I will furnish a copy of that for Mr. Van Antwerp at any time; but you cannot see it.
Nor does Mr. Van Antwerp appear at breakfast on the following morning, nor again to any person known to this story.
If not fully convinced of her love for Mr. Van Antwerp, she was more than half in love with his mother.
And now she was sitting there, true to herself and her resolution, telling Mr. Van Antwerp all about it.
The man who's engaged to Miss Travers,--Mr. Van Antwerp.
Steven Van Antwerp, with genuine distress and loneliness, went back to his duties in Wall Street after seeing them safely on their way to the West.
Almost any man as rich and independent as Steven Van Antwerp would have gone to the scene and settled matters for himself.
Concealed from them he is following Mr. Van Antwerp, and there can be but one purpose in his coming here,--Nellie.
It was time for Mr. Van Antwerp to come to the wide West and look after his interests; but Mrs. Rayner had ceased to urge, while he continued to implore her to bring Nellie East at once.
Mr. Van Antwerp has simply failed to remember that I had gone several hundred miles farther west; and even had I written on the train twice a day, the letters would not have reached him uninterruptedly.
Griffes's "Three Songs" for soprano and orchestra produced by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, with Marcia van Dresser as soloist.
Many had already written something under the title of "Rip van Winkle," and Walter Damrosch had brought out an opera based on Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter.
Chadwick's overture to "Rip van Winkle" by the Harvard Musical Association, in Boston.
Reginald de Koven's opera "Rip van Winkle" produced by the Chicago Opera Association, with E.
Also two American singers who had made reputations abroad,--Emma Eames and Marie van Zandt.
Production of Dudley Buck's symphonic overture "Marmion" at a concert of American music, given in New York City, by Frank van der Stucken.
The attempt of the Dutch to introduce the true silkworm, the Bombyx mori, took place under the governorship of Ryklof Van Goens, who, on handing over the administration to his successor in A.
President Van Buren had been two years in office, and Mr. Bancroft, the historian, was Collector of the port of Boston.
Is it not very significant, that he should have made so little of the story of Rip Van Winkle?
In the evening there was a general assemblage of the members of the conference at a reception given by Jonkheer van Karnebeek, formerly Dutch minister of foreign affairs, and now first delegate from the Netherlands to the conference.
Staal, by adding to praise of him greater praise for Mr. van Karnebeek, who has been the main managing man in the conference in behalf of the Netherlands Government.
Afterward to Mr. van Karnebeek's reception, meeting various people in a semi-satisfactory way.
All three of these men spoke strongly in favor of our plan for the exemption of private property on the high seas, Van Karnebeek with especial earnestness.
Walked home through the beautiful avenues of the park with Mr. van Karnebeek and Baron d'Estournelles, who is also a charming man.
More surprising was the conversation of Count Munster, he being on one side of me and Mr. van Karnebeek on the other.
In the evening dined with Minister Newel, and had a very interesting talk with Van Karnebeek, who had already favorably impressed me by his clear-headedness and straightforwardness; also with Messrs.
Staal made an excellent speech, as did Mr. van Karnebeek and M.
Early in the morning to a meeting of our American delegation, Mr. van Karnebeek being present.
Stearns got up and went with them, leaving Van and me to smoke in comfort and exchange at our leisure our views of things in general.
When Van and I entered the cosey old room the fun had been started.
Westbrook, of the Fourth, is going to meet us, and possibly Van Sickles will be there.
Hickes read Anna van Schurman's May the Christian Maid be a Scholar?
Spanhemius in which he eulogizes Anna van Schurman as "the utmost Essay of Nature in this Sex.
Anna van Schurman was asking for what she herself had had.
Caspar van Baerle eulogized her as "a second Sempronia, a better Sappho, a new Pallas.
Anna van Schurman's book was translated into English and had a direct influence on the progress of English educational ideals for women.
The immediate follower of Anna van Schurman was Bathsua Pell, better known as Mrs. Makin.
Constantia Grierson who was the first to congratulate Lætitia on her marriage, and who witnessed the cruel treatment the couple received from Mrs. Van Lewen, introduced them to Dr.
An account of her life; a list of her works; her two essays in defense of women, and an account of her relations with Anna van Schurman.
Schroeder van der Kolk also remarked: "I venture to express my conviction that we should rarely err if, in a case of religious melancholy, we assumed the sexual apparatus to be implicated.
The States of Holland under the leadership of Johan van Oldenbarneveldt, took up an attitude of resolute hostility to him, and the States of Holland dominated the States-General.
It has been said that Hobbema did not paint his own figures, but transferred that duty to Adrian van de Velde, Lingelbach, Barendt Gael, and Abraham Storck.
It was secured by the skilful diplomacy of Francis van Aarssens (q.
The early authorities are Karel Van Mander's Het Schilder Boek (1604), and J.
His reign was a struggle between John of Avesnes, the young count's guardian and next heir, and Wolfert van Borselen, who had a strong following in Zeeland.
There are also the penal colonies at Veenhuizen in Drente, which were brought from the Society of Charity (Maatschappij van Weldadigkeid) in 1859.
The full title of the states of Holland in the 17th and 18th centuries was: de Edele Groot Mogende Heeren Staaten van Holland en Westfriesland.