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Example sentences for "low"

Lexicographically close words:
lovingkindness; lovingly; lovingness; lovly; lovyng; lowance; lowborn; lowd; lowde; lowdown
  1. Between west and south, a long spit, high inland, and falling low till where its sandstone blufflet meets the sea, proves to be the base of a large and formidable reef, which extends in verdigris patches over the blue waters of the bay.

  2. When it is low water in and near the harbour, the flow is high between the Straits of Jobal and the Daedalus Light; and the ebb tide runs out about two points across the narrows, whilst the flood runs in on a line parallel with it.

  3. Before the shower, earth was dry as a bone; shortly after it, sprouts of the greenest grass began to appear in the low places, and under the shadow of the perennial shrubs.

  4. Pommel and cantle are connected by a low seat, a few yards of isthmus; and the three divisions, all strongly marked, bear buildings.

  5. The position is a sandy basin, containing old Bedawi graves, bounded by a low ridge forming a boulder-clad buttress to the Wady, while the circuit of the two may be a mile and a half.

  6. Footnote 5: A famous Low Church divine, a favourite with Queen Caroline, distinguished as a man of science and a scholar.

  7. But, as from the windows the ladies he spied, Like a beau in the box, he bow'd low on each side!

  8. With this, the lady well content, Low curtsey'd, and away she went.

  9. Another, low bending, Apollo thus greets, "'Twas I taught your subjects to walk through the streets.

  10. The candle was burning low in the socket when he rose to his feet, and having gazed cautiously round him, and listened intently, gently undid the fastenings of the door and looked abroad.

  11. The Jew grinned; and, making a low obeisance to Oliver, took him by the hand, and hoped he should have the honour of his intimate acquaintance.

  12. For the combination of both these blessings in the one simple process of picking oakum, Oliver bowed low by the direction of the beadle, and was then hurried away to a large ward, where, on a rough hard bed, he sobbed himself to sleep.

  13. Darkness had set in; it was a low neighbourhood; no help was near; resistance was useless.

  14. Kiss me,” said the child, climbing up the low gate, and flinging his little arms round Oliver’s neck.

  15. Jew, drawing his chair forward, and speaking in a very low voice.

  16. It was not until the two boys had scoured with great rapidity through a most intricate maze of narrow streets and courts, that they ventured to halt by one consent beneath a low and dark archway.

  17. As the old gentleman said this in a low voice, more to himself than to his companion, and remained silent for a short time afterwards, Oliver sat quite still, almost afraid to breathe.

  18. An old woman, too had drawn a low stool to the cold hearth, and was sitting beside him.

  19. The medical gentleman walked away to dinner; and the nurse, having once more applied herself to the green bottle, sat down on a low chair before the fire, and proceeded to dress the infant.

  20. And well they canin manis ire asuage, With soft wordis, discreet and benign.

  21. General with his Captains and Officers were courteously used, so long as they were in the Duke of GUISE his camp.

  22. And so did, from one to another, but none could I abide; there was so many evil savours, and so much noise of prisoners.

  23. That as for you, the pains have been endured; Even so by you, they may, at length, be cured!

  24. All ye that dream of bliss, but live in grief!

  25. A great number, God did strengthen constantly to stand to His Word, to glorify His name, which be praised for ever and ever, world without end!

  26. Well," said he, "my Commission is to the contrary; and may not suffer it.

  27. It's strange a child should work so great annoy; Yet howsoever strange, too truly seen.

  28. Full little knoweth he that hath not proved, What hell it is to love, and not be loved.

  29. He hath served from the beginning of the Band [founded in December, 1539, as the Band of Spears.

  30. Love is disdained, when it doth look at kings; And Love low placed, base and apt to change.

  31. At one o'clock after midnight, I look for them; being low water at the passage over the haven.

  32. The discontentments of the Low Countries did first appear soon after the going away of the Kings of Spain, while the Duchess of PARMA governed.

  33. The French have won Newhaven Bridge, and thereby entered into all the Low Country and the marshes between this [Guisnes] and Calais.

  34. I know the high'st contents From low beginnings be.

  35. No addition could make France so dangerous to us, as that of our Low Countries; for so it were worse, than if the Spaniard himself had them entirely.

  36. The States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, unto all those that shall see or hear these presents greeting.

  37. The low heart must be saved as a card of entry.

  38. He, therefore, leads the ace and then a low trump in order to exhaust trumps from the weak hand.

  39. Whether or not B covers is of minor importance, for the play of a low card does not alter the result of the hand.

  40. The lead of the club suit must come from Y, but if a low heart is led, it will take out Y’s only card of entry.

  41. Playing a low card with a higher card in hand.

  42. Both must have been prior to the Low German population of Lochlan.

  43. From the entrance the first part of these structures is generally a low and narrow passage, growing in width and height from the point where the direction is changed, and terminating in a rounded extremity.

  44. Isle Ewe, and to a low hill and small round loch a full mile due north of Carn Dearg house.

  45. The low range of buildings running round a quadrangle had tall chimneys, and the central house was decorated by a cupola and clock.

  46. In Old Pye Street a few squalid houses with low doorways remain to contrast with the immense flats known as Peabody's Buildings, which have sprung up recently.

  47. At low water some of the points are visible, and it is no uncommon thing to see children, a foot deep in water, clambering upon them.

  48. He was describing in a low voice, but in lively colours, a marauding excursion against the Persians of the evening before, in which he had taken part.

  49. The right one, which keeps the name of Amu Derya, reaches the lake first, but in consequence of its many ramifications it is too shallow, and at low water extremely difficult to navigate.

  50. There was no pass anywhere about of so low an altitude.

  51. I think he is far too low in his estimate.

  52. Only a few dozen yards away they could see the black forms of the malgamiters grouped together under the covert of a low hillock.

  53. At the upper end of the room a low platform served as a safe retreat for sleepy chaperons on such occasions as the annual Ferriby ball.

  54. He rose from his chair with a low and rather pleasant laugh, glancing at the clock as he did so.

  55. He drew Uncle Ben aside, and talked with him for some time in a low voice.

  56. There were a number of cottages, two long, low buildings, and the water-tower.

  57. The inhabitants declared they had never before known such a low stage of water, and earnestly hoped it would not occur again.

  58. It is probable that this estimate was a low one.

  59. The march of the latter was delayed on account of the unprecedented low water in the Missouri, which retarded the boats laden with supplies.

  60. Frequently mules would be offered at a suspiciously low price, with the explanation that the owner was anxious to dispose of his property and return home.

  61. Owing to the distance from market, these animals are generally held at very low prices.

  62. Various stories were in circulation concerning the difficulties of navigation on the Upper Mississippi in a low stage of water.

  63. The furs were purchased of the Indians and trappers at very low rates, and paid for in goods at enormous prices.

  64. There are very few cellars in that part of the country, and the spring-house, as it is called, is used for preserving milk and other articles that require a low temperature.

  65. I find one of these as I descend a low bank to the side of a small spring.

  66. Marianne, daughter of the King of the Low Countries, married, in 1830, Prince Albert of Prussia, the youngest son of Frederick William III.

  67. General Fagel had been the ambassador of the King of the Low Countries in France under the Restoration.

  68. Princess Frederick of the Low Countries is expected.

  69. The shyness of the Queen of the Low Countries is even greater than that of the Duc de Nemours.

  70. On the balcony where I was placed I saw Prince Frederick of the Low Countries, who introduced me to his wife.

  71. He became Minister of the Low Countries at the Court of Frederick William III.

  72. Before withdrawing the new King offered a prayer of considerable length in a low voice on his knees by the coffin.

  73. Princess Marianne of the Low Countries, whom he divorced in 1849.

  74. The King was not quite so ill, and had been able to see Princess Frederick of the Low Countries, his favourite daughter, for whom he had telegraphed, and who had hastened to come to him.

  75. Princess Albert of Prussia was a princess of the Low Countries.

  76. When we are able to perform a complete renunciation of self, we find our burden lightened, and the low and heavy flight of selfishness is replaced by the rapid sweep of outstretched wings, which is a pleasure in itself.

  77. Queen Wilhelmina of the Low Countries was the daughter of King Frederick William II.

  78. Infantry General in the service of the Low Countries.

  79. He is very anti-Russian and anti-English, and went so far as to say that if war should break out the King of the Low Countries ought to make common cause with France.

  80. The two bargemen bowed low in great emotion, and the whole bevy of little ones blew kisses to the beautiful lady in the black dress, whom the steamer was already bearing away.

  81. Lying back in a low wicker chair, beneath a large oak, whose trunk was wreathed with ivy, she read or thought the hours away.

  82. She, as Michel Menko bowed low before her, coldly and almost imperceptibly inclined her dark head, while her large eyes, under the shadow of their heavy lashes, seemed vainly trying to meet the gray eyes of the young man.

  83. Willingly," responded the Japanese, with a low bow.

  84. Gently, hesitatingly, and in a low voice, he at last spoke her name: "Marsa!

  85. In front of the villa was a broad lawn, ending in a low wall with carved gates, allowing, through the branches of the oaks and chestnuts, a view of the hills of Cormeilles.

  86. This made possible the attainment of a very high velocity, with a comparatively low initial pressure and, consequently, with comparatively small strain upon the gun.

  87. For this reason, and because of the low heat in the combustion of pure nitro-cellulose powder, the erosive action upon the gun was reduced to a minimum.

  88. Eller hvad garanterede hende for, at hin gamle, værdigt udseende Dame, som gik i samme Retning som hun, ikke var en Spion?

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "low" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    low voice; low water; lowed thet; lower animals; lower degree; lower down; lower grade; lower house; lower left; lower level; lower levels; lower life; lower mandible; lower orders; lower part; lower parts; lower population and growth; lower rate; lower rates; lower stage; lower surface; lower temperature; lower voice; lowered down; lowered voice; lowest point