisputable point in his favour.
It is indisputable that from the very earliest ages of the Church there existed a belief that Christ was at the right hand of God; but no one who professes to have seen him on his way thither has left a single word of record.
We have looked upon our physical being as the indisputable creation subject to all changes, circumstances or conditions.
The description of suffering or pain is, in fact, a string of truisms, quite plain and indisputable until the last clause.
Prichard, were not Albinos or diseased persons, but indisputable examples of his principle.
Above all I recognized in him the indisputable monarch of the instrument.