The teachingof the first Reformers is forgotten, or neglected, by their disciples.
Dorco who tried to rape Chloe makes a beautiful end by giving her his pipe and teaching her how to call the cattle and Daphnis back from the raiders' ship.
Mr. Arnold had followed two lines of business from his majority: Teaching through the long winters of New England, and coast trading summers.
What would her father have thought, when teaching his proud daughter horsemanship, if he had been told what use she would make of it?
Almost before she knows she is homeless she has resumed her work of teaching and has a delightful home in a Methodist family.
Nor did the rapid improvement of her associates in this elegant accomplishment, under her teaching and example, escape the notice of their fond parents and of their townsmen, and "The way that tall schoolmarm rides is wonderful!
The teaching of Geography naturally occupies a prominent place in every school curriculum.
I have referred to the subject simply because I think it gives us a hint as to how the teaching of Political Geography might be made most instructive and interesting.
But if it be impossible to ignore History in the teaching of Political Geography, it is just as impossible to exclude from our attention great physical features and characteristics.
The Gopîs were Ṛishis, and the Lord, the Supreme, as a babe isteaching them a lesson.
Hence was it necessary to give a teaching of morality fitted for a more materialistic age, so that even if nations would not believe in the Gods they might still practise morality and obey the teachings of the Lord.
It is not only that you find the same teaching in both religions; but in every other religion of the world the terms of physical love are used to describe the relation between the soul and God.
To them is the teachingthat shall guide them aright.
While teaching there, Father Carroll was sent on a short tour through Europe as tutor to the young son of Lord Stourton, an English nobleman.
It is true that there was not a single word in it about the Jesuits, nevertheless in the stormy debates that it evoked, and in which the most prominent men of the nation participated, there was mention of not one other teaching body.
It was he who demolished the philosophical system of de Lamennais, and at the same time restrained the hotheads of the French provinces from accepting and teaching the new doctrine.
After furnishing their readers with this splendid list of houses of education, the question is asked: "How can we explain this incredible success of the Order as a teaching body?
But as the spirit of the Church is one and indivisible in its teaching of truth, we have to conclude that it cannot teach error when it deals in a solemn manner with a matter of supreme importance.
Hence, it is that I can never help being astounded at their being accused of teaching lax morality.
It is this government monopoly of education in all the Continental countries that constitutes the present difficulty both for the Society of Jesus and for all the other teaching orders.
He had given them a place in the beautiful city he built; but in reality he doubted the sincerity of their belief just as he disbelieved the teaching of the bonzes.
Song say he t'ought it vas some of Pud's foolishment he vas teaching dot pig, und didn't no more look at him for a leetle vile.
You look very well; you have grown a little stouter, but it is becoming; teaching seems to suit you better than the dramatic business.
His affectionate papa hoped, from my experience in teaching and theological training, that my pupil would soon visibly grow in favor with God and man.
From this time, also, the Frenchwoman was present at the history lessons, during which she made herself very troublesome by asking foolish questions and coquettishly endeavoring to turn the tiresome teaching into empty conversation.
We are often told in our day that the athletic ideal is developed to excess, but the teaching of this passage is just the opposite of {16} the modern warning.
How was it possible that after months of public teaching any one could suppose that such problems were in the line of his intention.
It is as if he had written oneteaching to the Galatians, and then crossed it out and written another.
The passage, then, which seems to suggest a doctrine of self-display, is really a teaching of self-effacement.
But that is not the teaching of the Lord's Prayer.
But then enters the extraordinaryteaching of this parable as to the fact of diversity.
Out of the welter of conflicts into which the individual is plunged through his own nature and the nature of the life around him, out of the experience of the race and the teaching of its leaders come ideals.
It may be true that conscience is innate in its potentialities, but whether that is so or not, it is the teaching and training of the times or of some group that gives to conscience its peculiar trend in any individual case.
Since the parent never sees the progeny, and the progeny assume various shapes and have very varied capacities at these times, there can be no possible teaching of what is remarkably skillful and marvelously adapted conduct.
On a basis of innate capacity, conscience arises from the teaching and traditions of the group (or groups).
The teaching of history should, above all, set up heroes for the child to study, admire and emulate.
That is the purpose ofteaching and preaching; the purpose of writer and orator.
The feeling of "right" depends to a certain extent on the kind of teaching in early childhood, but more on the nature of the individual.
The original person is not easily credulous; he applies to traditional teaching and procedure the acid test of results.
Every man is a garden planted with all kinds of seeds; tradition and teaching are the gardeners that allow only certain ones to come to bloom.
In my own teaching I always instruct my students in the technique of memorizing, as follows: 1.
Whether religious teaching is true or not, its great value lies in the happiness and surety of those who believe.
It is because lectures on the whole do not supply enough associations or arouse enough interest that the lecture is the poorest method of teaching or learning.
He paid me sufficient for my board and lodging, which, considering that he was teaching me his trade, was very generous.
I knew no one who played on it; so I set to work, and taught myself to manage it, mother only teachingme how to tune it.
For since the first week in August, I have been teaching the children for Sister; and since we have been here, I go to them every morning instead of their coming to me.
Recent English works have been influenced by the brief Report on the Teaching of Elementary Mathematics, issued by the Mathematical Association (1905); but this is critical rather than constructive.
The Association has also issued a Report on theTeaching of Mathematics in Preparatory Schools (1907).
Young, The Teaching of Mathematics in the Elementary and the Secondary School (1907); D.
King, Report on Teaching of Arithmetic and Mathematics in the Higher Schools of Germany (1903).
On the teaching of arithmetic, and of elementary mathematics generally, see J.
Turnbull, The Teaching of Arithmetic (1903), is more elaborate.
The student who is interested in elementary teaching should consult the annual bibliographies in the Pedagogical Seminary; an article by D.
But if I were to content myself with the enunciation of these dry definitions, I should ill exemplify that method of teaching this branch of physical science, which it is my chief business to-night to recommend.
My own impression is, that the best model for all kinds of training in physical science is that afforded by the method of teaching anatomy, in use in the medical schools.
The ideal of scientific teaching is, no doubt, a system by which the scholar sees every fact for himself, and the teacher supplies only the explanations.
Living in other people's houses, teaching other people's children, obeying other people's orders.
Again and again Claire asked herself this question, again and again she recalled the interview between herself and the headmistress, Miss Farnborough, when the subject of teaching had been discussed.
I chose to take up teachingbecause I wanted to be independent, and I knew my mother would be happier without me during the first years of her marriage; but she is devoted to me, and I know in time she will crave to have me back.
I'll never have the chance if I live in lodgings and spend my life teaching irregular verbs.
In the old days of idleness Claire had been noted for the sunny sweetness of her disposition, but she was already discovering that teaching lays a severe strain on the nerves, and at the end of a week's work endurance seemed at its lowest ebb.
School teaching was plainly out of the question, since two gentlewomen could not exist on a hundred and ten pounds a year.
She herself had been strong enough to refuse a friendship on similar lines, but she had been living a working life for a bare four months, while Cecil had been teaching for twelve years.
I recognised at once that you possessed the true teaching instinct, and to-day you have justified my choice.
Teaching is nerve-racking work, and if you don't get a good spell off, it's as bad for the pupils as yourself.
She also attended the State Normal School in Baltimore, and qualified herself for teaching in the public schools of the State, in which she taught for about ten years in Cecil county, and also in Dorchester county.
Mr. Kimble moved with his parents to the Fourth Election district of Cecil county, in the Spring of 1855, and has been engaged in farming all his life, except two years spent in teaching in our public schools.
She was educated at the Church-side Seminary, at Zion, and at an early age engaged in teaching in the public schools of her native county.
What was the religious condition and teaching of the negroes before the Civil War?
And Sir Anthony protests against the inevitable evils consequent on teaching girls to read: All this is the natural consequence of teaching girls to read.
She ought also to understand the Four first great Rules of Arithmetic; you may make good use of them, in teaching her thereby to keep your Accompts.
But whether at home or in school the teaching included little more than deportment, accomplishments, and housewifery.
Except for governesses in great families and the mistresses of boarding-schools for girls there were no women teachers, hence teaching as an ultimate goal was eliminated as a determining factor in the kind of intellectual work pursued.
Susanna Wesley's ministry to her husband's parishioners was excusable only because her teaching was in the service of the Church.
Mrs. Wesley had a natural genius for teaching and she became the school-mistress of her family.
Cogent in some measure though the argument would be, we must appeal in the first place neither to the poets, nor to our own naturally implanted preferences in womanhood, nor to any teachingthat claims extra-natural authority.
In time to come the great professions of nursing and teaching will more and more engage and satisfy the lives and the powers of Virgin-Mothers without number.
This may be granted without in any degree accepting the deplorable teaching of such writers as Miss Cicely Hamilton, in her book entitled "Marriage as a Trade.
Botticelli speaks across the centuries, and is none other than an earlier voice uttering the words of Coleridge, teaching that a mother is the holiest thing alive.
If, indeed, the teaching of Plato were correct, there would be no purpose in this book.
It has really scarcely anything in the world to do with my trying to make you pay for the teaching to my children of dogmas which I believe, and you deny.
But I could not, without anguish, hear an elegant young woman, with a heart half broken, propose to get her living by teaching music.
I have heard of a lady, whose husband and brother are both in London, who amuses herself in teaching a bird to repeat abuse of the English.
They cannot endure the thought that our minister should so far play the game of 'infidelity' as to take from them the delightful task of teaching Ireland's young idea 'how to shoot.
The most stupid of her priests, equally with the shrewdest of her 'patriots,' are quite alive to the expediency of teaching as fact the fraudulent fables of the 'dark ages.
And I thank you much more for teaching him to read and write and giving up your playtime to get him on.
The girls all had their early teaching at home, so when Minta was thirteen, Miss Allison came from Washington to spend a year, as tutor, to prepare her for school the next fall.
They taught them to say their prayers and prepared their little meals, teaching them "table manners," and they made them play as children should play.
It is no good teaching everything as if everyone was to end as a Professor.
Teaching is one of the things, like golf and hunting, which is exciting to do and pleasant to remember, but intolerable to talk about," he said one evening.
And the reason why I am a Christian is because in Christianity and in the teaching of Christ I feel the influence of it in a way that I feel it nowhere else in the same degree.
My dear Lestrange," said Father Payne, "one would think you were teaching a Sunday-school class!
You want more teachers and better teachers; you want to make teaching a profession which attracts the best people.