Physicians recommend that something raw be eaten every day and something indigestible at every meal, and that a person watch his weight, keeping a little overweight up to middle life and a little underweight after that age.
In people who are underweight the nutrition of the muscles has suffered, and, as a consequence, they are not able to support the frame as well as before.
They will usually be found to be underweight and to be nursing some thought with regard to their digestion, or some supposed idiosyncrasy towards food that is keeping them below the normal weight for their height.
This must be done even though they insist that they have never been heavier and that to be rather underweight is a family trait.
Underweight is undesirable for many reasons, and gain in weight is often the solution of many problems in ill feeling.
Note: If underweight is marked, it may be advantageous to take additional nourishment at 10 A.
Then Spanish-American War Veteran Joe Francis walked into the front room again and stood before his underweight offspring.
Tumbler after tumbler of water was tumbled into the digestive system of the underweight linotyper, while steadily from the kitchen came the happy sizzling of four pork chops and fast-frying potatoes with trimmings.
Living on the will, as it is called, when one is underweight and does not eat very much, certainly not sufficient to supply the energy for what has to be accomplished, is a fruitful source of irritability of any and every kind.
A {112} good many people who are underweight are eating too little.
The acquired basis is very often a lack of nutrition due to insufficient food, for people who areunderweight are much more subject to dreads and obsessions of all kinds than are those who are up to weight.
Some types who are of average weight according to the table, may be either underweight or overweight when considered with regard to their framework and general physical structure.
The question of whether an individual is really underweight or overweight can not be determined solely by the life insurance tables.
Underweight individuals sometimes have to train their digestive tracts for some of the foods they need.
On the other hand, if you are underweight and the added nourishment is gradually worked up to, it will improve the health and cause a gain of so much (theoretically, and in reality if kept up long enough).
It is surprising how many patients who are admitted to tuberculosis sanatoria have beenunderweight for years as a consequence of unfortunate habits of eating.
No wonder that he was twenty pounds underweight or that his mother should be solicitous as to what might happen to her Jack in army life at the Border.
Besides the physical symptoms, there are a whole series of psychic or psycho-neurotic symptoms, the basis of which undoubtedly lies in the condition of underweight as a consequence of undereating.
Indeed, it may be laid down as a practical rule of health that wherever there is no organic disease the condition of beingunderweight is a symptom of undereating.
Dreads are much more common among people who are underweight than among those who eat enough to keep themselves in proper physical condition.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "underweight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.