But when through our mismanagement or other cause dissension breaks out, then indeed we realize what kind of forces they are with which we have to deal, and of what a wonderful hierarchy of intelligences the body is composed.
No quarter shall be given to hierarchy of Pope or prelate in the government of the Church, to the "commandments of men" in the doctrine of the Church, or to unscriptural rites in the worship of the Church.
What the Presbyterian, who cannot take the Oath of Allegiance without committing himself to the hierarchy of Prelacy?
The "Anti-Christian" hierarchy of Prelacy is implanted in the national constitution and sustained by the whole prestige of the realm.
A man of supple talent and fine tastes, he completely satisfied the desires of a society which, after the storm of the Revolution, opened its salons again and re-established its former hierarchy of rank.
The phrenologist is admitted into the hierarchy of science as an honest, though hitherto an unpractised, and not very successful labourer; the metaphysician, with his class of internal observations, is entirely scouted.
His hierarchy being erected, he next enters on a review of the several received sciences, marking throughout the successful, or erroneous, application of the positive method.
The Puritan fight against the hierarchy was a political necessity of the time, something without which no real and thorough reformation could then be effected.
It then appeared also that in this Reformation there were two forces cooperating,--the sentiment of national independence which would not brook dictation from Rome, and the Puritan sentiment of revolt against the hierarchy in general.
In Geneva, where he studied, he had imbibed at once a hatred to the hierarchy and a love to the new religion, and on his return to his native country had not failed to enlist proselytes to his opinions.
The new constitution of the hierarchy was published in 1560; in addition to the then existing four bishoprics thirteen new ones were established, according to the number of seventeen provinces, and four of them were raised into archbishoprics.
The successful attack upon the hierarchy had awakened a spirit of boldness, and a desire to assail authority in general, and to test laws as well as dogmas--duties as well as opinions.
Civil oppression made religion more necessary and more dear; submission to tyrannical power prepares the mind for a blind, convenient faith, and the hierarchy repaid with usury the services of despotism.
Its monarchs had miserably fallen, their dynasty had collapsed, their name was execrated, the hierarchythat had been their ally and had propped their declining state, had been utterly discredited.
At the top of the hierarchy sits a Grand-Master with the powers and title of M.
Let us turn this ready-made hierarchy to account; and, the better to use it, let us tighten the strings.
In the Germanic countries also this close alliance of hierarchyand chivalry now sought to win influence, but here it met with a strenuous resistance.
And while Mary's father and brother had made it the object of their policy to deprive the hierarchy of all influence over England, she on the contrary reinstated it: she put the power and all the resources of the State at its disposal.
It was precisely in the enterprise against England that the hierarchy concluded its compact with the hereditary feudal state, which was all the more lasting in that they were both still in process of formation.
Between the hierarchy which was striving to perfect its supremacy, and the warlike chivalry of the 11th century, an alliance was formed like that once concluded with the leaders of the Frankish host.
The greatest ecclesiastical usurpation reached by the Romish hierarchy was that of claiming to be the head of the church and the right to prescribe and enforce their doctrines, naming their organization the Holy Catholic Church.
This directs us by analogy, as heretofore explained, to the department of religious affairs; hence the second beast forms an ecclesiastical organization in imitation of the hierarchy of Rome.
Some refer the flood of waters to heresies that arose in, or was connected with, the hierarchy about this time; but in that case how could it be said that it was the serpent that cast it out?
When we enter the Romish hierarchy and search for a man the number of whose name will be six hundred and sixty-six, where could we go more appropriately than to the Pope himself, its authorized head?
To the economics of classes and to the hierarchy of social positions corresponds the psychology of classes.
There has been and there is still in society what we may call a hierarchy of intelligence, sentiments and conceptions.
His place was in the hierarchy of intellect; if he were to be active at all, it must be with the brain.
The danger to the hierarchy was indeed formidable.
With the utmost pomp of a dominant hierarchy above, she has all the energy of the voluntary system below.
William was an infant when the Civil War broke out: and while he was still in his rudiments, a Presbyterian hierarchy and a republican government were established on the ruins of the ancient church and throne.
That which in the monad is lack of a given activity, that which constitutes its subordinate position in the hierarchy of monads, is, in the sphere of material things, inertia.
There is involved everywhere in the idea of Leibniz the conception of subordination; of a hierarchy of forms, each of which receives the law of its action from the next higher, and gives the law to the next lower.
He adds, in a foot-note: "I cannot express my astonishment at a proposition maintained by Bishop Mant and others, that whole hierarchy of Ireland went over to the Reformation with the Government.
But although the Catholic hierarchy were most anxious to prevent outrages against humanity, they were by no means insensible to the outrages against justice, from which the Irish nation had so long suffered.
The coalition between Dissent and the Roman Hierarchy was dissolved.
At the beginning of his career, Mr. Parnell personally was regarded by the Roman Catholic hierarchy with suspicion, if not with hostility.
The Concordat, they alleged, showed rather the abasement of the Roman hierarchythan the re-erection of the Gallic Church.
And the Americans had, and have still, more reason to fear the introduction of a religion that is disagreeable to them, at least as far as bishops and hierarchy go, from a connexion with England, than with any other nation of Europe.
The hierarchy of England is quite as disagreeable to America as that of any other country.
As a result of this complete hierarchy of divine powers the priesthood of Etruria was large, powerful, and of such fame that Etruscan haruspices were sent for from distant places to interpret the sacrifices and the oracles (Livy v.
The absence of any hierarchy or centralised organisation enabled it to spread freely, and the very meagreness of its doctrine, and its freedom from ritual, were also in its favour.
The perfect order consists of the due observance by each rank of the duties belonging to it; there is to be a well-regulated hierarchy in which each understands his function and acts it out.
For the Catholics the divine church coincides with the Roman hierarchy and the Pope.
There are other evils, likewise, attending this hierarchy introduction, which require immediate remedy--the evil of their convents and nunneries.
The hierarchy is not for the use of the Queen's Roman Catholic subjects, but for the Pope and his priesthood's power.