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Example sentences for "unconditional"

Lexicographically close words:
unconcern; unconcerned; unconcernedly; uncondemned; uncondensed; unconditionally; unconditioned; unconfessed; unconfined; unconfirmed
  1. With one voice the South accepted the result as establishing the purpose of the Federal Government to exact "unconditional submission," as the only condition of peace, and scorned the insolent demand of the enemy.

  2. He is directed to demand the unconditional surrender of Messrs.

  3. At all events, resistance must continue until the enemy abated his haughty demand of unconditional submission.

  4. The burgher levies are in such an excited state over the invasion of their country that I believe President of South African Republic could not control them except in the event of unconditional surrender.

  5. When further accounts were received from Pretoria and Krugersdorp, stating that the surrender had been unconditional and that there was grave doubt as to what would be done with Dr.

  6. Thee have I follow'd With most implicit unconditional faith, Sure of the right path if I follow'd thee.

  7. By an unconditional and voluntary surrender, it hoped to disarm his vengeance, and sent deputies even to Freysingen to lay at his feet the keys of the city.

  8. But far from putting an end to the Emperor's embarrassments, by giving at once a full and unconditional consent, he only acceded to a part of his demands, that he might exalt the value of that which still remained, and was of most importance.

  9. The Hanoverian troops, whom it was intended to force to an unconditional surrender to the French, sailed secretly and in separate divisions to England, where they were formed into the German Legion.

  10. The most notable of his benefactors at this time was a worthy tradesman named Buchholz, who made him an unconditional loan of 150 florins.

  11. An Unconditional Loan But it would have been strange if, in a musical city like Vienna, a youth of Haydn's gifts had been allowed to starve.

  12. The English Houses and people went with Pitt, but the Irish Parliament went for an unconditional regency.

  13. When there is an unconditional contract to sell them the property therein passes to the buyer on the making of the contract, regardless of the time of payment or delivery or both.

  14. An unconditional promise in writing to accept a bill before it is drawn is deemed an actual acceptance in favor of every person who on the faith thereof receives the bill for value.

  15. An unqualified order or promise to pay is unconditional within the meaning of the law even though it indicates a particular fund from which it is to be paid, or a statement of the transaction on which the note is based.

  16. A daring expedient was determined upon by the empress as the alternative of an unconditional surrender.

  17. Gaunt Famine, the sternest of all conquerors, now subdued the iron hardihood of the governor, and he offered on the 3rd of January to capitulate; but Henry insisted on unconditional surrender.

  18. It must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a certain sum in money.

  19. The young officer, evidently indignant, strode back to his line, and an hour later Hamilton himself demanded the unconditional surrender of the fort and garrison.

  20. It was a peremptory demand for unconditional surrender.

  21. If so, then perhaps they will be saved, and therefore the idea of unconditional election and reprobation is false.

  22. But for unconditional election, predestination would not be desired, even by those who now hold to it; and but for predestination, unconditional election could not be maintained.

  23. And if this view of the will be correct, there is an utter impossibility of an unconditional election.

  24. Having gone over and examined the arguments in favour of unconditional election, we come to the last part of our subject; which was to urge some objections against this doctrine.

  25. The doctrine of the unconditional election of a part, necessarily implies the unconditional reprobation of the rest.

  26. And while these stand, the doctrine of particular and unconditional election must fall, for the two doctrines are incompatible.

  27. But if there is any explanation, by which these are showed not to prove unconditional reprobation to eternal death, the same principle of explanation will, and must show, that they do not prove Calvinistic election.

  28. I should not have gone so fully into this part of the subject, but for the fact, that this sentiment of unconditional regeneration is considered the strong hold of Calvinism.

  29. Arminian; and if he would be consistent, he must give up unconditional election, and embrace the whole Arminian theory.

  30. By which is meant, according to the glossary, the doctrine of unconditional election and reprobation, and of absolute predestination.

  31. The apostle concludes this reasoning by an argument which cuts off entirely the idea of unconditional personal election and reprobation.

  32. Unconditional liberation has ended in disaster to all concerned.

  33. Let us see his actual words: "Unconditional liberation has ended in disaster to all concerned.

  34. Each appointee owes unconditional obedience to the Führer and to the superior Party leaders in the hierarchy.

  35. I pledge unconditional obedience to him and the Führer appointed by him.

  36. Its officials and operatives were selected on the basis of unconditional acceptance of Nazi ideology, were largely drawn from members of the SS, and were trained in SS and SD schools.

  37. It is under that name that the Nazi Party continued to exist until its dissolution after the collapse and unconditional surrender of Germany in 1945.

  38. Nevertheless, our faith in the worth of unconditional repetitions should properly be disturbed by such disclosures.

  39. No unconditional conclusion seems justified by this table.

  40. Now, that the blessing of redemption from individual sins, while free for all to attain, is nevertheless conditioned on individual effort, is as plainly declared as is the truth of unconditional redemption from the effects of the Fall.

  41. Universal and unconditional redemption from effects of the Fall, 96.

  42. England followed, and generously paid the British planters of Jamaica for all their slaves, giving the latter unconditional freedom.

  43. In this package you will find a free and unconditional pardon for all your past offenses against the law.

  44. Unconditional slavery is contrary to the precepts of religion, moral justice, and the abstract, natural and political rights of man.

  45. We are here to demand an unconditional surrender.

  46. The next thought again was this: Pantheism does not place any one unconditional goal in front of man.

  47. Marshal Ney was the first to announce to Napoleon that the Allies required his complete and unconditional abdication, unaccompanied by any stipulation, except that of his personal safety, which should be guaranteed.

  48. These words produced no change in the determination of the sovereigns, who would hear of nothing but the unconditional abdication of Napoleon.

  49. They wish for my complete and unconditional abdication .

  50. These are the steps by which we reached the 750 mark exemption, and the unconditional share which is to be paid by the State.

  51. Although it is based upon the unconditional acceptance of the monarchical creed, nothing is farther removed from it than the spirit of servility.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unconditional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; born; categorical; clean; clear; complete; comprehensive; conclusive; congenital; consummate; decided; decisive; definite; definitive; determinate; downright; egregious; entire; exhaustive; explicit; express; final; fixed; flat; free; full; global; implicit; indisputable; intensive; limitless; omnibus; omnipresent; open; outright; peremptory; perfect; pervasive; plain; plenary; plumb; positive; precise; pure; radical; regular; round; sheer; stark; straight; sweeping; thorough; total; ubiquitous; unbound; unbounded; unconditional; unconfined; undoubting; unequivocal; unhampered; unhesitating; universal; unlimited; unmeasured; unmistakable; unmitigated; unqualified; unquestioning; unreserved; unrestricted; utter; veritable; whole; wholesale

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    unconditional submission; unconditional surrender