Hwang-ho, the Arbus or Arbiso Mountains, which overtop the steppeby some 3000 ft.
Next comes, sharply demarcated from the zone just described, a more or less thin kamish steppe growing on level ground; and this in turn is followed by another very narrow belt of sand, immediately south of Achik-kuduk.
It also has considerable agricultural potential with its vast steppe lands accommodating both livestock and grain production.
Often it seemed to her that from the golden web of the legend some winged figure tore itself free, half a hussar knight with a crooked sabre in his grasp, an eagle-like son of the steppe and of battle.
In the corners of the yard the tall steppe grass grew luxuriantly .
Ten yards away from us all the steppe seemed covered with something gray and undulating, which had the appearance of snow in spring time, just when it is beginning to thaw.
It began to rain, at first slightly, but soon a steady, heavy downpour was falling in streams from the sky, weaving a regular network of fine threads of water that at once hid the steppe and the sea.
The steppe is interspersed with tamarisk jungle and the wild willow, and in the summer with tracts of high grass.
The Pamir Steppe was crossed by Benedict Goës late in the autumn of 1603, and the narrative speaks of the great cold and desolation, and the difficulty of breathing.
Mushketov, the Kalmuck Steppe must be divided into two parts, western and eastern.
The eastern part of the steppe is a plain, lying for the most part 30 to 40 ft.
Some grass (Stipa pennata) and bushes of saksaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) and other steppe bushes (e.
Potanin, was the capital of the Uighur kingdom in the 8th century, and the other was in the 13th century a capital of the steppe monarchy of Mongolia.
The natural question, however, which is forced upon us in reading Professor Nehring's interesting and suggestive work is, where did all these steppe animals live during the earlier part of the Ice-Age?
The presence of Siberian mammals in Europe is said to have been due to the prevalence of a dry steppe climate, but this view is not supported by other evidence.
We left the swamp shortly afterwards, and strode out again across the boundless undulating steppe that stretched away as far as the eye could reach.
Presently, chattering and laughing as we proceeded, we left the wide rolling steppe and plunged into a great wood.
Darkness had fallen upon my soul, and a storm arose within it like the chill whirling wind that swept across the steppe at dead of night.
So there they left him and went off to the drier steppe country and the War in the south with its possibilities of loot.
Then he shut up the maiden and the treasure in a wooden box, and buried it in the sand of the steppe (4).
With that he traced his way back over the steppe to the place where he had buried the box, and dug it out of the sand, not perceiving that the Prince's servants had taken it up and buried it again.
They travelled that day, and the next, and the third also, with nothing but the sky above their heads, and the broad steppe on every side of them.
At last they left the steppeand entered a dense forest, and rejoiced greatly.
Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) This bird is described by some naturalists as a hawk-eagle.
Gavrilo stood gazing after him until he had disappeared in the rain that still fell in fine, close drops, enveloping the steppe in a mist as impenetrable and gray as steel.
The plateau is partly grass land without bush and forest, partly steppe covered with mimosa bush, which sometimes is almost impenetrable.
With the help of the Kipchaks, a Mongol or Turkish race, from the steppe lands to the north of the Caucasus, whom he admitted into his country, David drove the Seljuks out of his domains and forced them back over the Armenian mountains.
Next morning, between dark and dawn, the old woman took her distaff and drove the ox into the steppe to graze.
The thick forests begin to murmur; their sweet voice praises divine wisdom; God's birds sing its glory and the grass of the steppe burns with the incense of the Holy Virgin.
At times thesteppe stretched forth like an oscillating giant .
He recalls the straw-covered hut, the calm and mighty waves of the distant Don, the peace of the steppe purling like a breath from heaven through the tall grasses.
Soon the steppe will be green again, just as it will be back in Russia.
The fresh wind of the steppe whistles about his ears.
The horsemen at once dispersed at a gallop, and the steppe was deserted.
This road was deep in snow, and nearly hidden; but across the steppe were to be seen tracks of horses each day renewed.
Well, would you ever have thought, sir, that the man who guided you to a lodging in the steppe was the great Tzar himself?
All at once, coming from a height about eight versts from the fort, appeared fresh parties of horsemen, and soon the whole steppe became covered with people, armed with arrows and lances.
I long watched the steppeover which his "kibitka" was rapidly gliding.
On reaching its summit they behold a steppeto all appearance; illimitable, almost as sterile as Saara itself.
To get strayed on the inhospitable steppe would be attended with danger, and might result in death.
For midway between the water courses runs a ridge, bisecting the steppe in a longitudinal direction; and on the crest of this is a tree, which can be seen from afar off on either side.