But where a power must be ordeined of newe, and for this to chuse them out of hande, this chosen cannot be made, saving by conjecture, whiche is taken by consideryng their ages and their likelinesse.
As for ensample, if there were ordeined a power of v.
And for that these battailes ordeined thus, marche all one waie, but faight not all one waie, in puttyng them together, those sides ought to be ordained to faight, whiche are not defended of thother battailes.
Extensio, the making lõg of a sillable whych by nature is short, as: This wasordeined by acte, for ordined.
Also in this councell the king ordeined Hugh bishop of Durham, and William Mandeuille earle of Albemarle, lord chéefe iustices of England, hauing deposed Ranulfe de Glanuille from that roome.
About the same time John Bishop of Whiterne in Scotland, suffragane to the church of Yorke, ordeined Geffrey archbishop of Yorke, préest.
All these ordinances with other were decreed and ordeined to be obserued and kept by the counsell, consent, and agreement of the kings of England, France, and Sicile.
Now the king (after he had gathered a great portion of monie, and ordeined diuerse things for the behoofe of the common-wealth, thereby to satisfie the harts of the people) prepared himselfe to saile into Normandie.
His bowels he ordeined to be buried in Poictiers, as in a place naturallie vnthankefull and not worthie to reteine any of the more honorable parts of his bodie.
After that Gurguintus was returned into his countrie, he ordeined that the laws made by his ancestors should be dulie kept and obserued.
Then Haraldus the sonne of Godred Don vsurped the name of a king ouer the islands, hee banished also all the princes of Harald the sonne of Olauus and ordeined his fugitiues to bee princes and nobles in their stead.
In his life time he ordeined his sonne Olauus to be his heire apparant because he onely was borne legitimate.
Haco king of Norway ordeined Magnus the sonne of Olauus king of the islands, confirming them to him and to his heires, and by name vnto Harald his brother.
The king at the same time ordeined also, that the English lawes should be vsed in that land, and appointed shiriffes and other officers to haue the order of the countrie, to rule the same according to the English ordinances.
He ordeined also that the maister of euerie houshold about eight of the clocke in the euening, should cause his fire to be raked vp ashes, his lights to be put out, and then go to bed.
Theodore, and one Sexvulfe that was the builder and also the abbat of the monasterie Meidhamsted, otherwise called Peterborough, was ordeined and consecrated in his place.
Damian, ordeined one Putta a simple man in worldlie matters, but well instructed in ecclesiasticall discipline, and namelie well séene in song and musicke to be vsed in the church after the maner as he had learned of pope Grogories disciples.
This Ercombert was the first of the English kings, which tooke order for the vtter destroieng of all idols [Sidenote: Lent first ordeined to be kept in England.
The third was an Englishman named Trumhere, but instructed and ordeined of the Scots.
After Finan bishop of the Northumbers that held his see at [Sidenote: Colman ordeined bishop.
Winfrid bishop of the Mercies, for his disobedience in some point [Sidenote: Sexvulfe ordeined bishop of the Mercies.
Lindesferne, otherwise called Holie Iland, one Wilfrid, which was sent by king Alcfrid into France, to be ordeined there.
Theodore being first ordeined subdeacon, tarried foure moneths till his heare was growen, that he might haue his crowne shauen after the maner of Peter.
Ne it was nat convenient, ne no nede, to taken help of the foulest spirites; I, that thou hast ordeined and set in swiche excellence that thou makedest me lyk to god.
The schisme also still continued in the church, betwixt the two factions of cardinals French and Romane; for one of their popes could no sooner be dead, but that they ordeined an other in his place.
Wherevpon most men were persuaded in their owne opinion, that by this heauenlie voice he was prouided & ordeined long before to inioy & obteine this kingdome.
A new coine of siluer was ordeined of grotes and halfe grotes, which bare but halfe faces; and some peeces of the value of twelue pense were then stamped, though very few of that sort came abroad.
But the king of England would not deferre one houre by (his good will) till he were reuenged, and therefore prepared a mightie armie to inuade Scotland, and ordeined for cheefteine thereof the lord Daubeneie.
Coell the sonne of this Marius had issue Lucius, counted the first Christian king of this nation: he conuerted the three archflamines of this land into bishopriks, and ordeined bishops vnto ech of them.
He also builded a church on the place where saint Edmund was buried, and ordeined an house of moonks there, or rather remooued the canons or secular priests that were there afore, and put moonks in their roomes.
After whome, one Oswald a noble man was ordeined king, and within 27 or 28 daies after [Sidenote: Holie Iland.
Beside this, he caused a parke to be made and closed by the wood side behind his host, in the which he ordeined that all the carts and carriages should be set, with all the horsses (for euerie man was on foot.
The Spaniards very earlie in the morning drew into the field, and ordeined three battels in this wise.
Sidenote: A statute ordeined by the Scots in fauour of the K.
This coine was ordeined for his wars in France, the gold whereof was not so fine as the noble, which in the fourteenth yeare of his reigne he had caused for to be coined.
It was also ordeined by the aduise of this parlement, that Henrie of Lancaster newlie created erle of Derbie should go ouer into Gascoine, there to remaine as the kings lieutenant.
In this parlement there were statutes also made, that clothes should in length and in breadth through the realme, beare the same assise, as was ordeined in the parlement holden at Northampton.
And (as one author hath written) he ordeined that théeues should suffer death by hanging.
He ordeined also that one length of measuring should be vsed through this realme, which was a yard, appointing it to be cut after the length of his owne arme.
The poore simple Pope obeying this voyce, ordeined =Bonifacius= Pope in his steade, in the yeare of our Lord 1294.
Usure with the riche duelleth, To al that evere he beith and selleth He hath ordeined of his sleyhte Mesure double and double weyhte: Outward he selleth be the lasse, And with the more he makth his tasse, 4400 Wherof his hous is full withinne.
The Monthe unto this Signe ordeined Is Februer, which is bereined, And with londflodes in his rage At Fordes letteth the passage.
In the beginning of his reigne he ordeined that the Lawes of King Edward should be obserued, together with those Lawes which hee did prescribe: but afterwards he commanded that 9.
The Archbishop of Yorke alleadged, that when the Britaines receiued the Christian faith, in the time of Lucius their King Eleutherius then Bishop of Rome, sent Faganus and Damianus vnto them, who ordeined 28.
He ordeined that counterfeitures of money should loose both their eyes, and be depriued of their priuie parts.
And for to goe vnto the great Turke were ordeined these two knights, Sir Passin afore named, and he bare the token of the White crosse: and another of the towne named Robert de Perruse iudge Ordinarie.
Then Sir Gabriel Martiningo ordeined to make repaires within the towne at the front where they did cut the wall, to the end that after the walles were cut, the enemies should know with whom to meet.
Hearing the report and opinions a day or two before of the two lords ordeined to view the defects of the towne, saying that the towne was lost without remedy: considering also that the principalles of the towne would haue appointment.
The queene neuer the lesse incouraged by hir late victorie, with a multitude of northerne people, marched toward London, intending to vndoo all that had beene ordeined in the last parlement.
This present yeare was a parlement holden at Westminster, in the which manie good and profitable acts for the preseruation of concord at home, and defense against the enimies abroad, were ordeined and deuised.
Then rested the whole rule of the realme in the kings hands, wherevpon he studied to preserue the people in peace, and ordeined lawes, [Sidenote: Hen.
A little before his death, he ordeined his last will and testament, bequeathing halfe the portion of all his goods iustlie gotten, vnto such monasteries as he had founded.
In the yéere following, that is to say 732, in place of Wilfrid the second, Egbert was ordeined bishop of Yorke.
Egfrid to be ordeined king in his life time: and shortlie after departing out of this world, left the kingdome vnto him, after he had gouerned it by the space of 39 yeares.
Also to the prouince of Sussex he ordeinedone Bernegus, and to Dorchester for the prouince of Mercia one Cenulfus.
The Danes of Northumberland rebelled against this Edmund, and ordeined Aulafe to [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
And in the yeare 983, the armie of the Danes meaning to inhabit in Northumberland, and to settle themselues there, chose [Sidenote: Guthred ordeined king of Northumberland.
He hath ordeined man to be superior, and that meaneth Chrysostome, saying: then is the bodie in best proportion, when it hath the best gouernor.
Augustine defineth[64] ordre to be that thing, by the whiche God hath appointed and ordeined all thinges.
Know yee that I king Stephan, haue ordeined Henrie duke of Normandie after me by right of inheritance to be my successour, and heire of the kingdome of England, and so haue I giuen and granted to him and his heires the kingdome of England.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ordeined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.