Vergniaud suggested that the king should summon four conspicuous members of the Constituent Assembly to his Council, without office, to make up for the obscurity of his new ministers.
The messenger who was to summon Machault was recalled as he mounted his horse.
They sent to summon their leader, but the leader declined to come.
I am not feeling very well, Charlie," Harriet answered queerly, turning a little pale and trying to summon her courage.
Summon your servants and have some one telephone to Harriet's friends.
James's first act on his return to the capital was to summon a Parliament, and a Parliament, of a sort, responded to the summons.
He would summon a Parliament, and at once did so by directing Jeffreys to issue writs convoking that body for the 13th of January.
He was ready now to take the advice which had been tendered him before he started for Salisbury--namely, to summon a Parliament and open negotiations with William.
The first act of the new sovereign was to summon and swear a Privy Council, and to nominate a Ministry.
Emmet's plans for the outbreak in Dublin were matured when Russell, with a trusty companion, was despatched northwards to summon the Ulster men to action.
They were to drive into Tipperary, visit Carrick, Clonmel, and Cashel, and summon the people of those towns to arms.
We are now tending rapidly, under fearful exigencies, to the absolutism which, in a republic, alone can summon the full forces into the field.
Sitting by our cheerless fires, we summonup countless blessings that we could enjoy, if this war were only over.
Lagmann," said Michael Sunlocks, "I wish you to summon both Chambers to meet at the Senate House to-morrow night.
But, thinking of this, and trying to summon up a vision of you as you must be now, it serves me right that I am tortured by fears I dare not utter.
XXVI The great bell, the Borgstorm, rang out on the morrow to summon to the Vierschare the aldermen and the clerks of the court.
Then he caused a bell to be rung to summon his footman and his servants, and when they were all assembled he said to them: "All you that are from the land of Zeeland, women as well as men, listen now to me.
Now summon your attendants, my très beau sire, and have me hanged.
Yet is love a flame wherein the lover's soul must be purified; it is a flame which assays high queens just as it does their servants: and thus, madame, to judge between us I dare summon you.
A good conscience is a continual feast, and I summon high Heaven to be my witness that had I been Homer you had awed the world, another Iliad.
He began to summonhis indignation for a terrific outburst.
So he went on homeward wondering vaguely how Cortlandt would dare to meet his wife, or, if he really found himself mistaken, how he could ever summon courage to look his hosts in the face.
And it is now well-nigh the fitting time to summon the brethren to breakfast in the refectory--Ah!
Let us summon our people, and sally forth upon them.
After this one must allow that it was handsome of the Elder to summon the committee again and point out to them the uncertainty of the Pass By's floating when they got her down to the water.
For my part, I have my hands full just now, and after until the feast, and shall wait until my lord summon me.
For it may be a good thing to summon the rich to frugality, but to compel the poor to hunger and the gallows is not merely inhuman, but dangerous as well.
But what is more foolish than to call me back from a place where I never was and to summon me to the very place I am now in?
If they would summon up the courage to make use of them they might shatter the power of the capitalist at a stroke and free themselves from his domination for ever.
The workman, unless he is well seasoned to it, cannot summon up any energy at all, and he cannot conquer habit, not after months, or even years of the change.
If not, I summon the anti-pragmatist to explain the impossibility articulately.
The ideas around which the satisfactions cluster are primarily only hypotheses that challenge orsummon a belief to come and take its stand upon them.
For almost a year the Diary lay in my desk before I could summon courage to re-read it.
Wish I could press a button and summon papa to do the praying part for me!
I will summon a female slave to attend on your ladyship," said he; "and she will conduct you to the women's apartments.
Slowly the chief magistrate rose, sent to summon an edile, and came forth.
If you resist I willsummon the crowd, then perhaps they will elect to have you crucified.
Our Lord God had to summon Moses six times; me, too, He has led in the same way.
Thus the anecdote of the servant who had been instructed tosummon the visiting English nobleman by tapping on his bedroom door and inquiring, "My lord, have you yet risen?
Of these the first consists of those words which you have at your tongue's end--which you can summon without effort and use in your daily speech.
These constitute your present available stock; in speaking or writing you could, if you kept yourself mentally alert, summon them on the moment.
Never call upon them for volunteers, but like a wise commander summon the individual that can rightly perform a particular service.
The brave Rani is anxious enough to avail herself of Ahmad's services when it suits her convenience; but when he has fallen into a ditch, he might summon the moon to his relief with a surer hope of response.
In despair of being able to induce him to accede to her purpose, the Rani was forced to summon Ahmad Khan to her aid, at a moment when the Mohammedan's humor was deeply offended by her conduct at Kunch.
She bade them farewell until she would again summon them to Darbar.
No," she cried, "the mamelon shall not be captured, while I have a voice to summon men to its defense.
Go quickly," she commanded to one, "into the bazaars andsummon all my people to the courtyard of the palace.
As soon as the king was seated, he called upon an usher to summon the first claimant.
So, without waiting to summon her lizard, she flew across the island and past the dragons till her feet once more touched the ground again.
Summon all the young men in the kingdom to appear before me a month from to-day,' answered the princess; 'and the one to whom I shall give this golden apple shall be my husband.
This was remotely possible, but very doubtful; and Tom impressed on both Gaspard and the nursing sister the most stringent entreaties to summon him on the first symptom.
Being thus ignorant, it was not to be expected that her evidence would be of any value, so at her earnest request Tinkler held his tongue, and forebore to summon her as a witness.
And does he now summon me to its fulfilment, by suggesting the performance of every wickedness which his most foul imagination can conceive?
Be, if thy spirit summon thee to such a mission, the teacher and apostle of the red men.
Peter was conscious that of all the things he ought to feel, he could notsummon one.
He tried to summon back the vividness to his fagged emotions, and gave it up.