The "Mary Ann" bill may be called for by that name and if there is no cross reference in the catalog the untrained assistant in the library, or the stenographer, will never find it.
The catalog should be kept as simple as possible in its essentials.
Books are to be accessioned in the university library and to be entered in its author catalog and stamped with the university library stamp.
This practice of employing full names in a card catalog can still be defended, though with much labor.
At least the names of the subjects in the alphabetical subject catalog should be identical with those of the alphabetical index to the systematic catalog if there is any or the classification of its own library.
Moreover, it is doubtful if many of the departments would find the expected relief in an elaborate author and subject catalog of their collections as they stand.
Catalog has always been too bulky, too costly, too much directed to the buyer for effective personal service.
Even after the new list was begun, it was found impossible to dispense with the "Additions and corrections" lists, as the library catalog grew and expanded.
The station library, like the college library, has its own card-catalog of U.
He stated that the list had been prepared primarily for the use of the Library of Congress in its own catalogand in the work of printing catalog cards for distribution.
The alphabetical subject catalog should have a classed index, as the classed catalog or the shelf list must have an alphabetical index.
The first page of Spencer’s catalog originally located in the front of the book has been moved to the back of the book with the balance of the catalog pages.
The catalog of crime which such a combination engenders is tedious and fulsome.
Write for catalog D and explanation: =VOSE & SONS PIANO CO.
Just one of hundreds of equally attractive things shown in our catalog of Gifts for every member of the family and for every gift occasion.
Our catalog shows hundreds of novel, inexpensive gifts for young and old.
Select from our catalog and make your Christmas shopping a pleasure.
His catalog of the senses (Stanzas 75-79) serves as an example of this power of embellishment at its best.
In order to make this collection of the greatest possible benefit to its patrons, it has been classified and a card catalog of the books has been made in accordance with approved library methods.
This simple curriculum was stated by the catalog to embrace "the course of study in Mathematics, Languages, Sciences, and Belle Lettres which is prescribed in the best colleges and universities.
In all, the last catalog lists more than two hundred half-year collegiate courses of study.
In 1910 the cataloglists three Rigbys, one a student and two members of the faculty.
The first catalog contains the names of no less than nine Keplers as students, six stalwart young men from North Sugar Grove and their three sisters.
In the next catalog it is stated that "a small but good selection of readable and instructive books has been procured," the remainder of the statement being the same as that of the first year.
Coleman, who termed it a useful catalog and "a good reflection of the history of the museum movement at large.
The unpublished catalog is still the property of the Smithsonian Institution Archives, Division of Medical Sciences' Library.
LaWall, who was originally engaged to prepare a descriptive catalog on the exhibit, gave it the title "The Squibb Ancient Pharmacy.
In the same year, Curator Griffenhagen published Early American Pharmacies, a catalog on 28 pharmacy restorations in this country.
In addition, in 1883, he prepared a brief manual of classification of the materia medica collection in the Museum as well as a useful, detailed catalog of informational labels of the individual objects on exhibition.
A good catalog must be an accurate and easily used index of the resources of the library, answering the questions of the readers in the simplest and most direct way possible.
The latter qualities are needed for recording accurately the data of the books so classed, in a bibliographical catalog of a form useful to people of all grades of intelligence.
When the books are purchased and on the shelves, and the catalog is in perfect shape for use, the library is still a riddle to the public.
This fact is the chief argument for a dictionary arrangement in a card catalog where authors, subjects, titles and cross references are arranged in one alphabet, as in a dictionary.
This card is placed in its alphabetical place in the catalog tray.
To a certain extent it was hoped that it would take the place of a printed catalog in some of the smaller public libraries.
The moral to be pointed out is that thecatalog must be good as a first requisite to a library.
In the words of the old comparison, the catalog is the key to the otherwise hidden material buried in books.
Various sections have been organized: the college and reference section, catalog section, trustees' section, library work with children and state library commissions.
The cataloger must constantly bear in mind that the catalog is a machine for the use of the public.
His only recourse would be the catalog and that is not so well adapted to answer such questions.
The first edition of the catalog givs the painters' names only: subsequent editions add the names of the engravers.
This is what is meant by the sentence, "Es wird sogar die Austauschung des einen Kupfers kuenftig versprochen," a statement that corresponds perfectly with the remark in the later Boydell catalog that this promis has been fulfild.
It may be worth while to mention in this connection that the Catalog has a number of errors in the list of these supplementary plates.
The rebound Library of Congress copy, which bears no marks of previous ownership, is listed in the Library catalog of 1878 and presumably was obtained not long before then.
About the same time I found in a catalog of a correspondent of mine at London, a book entitled "Les Trois Imposteurs.
Following the small episode, I was less enthusiastic about revealing my catalog reveries, yet I recovered fully, losing a goodly spirit and gaining a fine sister.
I wrote to relatives, two pen pals, and a girl I had met in Rochester, Mn; it seemed incredible that no one would have written and no catalog or advertisement buffered the disappointing sight of the empty mailbox.
Library School Card Catalog Rules: with fifty-two facsimiles of sample cards.
The number of objects and the objects for which catalog entries exist are accompanied by thousands of color images, which constitute a major feature of the database.
Index to theCatalog (All numbers refer to catalog entries, not to pages) A.
This model of a one-horse plow shows Blount's Daisy steel plow as pictured in the catalog of Henry F.
This arrangement permits expansion and reissue of the catalog simply by adding new entries; and the user of the catalog can easily find everything acquired in any given year.
Catalog of Agricultural Implements and Machines in the Collection In the following catalog the items are listed numerically in the order in which the museum received them, with the earliest first and the latest last.
The list of inventions and discoveries could hardly fit in this narrative, but this catalog of items reflects fairly well what men accomplished in the 19th century.
The Number 25 Eagle Plow, which first appeared in the catalog of the J.
The catalog here presented shows something of the range of items that farmers use and that can be preserved and shown.
The index to the cataloghas several major categories of cross-referenced entries.
In effect, the catalog thus presents an historical account of the development of the museum collection.
By consulting the catalog for the class-number, the book may be looked for in its proper place, thus often saving hunting through the shelves in several classes.
In the history of almost any library the time will come when it will be possible to sort out pamphlets, arrange them properly, catalog such as are worth it, bind them singly or in groups, and incorporate them into the library.
Books may be classified into groups in a catalog or list, yet themselves stand without order on the shelves.
Order slips are made out, arranged alphabetically, and compared with the catalog to see if the books listed on them are already in the library.
The Library Bureau catalog itself is one of the best library aids ever published.
The safest way is to get a printed list of headings and catalogrules and follow them.
Ike was agreeable and explained the uniform discount on the catalog price as we drank at the soda fountain.
I asked, getting Ike Barry's catalog and opening it on the veranda table.
If you will loan me your catalog I'll get an order to-morrow, and won't charge you anything but some smokes.
The Thomas Crane Library has been famous for the excellence of its annotated catalog and for lists of books on special subjects for the use of school children.
The many-sidedness of this catalog points also to the manifold functions of the public library.
To the uninitiated the card catalog is an abomination, an unsolved problem, a delusion and a snare.
I am afraid the catalog has never been made, and never will be, over which the ignorant and indolent will not be perplexed and deceived; and, after all is said, it is to the ignorant to whom the gospel of the public library is specially sent.
His catalog, too, is his own work, and it is perhaps safe to say that no one ever properly appreciates a catalogbut its maker.
Another man came to me to inquire whether we had a catalogof a certain southern society which purported to do hospital work.
Then sell him a catalog at cost price, or better still, at less than cost, and tell him how to use it.
The make-up of such public libraries may be seen from the sample catalog gotten out by the Library Association a few years since, as a typical collection of five thousand books.
Catalog cards for all the articles can be secured from the Library of Congress.
Finally, if possible, subscribe for the Monthly Catalogof Public Documents, which keeps the reading public informed as to what is now being published by the government, how and where the publications can be obtained and the purchase price.
Returning to Leyden, Linnæus was urged by the municipality to remain and rearrange the public flower-gardens and catalog the rare plants at the University.
Cliffort had copies of Linnæus' book and he now insisted that the author should remain, catalog his collection and issue the book with the help of the Plantins, all without regard to cost.
He made a catalog of the flora of England that wrung even from Cambridge a compliment--they offered him the degree of LL.
Linnæus took the lead and soon had the young German helping him catalog the curios.
From the current catalog we derive the following exhibit of the managers and faculty.
As a matter of permanent historic interest it is well to incorporate here the names of trustees and faculty, as given in the catalog for 1917.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catalog" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.