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Example sentences for "sallow"

Lexicographically close words:
sallet; sallets; salley; sallied; sallies; sallowness; sallows; sallying; sallyport; salmi
  1. The poor swimmers disappear, the muddy water reddens for a short time, and then becomes sallow colored again.

  2. Fever trees, so called from their sallow appearance, grow not far from here.

  3. The willow's whistling lashes, wrung By the wild winds of gusty March, With sallow leaflets lightly strung, Are swaying by the tufted larch.

  4. Beneath the head a long face, sallow of hue; in either cheek a pit; between them a dominating nose carrying eyeglasses.

  5. Vittoria could be sallow in despondency; but this Violetta never failed in plumpness and freshness.

  6. The face was sallow and fireless; life had faded like a painted cloth upon the imperishable moulding.

  7. On arriving at the square of the Hoogstraet, the man with the sallow face pushed the other behind an open shutter, from which corner he himself began to survey the balcony of the Town-hall.

  8. At this moment, the shutter of a window opened, and disclosed the sallow face and the dark eyes of the young man, who with intense interest watched the scene which was preparing.

  9. This sensitive boy would be very skilfully stamped into conformity by Lyman Cass and his sallow daughter; but did she detest the plan for this reason?

  10. Only she herself and a weedy, sallow young man in her company could have heard these words.

  11. The gipsy daubed vermilion on my friend's sallow cheeks.

  12. Oh," the other rejoined, with a faint colour in his sallow cheek.

  13. Mr. Hewson was a slight sallow nondescript man of about fifty--the kind of man of whom one is sure to see a specimen in any crowd.

  14. Suddenly another thought pulled him up, sending a flush to his sallow temples.

  15. A tall, dark-eyed, sallow woman, half rose from a couch on which she was reclining.

  16. Her complexion was sallow and unhealthy, her cheeks thin, her features sharp, and her whole form emaciated.

  17. The wrathful purpling of Hazlet's sallow countenance portended an explosion of orthodox spleen, but Julian gently interposed in time to save the devoted Kennedy from a few unmeasured anathemas.

  18. He was found in Oaken Hill, and killed, after a run of three hours, in Sallow Vallets.

  19. In Sallow Vallets, a quarter of a mile below the Lodge; 90 yards round the outside of the branches.

  20. Any neglect in this relation will register itself at once in a sallow complexion, eruptions of the skin, and general debility, if not the active development of some serious disease.

  21. The little thin, sallow old man, coming towards her on the platform at Paddington, turned out to be Uncle Victor.

  22. Where it ended she saw Drake's Farm; black timbered barns and sallow haystacks beside a clump of trees.

  23. Yesterday, the last walk with Roddy, across Barking Flats to the river, over the dry, sallow grass, the wind blowing in their faces.

  24. Her lips opened and her face turned suddenly sharp and sallow as if she were going to faint.

  25. Her gentle mauve and sallow face was growing old, with soft curdlings and puckerings of the skin; but she still carried her head high, nodding at you with her air of gaiety, of ineffable intrigue.

  26. When her face kept quiet it looked dead beside the ruddy faces of the three old men; dead and very quietly, very softly decomposing into bleached purple and sallow white.

  27. Scarlet smears in the veined sallow of his eyes.

  28. At the end, on a terrace, rises the once elegant Casino, with hardly a whole pane of glass in its façade, reduced to its sallow stucco and degraded ornaments.

  29. His companion read in Gurley's sallow face the dismay that had attacked him.

  30. The long, sallow man nervously stroked his hair, which was flattened down on his forehead in a semicircle in the absurd fashion of the day.

  31. The sallow outlaw felt that he could not afford just now to break with his companion.

  32. The sallow man squirted tobacco at a knot in the floor and rubbed his bristly chin with the palm of a hand.

  33. A lank, sallow man with a rifle joined him.

  34. And so it was with his--an omen, a menace, lurked in its sallow and dismal glance.

  35. And just as we stood up to depart, the white high-cauled cap and large sallow features of old L'Amour peeped in at the door.

  36. The waitress was tall and well-featured, but sallow of skin and growing haggard, though barely 20, if that.

  37. She looked awkward and sallow in her Indian muslin gown: the flimsy stuff did not suit her any more than the pink coral beads she wore round her neck.

  38. She had thin lips and rather a square jaw, and her sallow complexion lacked colour.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sallow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anemic; ashen; beige; bloodless; buff; cadaverous; canary; colorless; cream; creamy; dead; dim; dingy; discolored; dull; ecru; faded; faint; fallow; flat; ghastly; gild; gilded; gilt; gold; golden; gray; grey; haggard; jaundice; jaundiced; lackluster; leaden; lemon; livid; lurid; lusterless; mat; mealy; muddy; neutral; pale; pallid; pasty; peaky; primrose; sallow; sandy; sickly; straw; toneless; uncolored; wan; waxen; weak; white; yellow