They went ashore, and Jerry, who volunteered to act as cook, quickly had the finny specimens frying in bacon fat which browned to a golden hue the corn meal into which the fish were dipped.
He was speaking now in a kind of energetic, golden drawl.
The sun was almost down; there were wonderful golden clouds above the mountains.
Now she spoke in a voice that had a little of the Ashendyne golden drawl.
It was pleasant to run the hands through the myriad small shells heaped in baskets, to weigh the sea-cushions and sea-stars and golden seafeathers, to admire rose coral and brain coral and finger coral, and hold the conch shells to the ear.
As they stood a moment in the verandah, Medway's golden drawl was heard from within.
His body had the same height and swing, the same fine spareness; his voice kept the same rich inflections, all the way from mellow and golden to the most corroding acid; he dominated, just as she remembered him in her childhood.
Now the rope between boat and towpath showed an arm-thick golden serpent, and now it did not show at all.
A letter that told her it was so, that she was doing that which, with the strongest longing, she longed to do, must be to her golden as a love letter.
These crepuscular visions, these adventures of the timid soul on sad white nights, these soft croonings of love and sentiment are out of joint with the days of electricity and the worship of the golden calf.
The "golden forties" were as truly golden for New England as for idle California.
But he located a golden vein of it with an instinct that did credit to his dash of Hebrew blood.
We must understand its meaning if we would perceive the quality of much of the most noble and beautiful writing produced in New England during the Golden Age.
The character and career of Francis Parkman afford curious material to the student of New England's golden age.
That was the secret of his own power, and the sign, it must be added, of the limitations of this group of historians who came at the close of the golden age.
So she arose trailing her skirts, whilst the golden bangles tinkled on her ankles and her feet stumbled in her long locks, and she disappeared for a little while.
The "recompense" the man expects is the golden treasure which the ensorcelled snake is supposed to guard.
Did she sometimes think of the missing copper kettle and the seven golden candlesticks?
All these beautiful dishes, those rare pieces of copper, the seven golden candlesticks to remain in their humble cabin?
That night, as supper time approached, Madam Chicaski insisted that candles should be put in the golden candlesticks and that they should be set, all flickering and alight, three upon the mantel and four upon the table.
Revealed her secrets--copper kettle, golden candlesticks, all that?
That this someone had hidden a big copper kettle and, perhaps, seven golden candlesticks near the cabin, then had gone away, did not seem to matter.
One subject she never touched upon, nor was she asked to tell, what had become of the great copper kettle, the seven golden candlesticks and all else that had been left behind.
A huge copper kettle and," her voice dropped to a whisper, "seven golden candlesticks.
Here they were on a golden quest, marching with dog teams and supplies into the uncharted North in search of a lost and hidden mine, and now of a sudden they found themselves encamped with a whole herd of reindeer belonging to a friend.
The old man was too absorbed in his golden quest to think overmuch of things to eat.
The original race of the Troubadours was extinct long before Clemence d'Isaure and her golden violet were thought of.
Yet think me not thus dazzled by the flow Of golden locks, or damask rose; more rare The heartfelt beauties of my foreign fair!
For well ye know, how many thousand hearts, (Willing captives on that day,) In those golden meshes lay!
As over the snowy summits of the high mountains Apollo sheds his golden beams, so flowed her golden tresses over her white vest.
The lines Restore thy tresses to the golden ore, Yield Citherea's son those arcs of love, are luxuriantly elegant, and quite Italian in the flow and imagery.
Late, though it be, at last I see it gloom, And the bright evening star, with golden crest, Appear out of the west!
Truth is the golden chain which links the terrestrial with the celestial, which sets the seal of heaven on the things of this earth, and stamps them to immortality.
She was in person a fair Madonna-like beauty with soft dark eyes, and a profusion of pale golden hair parted on her brow, and falling in rich curls over her neck.
In the heart of June, love, With its golden weather, Underneath the moon, love, You and I together.
And the prankish little fellow looks so knowing in his glee, With his golden bow and arrow, aiming most unerringly At a pair of hearts so labeled that I may read and see That one is meant for "One Who Loves," and one is meant for me.
She was a pretty child, with a sweet face, rimmed round by golden curls, her round, red cheeks glowing with exercise.
No, sir; I know no one, to my knowledge, in the Golden State.
The sun was shining again beyond the storm, and where the waving stretches of golden wheat had been, was now a seared and twisted desolation.
But if the fire had its way there would be no cutting to do, and the golden plenty which waited for harvesting would be nothing but a blackened ruin.
If the golden color had been used more extensively throughout the Exposition it would have helped a lot.
The stretch from here to the Golden Gate makes one of the most splendid bits of scenery in the whole world.
Festival Hall Reflection of Festival Hall in pool; Fountain of the Mermaid silhouetted against entrance window of hall; golden light through colored glass.
It stood on the bay, close to the Golden Gate, facing one of the most beautiful harbors in the world, looking across to Mount Tamalpias and backed by the highest San Francisco hills.
As superintendent of Golden Gate Park he had given fine service.
Through the smoke and the fog the bombs were shooting and breaking into great masses of liquid fire, golden and green and pink and yellow.
He also drew largely on Golden Gate Park and on the Presidio.
But it might fit into a setting like the Golden Gate Park, where it would be close to nature.
The cost of transporting lumber would be greatly reduced by having it all come through the Golden Gate and deposited on the Harbor View docks.
From there we saw the sun, a great red ball, sinking behind the Golden Gate.
There should be three sites: Harbor View and a strip of the adjoining Presidio, Golden Gate Park and Lincoln Park, connected by a boulevard, specially constructed to skirt the bay from the ferry to the ocean.
Rovol then threw a switch, and a hemisphere of flaming golden radiance surrounded the laboratory and extended for miles upon all sides.
I heard the joy of the reapers' song, As they gathered golden grain; Then wearily turned unto my task, With a lonely sense of pain.
And ev'ry lip was blanched with dread, And moaning for relief; The music of the golden harps Grew fainter for their grief.
Welcome, early visitants, With your sun-crowned golden hair, With your message to our hearts Of our Father's loving care.
No goldenweights can turn the scale Of justice in His sight; And what is wrong in woman's life In man's cannot be right.
The fields of my Lord are wide and broad, He has pastures fair and green, And vineyards that drink the golden light Which flows from the sun's bright sheen.
Her husband was adding field to field, And new wealth to his golden store; And little thought the shadow of death Was entering in at his door.
Earth has no marble too pure and white To enrol his name in golden light.
And when the reapers shall lay their grain On the floors of golden light, I feel that mine with its broken sheaves Shall be precious in His sight.
When morning flushed with crimson light The golden gates of day, He longed to fill the air with chimes Sweet as a matin's lay.
And sin-wrecked men, with eager hands Did grasp each golden cord; And with my heart I drew them on To see my gracious Lord.
His eyes began to shine unwontedly, brightening into a golden limpidity, and his lips puckered into a smile.
Oh, I'm only Peter Champneys," said the boy with the golden eyes, shyly.
Peter Champneys shot at the stout vestryman a glance like the thrust of a golden spear.
And out of this thin, quiet, black-haired, black-bearded face looked a pair of golden eyes of an almost intolerable clarity.
Denise had encountered other eyes, men's eyes; but none had ever met hers with just such a look as she saw in these clear and golden ones.
Those golden eyes of his saw tolerantly as well as clearly.
That long, clear, grave gaze pierced her heart like a golden poniard.
She lifted her cool, gray-green eyes that had in them the silvery sparkle of the sea, and met hisgolden gaze.
He bent upon her his compelling glance, which seemed to lift her as upon golden pinions.
Peter dropped in the grass, doubled his long legs under him, and watched them, his mouth turned right side up, his eyes golden in his dark face.
That was the happiest day she had ever spent; it stood out bright and goldenin her memory.
Its double doors were open, and a wash of dull, golden light came out from it into the twilight, with the noise of people laughing and talking.
She did not know why she liked being with Arthur Henty so much, or why they were such golden occasions when she met him.
Rich men give up golden treasures-- Money, ships and merchandise; Brave men give up care and pleasures For the liberties they prize!
The Marquise was rich, her niece a wealthy heiress, much of both their fortunes not dependent upon French finance, and a golden harvest fell upon the simple mountaineers and cattle tenders.
Chumru, who had no knowledge of warfare beyond his recent experiences, was acquainted with the golden rule that the shorter the time spent as an involuntary target the less chance is there of being hit.
However, the curtain has at last rung up at the golden city of the west, and it is certainly a mark of the ingenuity of the concocters of the hoax that they allowed at least twenty-four hours for the passage of the Pacific.
Rodier steered a point to the north-west, and the aeroplane passed over the Galata bridge that spans the Golden Horn.
His sword, glittering with golden studs, hung from his shoulder in a silver sheath, and in his hands he bore two great spears, brass-tipped and sharp.
By Jupiter's command the golden apple was sent to him, to be given to that one of the three goddesses whom he should judge to be the most beautiful.
Now Apollo had been helping Hector, giving him strength and speed, but when, for the fourth time, the heroes reached the Xanthus springs, Jupiter raised high the golden balance of fate.
This he did under the guidance and direction of Venus, who was now about to fulfill the promise by which she had won the golden prize on Mount Ida.
Therefore, after the matter had been discussed in a council of the gods in their golden palace on Olympus, Minerva was sent down to urge the Trojans to attack the Greeks, so that the league might be broken, and the war renewed.
He poured nectar into golden goblets and served it round to the gods and goddesses, all of whom laughed at the sight of the lame god bustling through the banqueting hall performing the work of Ganymede.
With this evil purpose she suddenly appeared in the midst of the company, and threw on the table a beautiful golden apple, on which were inscribed the words, "Let it be given to the fairest.
There she was busy at her loom, making in golden tapestry a representation of some of the great events of the war.
Silver the beam, the extended yoke was gold, And golden reins the immortal coursers hold.
All through the night the pile blazed with a mighty roar, and in the morning, when it was consumed, the embers were quenched with wine, and the bones of Patroclus were gathered up and inclosed in a golden urn.
Then the goddess Minerva spread a golden cloud around the head of Achilles, and she kindled in it a bright flame that streamed upward to the sky.
Quickly, therefore, descending to the sea, he plunged down to his golden mansion beneath the waves, and there put on his armor and mounted his chariot.
Now she saw herself as part of a golden sea of selves which made but one self, so lifelike were they, so glorious was their unity.
For there were golden threads interwoven which the children did not remember having seen among the flax.
Only as year added itself to year, slipping forward on the golden string, I saw the gray figure grow more gray, more bowed, more feeble.
I took up these small golden shoes in my hands and held them out to her.
The couch was hard and narrow, and that which covered it over was worn and threadbare, and by no means cloth of woven silk and golden tracery.
I saw standing there again the princess, upon her feet small golden shoes.
I gazed at them for a time, and presently I saw appear upon the table beside them, the form of the Singing Mouse, as tall perhaps as the fronts of thesegolden shoes.
Ogre-like indeed is the giant, and we breathe a sigh of relief when verses as well as pictures make it quite certain that Jack has escaped for the third time with his golden treasure.
Mr. Brooke has appropriately illustrated these old favorites: The Golden Goose, The Story of the Three Bears, The Story of the Three Little Pigs, and Tom Thumb.
Ye are the golden vessels of the temple, the arms of the soldiers of the Church, with which to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "golden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.