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Example sentences for "pronounce"

Lexicographically close words:
prongs; pronominal; prononce; prononcer; pronoun; pronounced; pronouncedly; pronouncement; pronouncements; pronounces
  1. By these inquisitors the trial was prepared and directed; but they could only pronounce the sentence of the majority of judges.

  2. The corruption of a judge who accepted bribes to pronounce an iniquitous sentence.

  3. It was no other than to summon the great sceptic to their bar, to visit his Inquiry concerning the Principles of Morals with censure, and to pronounce against the author the major ban of excommunication.

  4. For my part, I expect that the next Assembly will very solemnly pronounce the sentence of excommunication against me, but I do not apprehend it to be a matter of any consequence; what do you think?

  5. But each one can learn to understand that it is a mark of culture not to pronounce judgment upon questions with which he is not conversant.

  6. Count, I dare yet pronounce again, thy Sister is not honest.

  7. I do beseech your Lordship, for the wrongs this man hath done me, let me pronounce his punishment.

  8. In this particular, it is an invaluable science, and it is a thousand pities all young women were not magnetised before they pronounce the fatal vows, as not a few of them would probably wake up, and cheat the parson of his fee.

  9. French by the emigration, for he did not know how to pronounce this word piqueur.

  10. Well, friend, do you find the things you need, before you can pronounce the creatur' a duck or a salmon?

  11. I will engage to get the brats acclimated to a fever-and-ague bottom in a week, and not a word shall be uttered harder to pronounce than the bark of a cherry-tree, with perhaps a drop or two of western comfort.

  12. Solon, after having heard Thespis acting (as all the early composers did, both tragic and comic) in his own comedy, asked him afterward if he was not ashamed to pronounce such falsehoods before so large an audience.

  13. And the sanction employed to enforce observance of this law deserves notice, as an illustration of the ideas of the time: the archon was bound, on pain of forfeiting one hundred drachmas, to pronounce solemn curses against every offender.

  14. If the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean.

  15. Hence it is written, "The priest shall sprinkle," and "he shall pronounce him clean.

  16. He alone knew what leprosy was, how it could be put away, and when to pronounce the leper clean.

  17. And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field.

  18. The Jewish sacrifices never reached the conscience of the offerer, and the Jewish priest never could pronounce him "clean every whit.

  19. And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the bird loose into the open field.

  20. It is not said, The leper shall sprinkle and pronounce or imagine himself clean.

  21. If one but partially acquainted with the priest's guide-book--unpracticed in the divine ceremonial happened to see an animal chewing the cud, he might hastily pronounce him clean.

  22. Think before you speak; pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily, but orderly and distinctly.

  23. When you introduce a person pronounce the name distinctly, and say whatever you can to make the introduction agreeable.

  24. There are keen and good critics, just judges of thought and style, who pronounce her the first literary artist among the women of Europe.

  25. The king will not give his judges leave to speak treason, nor have they power to make or pronounce laws against his prerogative.

  26. Presently he came out; but when he essayed to pronounce the customary blessing his lips were dumb.

  27. Yes; I believe it is so the palefaces pronounce his name.

  28. I know not what gives me the boldness to pronounce a word which in France I did not venture to breathe in your ear, and which I have never allowed to pass from my heart to my lips.

  29. He might now be about to charge the jury, or perhaps even to pronounce sentence.

  30. One cannot make a random selection from his pictures and pronounce upon the qualities of his art.

  31. They pronounce much after the Diphthongs, excluding L and R, which in our English Tongue they pronounce with as much difficulty, as most of the Dutch doe T and H, calling a Lobster a Nobstann.

  32. They brought Matthai (to the tribunal) to pronounce sentence of death against him.

  33. On this account the Jews, rejecting the mission of our Saviour, refused to pronounce his name without mutilating it.

  34. At this moment he was not yet sufficiently sure of the disposition of the Emperor Napoleon to dare to risk the great cast; he also wanted time to persuade the pious Hohenzollern to pronounce the "God wills it!

  35. But when we consider how little, outside Beowulf, we know of the Geatic kingdom at all, we cannot pronounce such oblivion impossible.

  36. In face of this we must pronounce the two stories essentially and originally distinct.

  37. We are at the same time in two places; we pronounce words, we hold conversations of which we can not when we wake recover the thread, so strange is their logic, so fugitive the sense, and so fanciful the combination.

  38. At first sight The Ring and the Book appears to be absolutely wanting in that grandeur which, in a composition of such enormous length, criticism must pronounce to be a fundamental and indispensable element.

  39. When they asked her to tell them her own name, she would bend down her head in sorrow and refuse to pronounce it.

  40. The American is rather worse off, for he has to subdue an inward rebellion, and to form even the wish to pronounce some English words as the English do.

  41. It is not even essential to the result of a dispersion of these tribes that the law should pronounce their dissolution as political communities.

  42. The questions on which I have thus ventured to pronounce have had a strong interest for man from the earliest period of his intellectual progress, and have been the subjects of lively discussion and bold speculation in every age.

  43. If this were so, we should be ready to pronounce that he had distinct ideas of space, in the sense now supposed.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pronounce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.