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Example sentences for "regimentation"

Lexicographically close words:
regime; regimen; regiment; regimental; regimentals; regimented; regiments; regimes; reginam; regio
  1. We have to be told (since it is not a matter of individual taste) how many flavors of ice-cream may be manufactured; but the regimentation of people is not required.

  2. Regimentation of city life, of industry and commerce, of war, of education and public health followed one after another as the individual human became more and more a cog in a vast social mechanism.

  3. As this arrangement is not to everybody's taste, there must be despotic control; and this control is most effective through regimentation by grades of command.

  4. They have their great campaigns and cosmopolitan systems for the regimentation of millions, and the records of science and progress.

  5. Property has not quite vanished; slavery has not quite arrived; marriage exists under difficulties; social regimentation exists under restraints, or rather under subterfuges.

  6. A social revolution with its stern attendant regimentation would bear most heavily on the relatively undisciplined class of working people.

  7. The first really complete project for a new social order to replace the Normal Social Life was before the world, and this project was the compulsory regimentation of the workers and the complete state control of labour under a new plutocracy.

  8. But while these schemes naturally involved a very great amount of regulation and regimentation of the affairs of the poor, the Fabian Society fell away more and more from its associated proposals for the socialisation of the rich.

  9. Our system of regimentation would largely guard against any such danger and would be an encouragement to honesty.

  10. The Book-binders Brigade--Would furnish us with our registers for the Regimentation Bureau, besides doing our other miscellaneous work of a similar description.

  11. The following are the various branches of the City Colony-- (1) The Regimentation of Labor.

  12. I do not see how it will be possible for us to exclude or ignore this class in our regimentation of the unemployed.

  13. It will at the same time turn its attention to the examination and regimentation of the channels which already exist for the absorption of that labor.

  14. The Regimentation of the Unemployed Section 4.

  15. The regimentation of industrial workers who have got regular work is not so very difficult.

  16. Otherwise the regimentation of society resembled that of all antique civilizations of the militant type,--all action being both positively and negatively regulated.

  17. Commonly the regimentation of family, clan, and larger group appears to be indicated approximately by the placement assumed spontaneously in the idle lounging of peace and plenty.

  18. Quite similar is the regimentation of the family groups as indicated by the correlative privileges and duties as to placement, as well as the reciprocal rights of command and the requirements of obedience.

  19. The raison d’être of the proprietorship and regimentation reflected in the everyday customs is satisfactorily indicated by that totemic feature of the social organization revealed in the face-painting described in earlier paragraphs (pp.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regimentation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    allocation; allotment; array; astringency; austerity; collation; constitution; deployment; discipline; disposal; disposition; distribution; form; formation; formulation; harshness; order; ordering; placement; regimentation; severity; stringency; syntax; toughness