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Example sentences for "flatfish"

Lexicographically close words:
flasket; flasks; flat; flatboat; flatboats; flatfoot; flatiron; flatirons; flatlands; flatlie
  1. Frequently halibut may be seen chasing flatfish over the bottom of the water.

  2. Defn: A flatfish of the family Pleuronectidæ, of many species.

  3. Hundreds of millions of cod, pollock, haddock, and flatfish fry had been hatched from eggs and planted in favorable places for their further development, and tens of millions of lobster fry as well.

  4. The young flatfish is thin and almost transparent, and when it begins to be time for the eye to change from one side of the body to the other it sinks in.

  5. Soles, turbots, and other flatfish are, as is well known, unsymmetrical.

  6. Many of the flatfish are also capable of changing their colour according to the colour of the bottom they rest on; and frogs have a similar power to a limited extent.

  7. The rates of development of the eggs of some flatfish are closely correlated with water temperature (Ketchen 1956)--flatfish developed more rapidly at higher temperatures (Fig.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flatfish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.