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Example sentences for "order"

Lexicographically close words:
ordeined; ordeineth; ordenance; ordenary; ordenes; orderd; ordered; orderer; ordereth; ordering
  1. Susan and I had no desire to spend our time swimming, even had it been seemly for girls so to do; but during very warm days it would have pleased us much to go down into the water, properly clad, in order to take a bath.

  2. Or was he merely playing a part in Riccabocca's interest; pretending to be the lover, in order to obtain an influence over her mind, rule her through her ambition, and secure an ally against her brother?

  3. The last time I was honoured with a visit from Betty Fye, she meant to favour me with a very large order upon my goods and chattels.

  4. Previous to this, a Capuchin mission had visited Lhassa via Nepaul in 1707, and a few years later, a dozen brethren of that order were established there under Father Horace della Penna.

  5. Even to this hovel Mrs Moodie's English habits of order and neatness imparted something like comfort; but a still greater evil, beyond her power to remedy, was connected with her residence.

  6. Meanwhile, order dinner, and let me and my friend stay to share it.

  7. In order to rest and enjoy, what will content you?

  8. The House of Commons, in order to approach his ideas of perfection, must also cease to be Christian.

  9. The door was open, as it generally was, even during the coldest winter days, in order to let in more light and let out the smoke, which otherwise would have enveloped us like a cloud.

  10. If I wished to know the retreat of Dr Riccabocca, in order to render him a great service, would you confide to me that secret?

  11. The practice is said at Lhassa to have been introduced some centuries ago, in order to check the immorality which was then rampant in the city.

  12. Men speak much concerning the valorous conduct of Queen Margaret, and all which she has done and suffered in order to replace her husband on the throne.

  13. He saw with grief the forces of Hotspur drawn up in order of battle immediately before him, for he knew that he could lend no assistance, and, when the next morning dawned, the armies had joined fight.

  14. The Lady Ela occasionally accompanied her husband in his expeditions, but she preferred the order and dignity of her own well-regulated household to the migrations of the court.

  15. To this succeeded the coming over of the French king, in order to assist the barons, the seeming defection of the earl, the death of John, and the coronation of young Henry.

  16. He relinquished his mail and helmet for the cowl and gown, and became a faithful brother of the order of St. Augustine.

  17. I was thinking, when I took up this programme, there is a certain society of a secret order that has a motto like this: "By these signs we conquer.

  18. We will not dwell upon the loss of pleasures that we have forfeited in order to be present at the class and to spend the requisite number of hours at study.

  19. In a few seconds the next Greyhound arrived, then the rest in order of swiftness.

  20. He was invested with the silver anklet of the Sacred Order of the High Homer.

  21. We mention this error once more, in order to insure its abandonment.

  22. She merely asserts her determination of going to him, and has started privately, that nothing may hinder her; stating nothing about her route.

  23. For a while each seemed to be thinking his and her diverse thoughts.

  24. It must have been foreseen by my mother for some time that this upshot was probable, and Caroline might have told me more distinctly that M.

  25. He expresses both delight and surprise that I have come.

  26. But that might bide till to-morrow, for you must be tired out.

  27. I do not much like this scheme, after all.

  28. Oh Nic,' she cried reproachfully, 'how could you stay away so long?

  29. Christine had soon recovered her composure, but she saw that Mrs. Wake was gloomy.

  30. If I had been a prince, and you a dairymaid, I'd have stood by you in the face of the world!

  31. The boy remained in the hut, confronting the trilithon as if he expected yet more actors on the scene, but nobody else appeared.

  32. But as the order is that one of us must bide, I'll leave 'ee, d'ye hear.

  33. Baptista found a room to suit her over a fruiterer's shop; where she made herself at home, and set herself in order after her journey.

  34. However, the time will pass quickly, there being so much to do in preparing a trousseau for her, which must now be put in hand in order that we may have plenty of leisure to get it ready.

  35. She presides over the treasury, she cuts the Gordian knots, and when the uncontrollables get by the ears at the conventions, she is the one who straightway drags them asunder and turns chaos to order again.

  36. Mrs. Stanton still persisted in her determination not to go to this convention but Miss Anthony cancelled eight or ten lecture engagements, at from $50 to $75 each, in order to be present in person and see that the affair was properly managed.

  37. He turned a grandiloquent, deaf ear; Powell fidgeted and studied his newspaper; she persisted, determined that no man should come between her and her own order for coffee, cornbread and beefsteak.

  38. There was a railway wreck between Louisville and Cincinnati, and he chartered a special train in order that they might keep their engagement at the latter place.

  39. I can not better show my unselfishness than by asking you to forget my honest exertions for equal rights and equal pay for women, and to shut me out of The Revolution in future, in order to bring in again "the apostates.

  40. The Spirit of Truth must have dominion in the mind in order to attain a state of happiness.

  41. In order to reach these crowds, many conventions had been called to meet in this city, among them the two Temperance, the Anti-Slavery and the Woman's Rights.

  42. Well, if in order to please men they wish to live on air, let them.

  43. In order to be entirely relieved from the care of personal adornment, they also cut off their hair.

  44. Miss Anthony called the convention to order and nominated Lucy Stone for president.

  45. We also took with us a considerable quantity of butter (86 pounds) which had been well worked on board in order to get out all superfluous water.

  46. We are now living in marching order on an empty ship.

  47. When both the frames are put in order and the covers on we shall be ready to start afresh and to meet every difficulty, be it lanes, pools, or open sea.

  48. Now and then we would haul in the log-line to see whether it was still in order and to collect whatever the bag might contain in the way of little animals or other objects.

  49. I saw now too clearly that we should never get on in this manner; a change would have to be made, and I decided to camp in order to have a look at the ice northward and consider the matter.

  50. There appears to be a strong drift in the ice here, and it will be better for us to keep east of the south, in order not to drift past land.

  51. We are waiting for good weather in order to get the covers thoroughly dry first, and then stretch them well.

  52. Pettersen welded it together again, and on May 9th the mill was again in sufficiently good order for use.

  53. In order not to do too much at first, but make our joints supple before we began to exert ourselves seriously, we walked for only a few hours the first day, and then, well satisfied, pitched our camp.

  54. This was no easy matter, for the great point was to make the grips high in order to raise the kayaks as much as possible and keep them clear of the ice; and then they had to be well lashed in order to keep their places.

  55. We have not slept much of late, as we have been broken on the wheel, so to speak, by the snow-shoes we had to place under the bag, in order to keep it clear of the pools of water under us.

  56. He had not understood, or had forgotten, in the confusion, the order about going out through the starboard door; he groped his way out on the port side and fell in the dark over the edge of the half-deck.

  57. In order to make sure that the lead should sink, we lowered away the line very slowly, so that it took two hours and a quarter to reach a depth of 3000 metres.

  58. Meanwhile we executed some intricate manoeuvring from floe to floe, always farther east, in order to get round.

  59. In order to distinguish these beacons from others, a small beacon should be erected 4 metres from the larger one in the direction of the magnetic North Pole.

  60. But he brought order into it; he took what was good and, rejecting the false, fashioned it into a workable system.

  61. Their crews were organized into a brotherhood with vows like an order of fighting monks.

  62. In the early morning hour Karl Gustav gave the order to retreat.

  63. Thus once, when harassed by an Admiralty order purposely issued to annoy him, he wrote back: "The biggest fool can see that to obey would defeat all my plans.

  64. In the Dean's employ his organizing genius developed the marvellous skill of the cataloguer that brought order out of the chaos of groping and guessing and blundering in which the science of botany had floundered up till then.

  65. The King gave order to make sail as soon as the gale abated.

  66. It was done in a frolic, but when the tower caught fire and was burned and the holy standard fell, Absalon was quick to see his advantage, and got the King to order a general assault.

  67. King Valdemar knighted five and thirty of his brave men on the battle-field, and from that day the Order of the Dannebrog is said to date.

  68. King Charles, himself a knightly soul and an admirer of a gallant enemy, gave orders to have all Tordenskjold's belongings sent back to him, but he did not live to see the order carried out.

  69. Having made these general observations I will now cite a few of the many facts at our disposal, in order to illustrate the methods and aim of the experimental methods of research.

  70. Just now our first duty is to demonstrate the dependence on external factors in as many forms of plants as possible, in order to obtain a more thorough control of all the different plant-forms.

  71. It is in relation to this second and higher order of educability that the cerebrum of man shows so large an increase of mass and a yet larger increase of effective surface through its rich convolutions.

  72. In order to establish the relative fertility of the different unions in Lythrum salicaria 223 different fertilisations were made, each flower being deprived of its male organs and then dusted with the appropriate pollen.

  73. I cannot here do more than give a brief outline of the theory in order to show how the Darwin-Wallace theory of selection has gained support from it.

  74. And in order to imitate the case of species each of these factors must be acquired by distinct breeds.

  75. If man had not been his own classifier, he would never have thought of founding a separate order for his own reception.

  76. In order to bring about asexual reproduction, e.

  77. When we come to groups of a somewhat higher order we have an interesting history of the evolution of a recent family in the work, not yet completed, of Kidston and Gwynne-Vaughan on the fossil Osmundaceae.

  78. The latter was formed that I might gather home to it, when in musing moods among the mountains, the wild-flowers, in order to their cultivation, and my having something more of a possessory right over them.

  79. In Stuart times the castle gradually fell into decay, until it was finally destroyed by order of Parliament, during the Civil War, lest it should fall into the King's hands.

  80. On the south side of the chancel a black and white marble monument records the memory of that gallant cavalier, Sir Richard Knight, who risked life and fortune in the Royal cause, and was invested with the Order of the Royal Oak by Charles II.

  81. He seemed to have been transported to a region made to order for the Boy Scouts of America.

  82. The yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do.

  83. It was the imprudence which had brought things to extremity, and obliged her brother to give up every dearer plan in order to fly with her.

  84. The gardens and shrubberies would be kept in almost as high order as they are now.

  85. I rode fifty yards up the lane, between the church and the house, in order to look about me; and saw how it might all be.

  86. Her father, instead of giving her an unlimited order on his banker, or even putting an hundred pounds bank-bill into her hands, gave her only ten guineas, and promised her more when she wanted it.

  87. I cried, in order to have the first word, 'what will you take to drive me to Maidy, where I wish to fish?

  88. It was the order of the Chancellor--our man of blood-and-iron.

  89. Now, Grace Hutchison was accustomed to domineer over her father in household matters, such as the care of his person; so it occurred to her that she ought to order this young man to go and look after his cap.

  90. The waters of the lake had been carefully led here and there, in order apparently that they might be crossed by rustic bridges which seemed transplanted from an opera.

  91. Having got to the large BY ORDER at the end, he calmly dismounted the benignant silver spectacles, returned them to the shagreen case, and so to the tail-pocket of his black coat.

  92. For the first time since the minister came to Dour, the kirk-bell did not ring on Sabbath, for the minister was at the other end of the parish setting a house in order whence three children had been carried.

  93. He went in a better way about the matter, in order to prove himself a worthy minister of the parish, taking such a vital interest in all that appertained to it, that no man could take his bishopric from him.

  94. The châlet was built and furnished to the order of a German countess from Mannheim, who, having lost her husband, conceived that the light of her life had gone out, and so determined to dwell in an atmosphere of eternal gloom.

  95. It is said that he always brayed when he had to pass the Established kirk manse, in order to express his feelings.

  96. He had assaulted a man who righteously withstood him in the discharge of his duty, in order to steal that letter back again.

  97. The early worm wishes he had never been advised to rise so soon in order to get the dew on the grass.

  98. The necessary duties were earlier gone about, in order that perfect quiet might surround the farm during all the hours of the day.

  99. On the tenth day they said one mass in the chapel where the body was laid, in order to drive out the Demon which they imagined was got into it.

  100. They cut it very thinne, and sow it with a thred In pretie order like to panes, to serve their present need.

  101. An officer in the Imperial service, from whom we have this relation, went also from Gradiseh, in order to examine personally an affair of which he had heard so much.

  102. Among these is one Yepes who affirms that Henry de Villeine made such a one at Madrid, broken to pieces afterwards by order of John 2.

  103. After he had given order for this building, they cut out vast columns and wonderful stones.

  104. The unhappy man was obliged to lose his head, and the royal order was immediately executed.

  105. In order to preserve the houses and gardens in the neighbourhood of cities, they dig a ditch two feet in depth and as much in width.

  106. Such was the popular opinion, and it must have acted as an incentive to order and cleanliness.

  107. But merry as it was, she found she must go, and the nobleman gave her a large purse, with the order not to open it until she had got into her own house; then he bade one of his servants escort her the same way she had come.

  108. The order of the night--for it was strictly a nightly performance--was to this effect.

  109. Narses had purposely somewhat weakened his centre in order to strengthen his wings, which, as the Gothic cavalry charged, closed round them and poured a deadly shower of arrows into their flanks.

  110. I have mentioned it here in order to complete my statement as to the succession to the throne, but we will now return to an earlier period-to the events which immediately followed Eutharic's consulship.

  111. In order to overcome this difficulty he had a golden plate prepared with the necessary letters perforated in it, and drew his pen through the holes.

  112. Soon after her brother's death she was executed or murdered, by order of her cousin the Catholic reformer, Hilderic.

  113. Theodoric and his ministers may however be praised for that prevalence of order and good government, which enabled the long prostrate agriculture of Italy to spring up like grass after a summer shower.

  114. A century before, another Symmachus had been the standard-bearer of the old Pagan party, and had delivered two great orations in order to prevent the Christian Emperors from removing the venerable Altar of Victory from the Senate-house.

  115. This church was built by order of Theodoric, who apparently intended it to be his own royal chapel.

  116. Few weeks, however, passed, before Amalasuentha was a prisoner, hurried away to a little lonely island in the Lake of Bolsena in Tuscany by order of the partner of her throne.

  117. When the saint had placed all in order at one spot, he often moved on to another, and founded a fresh church there.

  118. These carvings are very much older than the house, and it is believed they were brought from an old castle which Sir William Compton pulled down in order to obtain materials for his house.

  119. The boat is painted of this colour in order to blend with its surroundings and escape notice, and in its bow is fixed a huge gun, often throwing half a pound of large shot at a single discharge.

  120. Charlecote is approached from the road through an ancient gatehouse, a most beautiful and picturesque building which opens upon a courtyard or walled flower-garden, and the whole place is in most perfect order and preservation.

  121. You were the last of your race, with your narrow forehead and the broad ribbon of some high order over your cold heart!

  122. From Spain had come an order from your king that those who desisted were to be pardoned; from Louis of France came the same news by Pointis.

  123. Only, because they should have gone into Cadiz and discharged there, and had instead come to Vigo, much delay happened ere the order for their doing so was given.

  124. With those others pistols were now the order of the day, fired ineffectually at first, while still I and the leader fought hand-to-hand around the room.

  125. These general methods are followed always in one order or another by every good teacher.

  126. To every pupil should be given definite tasks both in the class itself and in the church, in order to arouse effort and make the thought of service habitual.

  127. If, on the contrary, the questions are so phrased as to cause the pupil to think his way out of things known into some newer and higher order of knowledge, it is a valuable exercise.

  128. Everywhere he brought order out of chaos, and made the name of Israel one to be feared by the surrounding nations.

  129. Saul brought something of order out of national chaos.

  130. This order is the order of their activity.

  131. He will insist upon order and industry and will labor assiduously to arouse enthusiasm in the class.

  132. Note how often a boy or girl repeats some new sentence or word or game in order to fix its easy recall.

  133. In what order were the various parts of the land of Canaan conquered?

  134. The second principle is equally important: #There is a natural order in which the powers of the soul should be exercised.

  135. He will seek personal interviews with those of his scholars who have been troublesome in the matter of discipline, and will talk individually with all the members of his class in order to win them to Christ.

  136. This will require that the scholars be advanced from one department to another at proper intervals, in order to meet their changing needs.

  137. In order unto reformation and defence of religion within these three kingdoms, we shall never forget, how solemnly and cheerfully the Solemn League and Covenant was sworn with hands lifted up to the most high God.

  138. This teaching tends to the subversion of social order--the moral order of the universe.

  139. In order therefore to your performing, as you have undertaken, I would put you in mind of several particulars, which you must have much and frequently upon your hearts, and before your eyes.

  140. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "order" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    action; adjust; adjustment; affiliation; algorithm; alliance; allocation; allotment; alternation; analyze; apply; approach; appropriateness; aptness; arrange; arrangement; array; articulate; ask; assign; associate; assort; attack; award; balance; beauty; behest; bespeak; bid; bidding; blackmail; blood; body; book; bracket; branch; breed; brood; brotherhood; call; calmness; case; caste; catalog; category; chain; challenge; charge; church; claim; clan; class; classification; classify; clean; club; codify; collation; collect; colony; command; commandment; commission; commonwealth; commune; communion; community; company; compile; concord; condemn; condemnation; condition; conduct; confession; consideration; consortium; constitution; continuation; continuity; contribution; control; cordon; course; crave; decide; decision; declare; decoration; decorum; decree; defiance; degree; deliverance; demand; denomination; deploy; deployment; descent; desire; determination; determine; diagnosis; dictate; dictum; digest; direct; direction; discipline; disposal; dispose; disposition; distribute; distribution; divide; division; doom; draft; drain; draught; draughtsman; draughty; draw; duty; echelon; edict; edit; enact; engineer; enjoin; equilibrium; estate; euphony; exact; exaction; expediency; extension; extent; extort; extortion; faction; faith; family; fashion; feather; fellowship; file; find; finding; fitness; folk; follower; following; footing; force; form; format; formation; formulation; frame; fraternity; gens; genus; govern; grade; group; grouping; guide; guise; handle; harmonize; harmony; head; heading; health; hierarchy; house; imperative; impose; imposition; impost; indent; index; injunction; instruct; instruction; judgement; kin; kind; kingdom; label; layout; lead; league; level; levy; line; lineage; lines; lineup; list; magnitude; make; manage; mandate; maneuver; manipulate; manner; marshal; matter; means; measure; medal; medallion; method; methodology; mode; moiety; nation; naturalism; naturalness; notice; offshoot; ordain; order; ordering; organization; organize; ornament; pacify; party; pattern; peace; peacefulness; people; persuasion; phylum; pigeonhole; place; placement; pleasure; position; posteriority; practice; precedence; precedent; precept; predicament; prescribe; prescript; prescription; priority; procedure; proceeding; process; procession; proclaim; prognosis; progression; prolongation; promulgate; pronounce; pronouncement; proportion; propriety; quarterback; queue; quiet; quietude; race; range; rank; rate; rating; realism; regime; regiment; regimentation; regularity; regularize; regulate; regulation; repair; report; request; require; requirement; requisition; resolution; rhythm; ribbon; right; rotation; routine; row; rubric; rule; ruling; run; rush; scheme; schism; school; screw; script; sect; section; segment; send; sentence; sept; sequel; sequence; serenity; series; settle; settlement; setup; shape; sisterhood; skipper; society; sorority; sort; space; species; sphere; stage; standardize; standing; star; station; status; stem; stirps; stock; strain; stratum; string; stripe; structure; style; subclass; subdivide; subdivision; subgroup; suborder; succession; summon; symmetry; syntax; system; systematics; systematize; tabulate; tack; tax; taxing; taxonomy; teaching; technique; tell; terminology; tier; title; tone; totem; train; tranquilize; tranquillity; tribe; tribute; trim; type; ultimatum; uniformity; unify; union; variety; verdict; version; warn; warning; way; will; wise; word

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    order administrative; order and; order arms; order business; order came; order for; order from; order from the king; order house; order not; order that; order the; ordered him; ordered his; ordered the; ordered them; ordering them; orderly arrangement; orderly sergeant; orders came; orders from; orders were