Pointing to a clump of black, oily waste hanging from a nearby axle-box, he ordered, "Pull out a bunch of that!
If the rails are hanging together perhaps I could shoot over with that.
The duty of the painter does not end with the hanging off of the finished vehicle.
There was no balcony in St. Clair Hall, but only a sort of little hanging coop up above where the darkies sat, and the fifteen-cent seats were the two back rows of seats on the main floor.
Gilliam shone at cross-examination; he went at Tandy savagely, taking hold like a snapping turtle and hanging on like one.
And agreeably to promise, a band of insurgents came across the ravine at midnight, carried off the bell, and, hangingit on a tree near Zourba, rang the night out.
Why droops my lord, like over-ripened corn, Hanging the head at Ceres' plenteous load?
Fifty yards or more to leeward was a man hanging on to an upturned boat.
Then Denbigh, assuring himself that the key to the cabin was still hanging from a cord round his neck, began to ascend.
Hanging from a coat-hook was an officer's sword-belt.
For some minutes the subs contented themselves by hanging on to the ropes and regaining their breath.
All the rest of her is body, out of which she spins her thread, often hanging suspended by it in the same attitude as when Minerva touched her and transformed her into a spider.
His pale and emaciated body was but partially covered by his wretched tatters; his long hair played about his shoulders, and his glaring eyes and the grizzled beard hanging down before him added to his savage wildness.
Minerva pitied her, as she saw her hanging by a rope.
After them came the carpenters, with their axes in their hands and their toolshanging by their side.
The churls might be easily distinguished by their dress, a long frock of coarse yet snow-white linen hanging down to the same length before and behind, and ornamented round the neck with broidery rudely executed in blue thread.
Smoking lamps, hanging from the ceiling or supported by candelabra, or candles gave a gloomy light by night in the houses, and torches without.
Then, up another ladder, leading higher still, and along a narrow plank, crossing from one side of the stage to the other, over a perfect hanging forest of scenery.
Mr. Gamble at that moment bulged through the portieres, with Polly Parsons hanging to his coat tails.
But I knew, if I could have read it, that it was the face of a hanging judge.
Ashe was standing under the painted sign, buttoned up grimly in black, and with the face of the hanging judge, of which the poet had spoken, plain this time in the broad sunlight.
He saw spiders' webs hangingfrom the wall as large as the sails of a man-of-war.
Madame Boche will not keep her or her sister in the house any longer, because there are always a crowd of men hanging on the staircase.
We are thirteen," she said, much disturbed, as she fancied this to be an additional proof of the misfortune which for some time she had felt to be hanging over them.
Gervaise shook her off and snatched at the long braid hanging from the girl's head and pulled it as if she hoped to wrench it off, and the head with it.
Mme Gaudron alone had nine--dirty, unwashed and unkempt, their stockings hanging over their shoes and the slits in their garments showing the white skin beneath.
The same clothes seemed to be hanging at the windows to dry.
The child looked down on the key hanging on his finger, which he had apparently forgotten.
When he left Spain, two criminal prosecutions are reported to have been hanging over him.
After lying there a year, a party of ruffians broke into the place, forced him into a carriage, and, taking him a short distance from town, executed the summary justice of Lynch law on their victim by hanging him to a tree.
The hanging lamp was shattered as well as several panes of the skylight.
Since he was a youngster he has always had some woman hanging around his neck, usually a rich one.
I'm hanging out here looking after things while Sartorius is away," he added, running his fingers over his unshaven chin.
Ten minutes passed, then up the street chug-chugged a somewhat battered motor-vehicle with the apache hanging on the step.
Besides this clumsy method, Shakespeare had two other substitutes for scenery—the hanging out of a placard, and his descriptions.
Lefébure gives an illustration of a door-hanging now in the Cluny Museum, where we find the French fleurs-de-lys intermixed with Indian ornament.
He leaped towards the sound, and the next moment a piece of the wall-hanging had been torn down, and Dick and the spy were sprawling together in its folds.
In good sooth, it was a man of mine," replied Lord Shoreby, hanging back.
But the Lancastrians, as if they had but waited for a signal, shouted loudly in answer; and began to close at a run upon the barrier, the horsemen still hanging back, with visors lowered.
And hanging in a good quarrel is an easy death, they say, though I could never hear of any that came back to say so.
It was a man hanging from the bough of a tall oak.
Swiftly something flew across the wall and darted through the trees to a close grown corner, a little flare of red-breasted bird with something hanging from its beak.
This she did because she had seen something under it--a round knob which had been covered by the leaves hanging over it.
And this is the ivy the wind blew back," and she took hold of the hanging green curtain.
He was a tiny little shaggy moor pony with thick locks hanging over his eyes and with a pretty face and a nuzzling velvet nose.
It was a curtain of soft silkhanging over what seemed to be some picture.
It was strong enough to wave the branches of the trees, and it was more than strong enough to sway the trailing sprays of untrimmed ivy hanging from the wall.
Do you see that rose-colored silk curtain hanging on the wall over the mantel-piece?
When she stepped to the wall and lifted the hanging ivy he started.
The spirit, left to its own fond logic, remains perfectly ignorant of its natural ancestry and cannot imagine why it finds itself caught in the vice of existence, and hanging like Prometheus on a crag of Caucasus, or like Christ on the cross.
Maritime fortune in its uncertainty has after all not many forms of caprice; its worst tricks are familiar; your life-belt is hanging over your bunk, and you are ready.
So that ye can wipe off old scores by hanging me, it's little ye care how ye do it!
If ye insist on hanging him, ye'll have to hang me with him, or in the alternative I'll go ashore.
If I had known that," he said at last in a thick voice, "you would be hanging from the yardarm of the Encarnacion at this moment.
He was hanging dead in his bonds when I spoke to him before leaving.
The Milagrosa staggered slowly ahead, a gaping rent in her bulwarks; her foremast was shattered, fragments of the yards hanging in the netting spread below.
Their sloop had encountered and had been sunk three days ago by the Santo Nino, and Cahusac had narrowly escaped hanging merely that for some time he might be a mock among the Brethren of the Coast.
I believe that it was nothing but the hope of taking andhanging Captain Blood that made my uncle leave his Barbados plantations to accept the deputy-governorship of Jamaica.
His head-piece was gone, his breastplate dinted, his right sleeve a raghanging from his shoulder about a naked arm.
Smothered in dust and grime, his clothes in disarray, the left sleeve of his doublet hanging in rags, this young man opened his lips to speak, yet for a long moment remained speechless.
The hanging up in the homestead of a white thorn branch procured on May-day was supposed to act as an antidote to the machinations of witchcraft.
Curious Lancashire custom: hanging out a besom when the lady of the house is absent, to announce to bachelor friends that bachelor habits may be indulged in.
Hence the superstition in Germany, and not unknown in England, that the act of committing suicide by hanging creates a storm.
The wild huntsman chases the wood spirits, and he is to be seen at cock-crow returning with the little Dryads hanging to his saddle-bow by their yellow locks.
On Christmas evenings especially, that is to say, at the season of the winter solstice, it is very unsafe to leave linen hanging out of doors, for the wild huntsman's hounds will tear it to pieces.
Now I had an evidence, as I thought, of my salvation from heaven, with many golden seals thereon, all hanging in my sight.
She ran upstairs and found the glasses hanging on the wall in their leather case.
There was plenty of breeze then, you may be sure, and the children had great fun lighting their sparklers and hanging them over the rail to burn.
The clerk turned, his pole upraised, and Dot, who had been hanging over a flour bin nearly empty, slipped.
After burning another match to make sure the way was clear below him, Sanders crawled through the opening in the roof, and hanging by his hands, dropped to the ground.
It was nicely furnished, carpeted, provided with a comfortable bed, and there were ornaments on the mantel over the fire-place, and pictures hanging upon the walls.
As Silas spoke he detached a halter from one of the bridles hanging on the wall, and with it securely bound the arms of his prisoner, who remonstrated earnestly against the proceeding, but never once thought of resistance.
The major was sitting limp and motionless in his chair, his chin resting on his breast, and his hands—which had been relieved of the irons, probably to allow him to retire to rest—hanging by his side.
By these mimic judges he was declared unworthy to be dragged save by his feet, and, his punishment by hanging being reckoned too light, he was roasted in a fire of straw, and presently thrown into the river.
Their earrings were hoop-shaped, and their skirts short and tucked up, and they had embroidered purses hanging at the side.
The weeks of imprisonment passed so rapidly that no one found time hanging heavy on his hands.
The trip to the greatest natural curiosity I ever saw; a cave; hanging cliff; waterfall, etc.
And I don't mind telling you that I was guilty in the second degree of hanging around old Cal's ranch all the time I could spare away from lambing and shearing.
The tall, red ghost of a man burst into the jacal, reaching one hand, shaking like a tule reed, for the lantern hanging on its nail.
Tonia brought it from the red jar hanging under the brush shelter.