He was for several years honorary secretary of the Halifax branch of the Imperial Federation Leagueand honorary secretary of the Liberal-Conservative Association in Nova Scotia.
She was elected a member of the Central Council Victoria League at London, England, in 1909, and is honorary president of the Daughters of the Empire in Montreal.
He is a member of the Civic Secretaries’ Association in connection with the National Municipal League of America, a member of the National Housing Association, the International City Planning Conference and the American Civic League.
He makes a specialty of commercial law and is a member of the Commercial Law League of America.
He edited the proceedings of the convention of the League in 1910.
She has been prominently identified with the Montreal League for the Prevention of Tuberculosis and was one of the promoters of the Royal Edward Institute in 1909 and an active supporter of various other similar bodies.
She also was one of those who organized the Friendly League of Jewish Women, of which she was the first president.
He is likewise a member of the Business Men’s Leagueand is a director of the Mount Royal Cemetery Company.
In 1909, when the City Improvement League was established, he was selected to become the executive secretary.
During the existence of the Imperial Federation League he was vice president of that organization for Quebec.
Adami was chosen president of the City Improvement League in 1909, and was elected vice president of the University Club in the same year.
After thirty years one may well admit that the Irish land system had to go, and that the Land League was "a sordid revolution," with both the crimes and the excuses of a revolution.
They were not Catholics, most of them, and, so far as they were landlords, the part played by the priests in the Land League agitation tried them sore.
For their league giueth no benefit to themselues, either in free traffike of their owne commodities, or benefit of the French, or other priuilege to the people of both.
He made warres against the French king, in all which this Iames then king of Scots attended vpon him, as vpon his superiour lord, with a conuenient number of Scots, notwithstanding their league with France.
Whereby appeareth that their French league was neuer renewed after the last diuision of their countrie by Osbright king of England.
The Nubians had formed a strong leagueof tribes, and as the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia declined they drove back the Abyssinians, who had already established themselves at Meroe.
In Canada and in the northern United States there was a secret society, known as the League of Freedom, which especially worked to help slaves run away.
Tholosanus, "a dissolution of that league which is between body and soul, and a perturbation of it; as health the perfection, and makes to the preservation of it.
It will be remembered that the Anti-Corn Law League was in the midst of its labors at this time.
Foes without In league with traitor thoughts within; Thy night-watch kept with trembling Doubt And pale Remorse the ghost of Sin?
There are huts, fields, orchards, and streams, and about a league from the foot of the bastion is a large village.
The main body must be a league ahead by this time, and we shall not reach Caracas for hours.
Between these two, therefore, a league was struck, and those hands which had been the instruments of war became now the mediators of peace.
Sometimes two or three of the corvi act as if they had formed a league for the prevention of nest-building on the part of white-eyed buzzards, kites, shikras and other of the lesser birds of prey.
The modus operandi of the leagueis for two or more of its members to hie themselves to the tree in which the victim is building its nest, take up positions near that structure and begin to caw derisively.
Osterman, get as many of the League as are here together at THIS spot, understand.
No, sir; they know theLeague means business this time.
Since early morning the members of the League had put in an appearance and rode from point to point, their rifles across their saddle pommels.
Just what was meant by theLeague the others did not know, but it was something, a vague engine, a machine with which to fight.
Already the balloting was in progress, Osterman acting as temporary chairman on the very first ballot he was made secretary of the League pro tem.
The League went all to pieces, so soon as Magnus was forced to resign.
The Executive Committee of the League held a perfunctory meeting at Los Muertos at which nothing but routine business was transacted.
The League armed for the very purpose of preserving the peace, not of breaking it.
The letter was to the effect that all around Visalia, upon the ranches affected by the regrade of the Railroad, men were arming and drilling, and that the strength of the League in that quarter was undoubted.
The treasurer was making his report as to the funds at the disposal of the League when Lyman arrived.
The League was clamorous, ubiquitous, its objects known to every urchin on the streets, but the Trust was silent, its ways inscrutable, the public saw only results.
Whatever way you take there is a league of bad road.
I ought to have paid them; the farmers likewise contracted to carry the ores to the port at the same rate, which comes to sixpence a league for each mule cargo.
The pit we are now at work at is at the distance of a quarter of a league from Rancas, and at the same distance from Vista Alegre which the Cerro is from these works.
It was evident that they were in league with some receivers of stolen property at Milan, but the ingenious manner in which they disposed of their booty baffled all efforts to discover the identity of the thieves.
Agitation about the relations between England and Ireland were also filling public attention at this time, but most important of all the contemporary movements was the League for the Repeal of the Corn Laws.
While, then, he hoped for high prices he advised the Farmers' League to be on guard.
The Farmers' Leagueleased three warehouses at Savannah, Montgomery, and New Orleans.
Swift negotiations ensued, and a meeting of the executive committee of the Farmers' League was held in Montgomery.
You didn't know it; we were too careful to allow that; and I say frankly you wouldn't know it now if we weren't convinced you were too far involved and the League too discouraged to repeat the dose.
We tried to combine against manufacturers in the Farmers' League of last winter.
Did his aristocratic air prevent his succumbing to the lure of millions and promising the influence of his father and the whole Farmer's League to the new project?
The cause was obviously the unexpected success of the new Farmers' League among the cotton-growers.
The Farmers' League can do the cornering and hold it for higher prices.
About a league above the junction of the two rivers, the latitude was found to be 38 deg.
He let the army run down and preferred to buy Louisiana rather than conquer it, while he dreamed of universal fraternity and was the forerunner of the Dove of Peace and the League of Nations.
He resigned from the Free Trade League because his party was committed to the policy of protection.
Machabees Chapter 8 Judas hears of the great character of the Romans: he makes a league with them.
Machabees Chapter 12 Jonathan renews his league with the Romans and Lacedemonians.
And after this Simon sent Numenius to Rome, with a great shield of gold, of the weight of a thousand pounds, to confirm the league with them.
And he sent ambassadors to Demetrius, saying: Come, let us make a league between us, and I will give thee my daughter whom Alexander hath, and thou shalt reign in the kingdom of thy father.
It appeared, at the distance of a league or two, a vast succession of arches, displaying a broader range of masonry than I had ever before seen.
It is about twenty-seven miles from Paris to Rosay, a small town that is a league from the castle.
The Seine comes winding its way through a broad rich valley, from the southward, having just before run east, and, a league or two beyond due west, our own Susquehanna being less crooked.
A league or two from Boulogne we were met by a half-dozen mounted runners from the different inns, each inviting us to give our custom to his particular employer.
We had been busy in the first watch, as the omens denoted easterly weather; the English bark was struggling along the troubled waters, already quite a league on our lee quarter.
St. Ouen, a league from the barriers, where there was a small chateau that was the property of the crown.
You will smile when I add that we are only a league from the Barrière de Clichy.