In the interior, and, along the east coast of Greenland, are met the wild natives, who are muffledin the thickest furs, and bear little resemblance to the class to which Docak and his acquaintances belonged.
Cicely's quick ear caught his words as she and her father passed by on the other side of the snow-muffled street.
There was a shuffling of muffled feet, a stone dislodged from the bank above, the click of metal against metal, but every noise so stealthy and quiet that he could hardly believe he heard.
They sat for some time about the table, explaining, discussing, and questioning, until finally the muffled booming of the clock in the hall proclaimed the hour of ten.
As I began to climb again, I heard muffled expletives from within his tree that sounded plainly like "Fool, fool, fool!
Now and then a low, thudding, earth-muffled sound told of strained or ruptured roots.
Was the storm quieting down, or was its roar muffled and lost in the deepening cover of snow, was the unimportant question occupying my thoughts when I fell asleep.
Presently I heard a muffled creaking, and looked up to see a gigantic landslide starting.
As they reached his ears through the heavy stone roof they were more harmonious, all harshness was softened; the sordino of the vaulting produced the effect of a muffled peal.
In dark nights boats withmuffled oars glided between the blockading ships, and stole up to some sheltered nook, bringing news from the outside world.
As we crept past the long line of batteries, the great Fortress, with its hundreds of guns, was silent; the Lion was sleeping, with all his thunders muffled in his rocky breast.
At the time it was attempting to back up, there was a muffled report, a muffled shot and bedlam broke out in the vicinity of the jail office entry into the ramp.
After the shot, or after this muffled report, I went over the back of the trunk of this automobile we were trying to back in.
A crowd had evidently collected round the door, for I heard the muffled sound of voices gossipping, but could not distinguish what they said.
But at the time she heard only the horrible crunch of steel against flesh, the muffled snap as of a broken twig, and a low groan, twice repeated.
The muffled sound of voices came to them from the other room, occasionally rising in pitch, as if in argument, though no words could be distinguished.
Softly the door swung open to admit the muffled figure of the Swede.
As he passed into the evil-smelling room a muffled figure brushed past him toward the street.
A moment later he had cut the rope that held the small boat to the steamer's side, and, bending silently to the muffled oars, was pulling toward the black shadows up the Ugambi River.
The dinghy was got out softly and cautiously, and, with muffled oars, they slipped away unheard.
She cut the dinghy's painter, got into the boat, and muffled the oars with a strip or two torn from her petticoat.
He raised his eyes and high above saw the muffled figure of the marquise coming through the snowy bushes down the trail.
That night the doctor and the marquise, well muffled against the cold, sat on the porch of the superintendent's bungalow while the daughter sat discreetly inside.
The muffled roar of the gale as it swept over the mountain could be heard in our retreat and made us thankful for the shelter the cavern afforded.
This caudal action produced a dull, muffled sound, as if there were a vast hollow below.
Then, seeing nobody very near, he muffled the box as well as he could in his jacket, and turned the handle.
As he climbed the stairs he grew conscious of sounds of anguish, muffled by the Perrotts' door.
Canary blinked solemnly when the resplendent box was flashed in his eyes, and set his ears back and forward as, muffled again in Dicky's jacket, it tinkled out its tune.
Better than you, I hope," came the morose reply muffled by a teacup.
They were muffled sounds of children crying, the occasional splash of emptied pails, and against the last glimmer of sunset the smoke of chimneys blown furiously outwards.
She sat up in bed thinking to tap on the wall; but the tapestried headpiece muffled the sound.
She could hardly bear to sit at meals, dreading every whisper and muffled giggle from the lower end of the table.
And, at the very moment when a muffled cry escaped our lips, we saw Noel Dorgeroux slowly making a great sign of the cross.
Beyond was the pitchy darkness from which came Massignac's muffled whimper.
She muffled her face and ears in her skirt, to shut out sight and sound, for both seemed to portend but death and woe.
She was muffled in a long black dule-weed, or mourning habit, the folds of which fell to her feet, and on the left shoulder of which was sewn a white velvet cross.
She possessed a soulful voice--muffled crystal, but crystal all the same.
Then followed a muffled sound which Edmund rightly interpreted to be Oscar poking under the bed with an umbrella; and, then, came a thundering rap on the door.
With muffled oar he guarded close the nearer shore of the silent river.
Just at that moment the axe rattled, there was a muffled sound, and the head of the Marchioness Crussol d'Amboise fell into the basket.
Nor did it disturb her at all that she heard the loud beatings of drums approaching like muffled thunder, that trumpets were blown, that musketry rattled, and loud war cries resounded in the distant streets.
One moment more, and, muffledin red silk, her biggest lantern swung glowing in the window.
Hour after hour I prowl around among the sentries, giving prompt answer to the muffled challenge that greets me with unvarying watchfulness.
She could hear the faint, muffled sound of shots with which the benighted but jubilant frontiersmen were hailing the coming of the sacred anniversary, like some midwinter Fourth of July, with exuberant and explosive hilarity.
Where are you going, Papa, muffled up with such a burden?
Dark, searching, and sword-like, it alternately muffled and harried its victim, like a bullfighter now whirling his cloak and now planting his darts.
His voice was heavy and toneless as a muffled bell.
You see each dragged away by life, like one whom bravos have seized and muffled in a cloak.
For some time a muffled hostility had been brewing in provincial hearts against the tyranny of the central power, especially since it had shewn itself incapable of maintaining peace, and the Barbarians were threatening the frontiers.
He had difficulty in breathing; his voice was muffled and thin--so much so, that he began to think his lungs were attacked.
Dorine, muffled in his cloak, threw himself on the back seat of the carriage, too abstracted in his grief to observe that he was the only occupant of the vehicle.
He was not fluttered when he sat at her well-served table, and trod her muffled floors.
Miss Trant" could not conceal her reluctance to come so far from the wilds of Camden Town; but she came, closely muffled in a thick gauze veil, doubtless to guard against cold in the chill March evening.