The main console in Command controls everything and nothing can prevent the launch from proceeding unless it's stopped from there.
According to Peretz, the last tests of the telemetry had been completed and the countdown was proceeding without a hold.
At daylight we picked up the buoy, drew the end of the cable on board, spliced it, and at eight o'clock were proceeding toward the island of Negros, laying cable as we went.
It was a more hazardous proceeding than it sounds, for had a heavy squall come up, the boat, with nearly a ton of cable fastened to it, would surely have sunk.
This day Mr. Welch took his leave of me after dinner, as did a young lady of her sister, who was proceeding with my wife to Lisbon.
She was proceeding thus, and from her volubility of tongue seemed likely to stretch the discourse to an immoderate length, when I suddenly cut all short by paying the bill.
Before proceeding to narrate his invasion of that country it is necessary that I should describe, very briefly, the condition of its actual rulers at the time.
There he learned that the rebels had crossed the Ganges with the object of proceeding towards Kalpi.
While proceeding at full gallop, the horseman who held the cord attached to Mr. Landor's handcuffs pulled hard at it to try and unhorse the latter.
Probably the speed at which my animal was proceeding saved me, as the marksman could not take a steady aim.
This seemed so strange a proceeding that we were at a loss to understand his intentions.
Even then we felt hardly safe, for we could hear the sound of the stones rolling down the steep slope, and by the length of time they took to reach the bottom we knew that we were proceeding over a precipice of extraordinary height.
Instead of proceeding by the Lippu Pass, where the Jong Pen was waiting for me with his men, I made forced marches from Kuti in a different direction altogether.
This manner ofproceeding would be very economical.
THE Boy Aviators had just left the mess hall, and were proceeding to the hangars where the No.
Billy and Henri had as yet no inkling of the purpose of this mysterious proceeding in which they were engaged.
Don't think it too much trouble to oblige me by taking a sack with you on your mule and proceedingthither at once.
Three days passed away, and the friends and relatives of Sun came to attend his funeral, when suddenly they heard a sigh proceeding forth from the coffin.
Next day a woman appeared, and said deceased was her husband; that his name was Ho, and that he was proceeding on business with a large sum of money about him when he was killed by Hu.
One day, on such an occasion, he was proceeding thither in company with my late uncle, when suddenly they met Han on the road.
I don't want medicine to cure you with," rejoined the girl, proceeding at once to rub his back and sides with her hand, which seemed to him like a ball of fire.
A very unjustifiable proceeding in Chinese eyes, unless driven to it by actual poverty.
This proceeding is highly improper, but is winked at in a large majority of Chinese betrothals.
Mr. Tung was amazed at all this story, and, on proceeding to the magistrate's yamen, he discovered that the man in charge was the attendant whom he had scolded the day before.
Amongst the modifications of habit slowly proceeding in the village to-day, there are some which should be regarded rather as a final relinquishment of old ways than as a spontaneous forward movement into new ones.
All one afternoon I heard, proceeding from a pig-stye, the voice of an elderly man who was watching an ailing sow there.
John Wilson Croker, who exchange signs with their fingers, showing that theproceeding does not altogether meet with their approval.
Sir," said the unfortunate woman in the letter to her husband to which we have alluded, "the time you have selected for this proceeding is calculated to make it peculiarly galling.
I beg your pardon," interrupted the traveller in gray.
The rest of the party consisted of a gentleman and two old ladies.
Phillippe thrust his fists into his eyes and began to roar--so we walked away.
Major Billy Chronicle with twenty men joined the army; no halt called—still proceeding on.
Cleveland and Herndon so exactly that it scarcely occasioned a halt—proceeding on to Cane Creek of Broad River at a place afterwards called Probit’s place.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Proceeding up the valley of the Horga, many interesting-looking peaks attracted our attention.
After lunch beside the Northingafljot we started for Gilsbakki, proceeding down the lava in the Northingafljot valley.
Opposite the hill and at the end of the range we found Jon and Hannes awaiting us, and as lunch was ready, we had our mid-day meal before proceeding on our way.
After crossing the fjord we skirted it for awhile, proceeding in a northerly direction just at the foot of the mountains, which there came down close to the water's edge.
The first point of interest on the day's journey was the Gothafoss, a fine waterfall on the river Skjalfandafljot, which we reached after proceeding a few miles across some broken lava that was partially covered by a deposit of clayey matter.
Before proceeding to inquire into the singular and significant circumstances of the recent outburst, it may be found interesting to examine briefly the records which astronomy has preserved of similar catastrophes in former years.
Forming towards the point of danger, they observed a column of dust rising in the distance, as of an armed party proceeding rapidly on their track.
The children of Anak presented rather the appearance of assailants proceedingon some promising expedition than of a solitary force wilfully deserting the cause it had espoused.
Proceeding from the palace, Semiramis paused to whisper a few words in the ear of Arbaces.
Before proceeding to sea each cruiser was to have on board not less than two months' supply of salt beef, spirits; suet or sugar and tea in lieu, as well as Scotch barley.
When a vessel was about to arrive at her destination to sink her tubs, theproceeding was as follows.
The tender got under way and was proceeding to her destination when the smuggler-prisoners mutinied, overpowered the Lively's crew, and carried the Lively into Flushing.
Before the first quarter of the eighteenth century was completed, smuggling between England and the Continent was proceeding at a brisk pace, and by the middle of that century it had well-nigh reached its climax for fearlessness.
On this day it happened that his Majesty's frigate Fisgard was proceeding up Channel under the command of Captain Michael Seymour, R.
These passengers would then be put ashore at Portsmouth, and, proceeding by coach to London, thus shortened their sea journey.
They still carry a silk umbrella, and lamps lit at day-time, when proceeding to their synagogue on the 8th day after birth of sons.
That be a better job than ourn, you,' said one of the men, as they watched the bicycle rapidly proceeding ahead.
Others, it is said, areproceeding abroad to retrench.
When the local agricultural exhibition is proceedingand the annual dinner is held he sits at the social board, and presently makes his speech.
If a purchase be effected at either of the auctions proceeding it is paid for by cheque, and, on the other hand, should the farmer be the vendor, his money comes to him in the shape of a cheque.
Throughout the corn-producing district there has been proceeding a gradual shrinkage, as it were, of speculative investment.
A carter comes along perhaps with a loaded waggon from some distance, and as he stays to drink his quart talks of the changes that are proceeding or imminent in his locality.
But the mischief is proceeding all the same, despite that flattering appearance; outwardly the bark looks smooth and healthy, but probe the hole and the rottenness is working inwards.
Again voices were heard, this time proceeding from the women belonging to the bush where I was spending such an uncomfortable evening.
For it is thus that people have been in the habit of proceeding with the marvellous churches of the Middle Ages for the last two hundred years.
The insolence of this proceeding was extraordinary, yet no one noticed it at first, the attention of all being directed elsewhere.
Not one of them had a fire-place to assist in ventilation, which was especially needed, for the passages were filled with a nauseating stench proceeding from the filthy offices immediately below.
They wintered there, and in 1812 travelled to Red River, a proceeding in itself memorable, as from it dates the settlement of the North-West.
The proceeding would be simple and without cost, and it would be productive of good.
Montreal, socially, is now characterized by those features which wealth, proceeding from a long and prosperous commerce, stamps upon a community on this side of the Atlantic.
When you awake you are still proceeding onward on the western journey.
A more important proceeding is the introduction into the House of Commons of a measure to give some of the old tribes self-government.
This station is not far from the southern bend of the South Saskatchewan, where that river makes a detour before proceeding northward to Carlton.
The proceeding was inexplicable until we learned that he had to repair his moccasins before he could start.
The proceeding was doubtless calculated to show the strength of the North-West Company, side by side with the impotent character of Lord Selkirk’s protection.
Proceeding to the south of the Lake he ascended the Red River and reached the Assiniboine.
He had heard of the great river to the west, and he was desirous of proceeding thither.
European writers who have alluded to thisproceeding have dwelt much on the peaceful lives and the quiet, primitive habits of most of those who suffered.