A tabulation of the estimates of casualties and the money cost of the war reveals the enormous price paid by humanity to convince a military-mad Germanic caste that Right and not Might must hereafter rule the world.
The arbitrary power of the military caste of Germany which once could secretly and of its own single choice disturb the peace of the world is discredited and destroyed.
So he resolved that the parish constable would lose caste by disregarding his neighbour's boundaries, and was considering what to do next, when he heard a footstep and short cough on the other side of the wall which he recognized.
It is quite right to be sensitive on these points, and it will have done you no harm to have fancied for forty-eight hours that you had in my judgment lost caste as a gentleman.
The highest like those in the last category, may in the next generation lead to still higher heights or they may maintain their standard of efficiency, or their caste may sink to lower circles.
The reply of the elect to the proud Gentile aristocracy was an ascetic caste established by covenant with the King of kings.
This attitude of the pious caste turned the barbaric aristocrats, in a sense, to democrats.
The saintly hierarchy of India were a caste quite irresponsible to moral laws.
Your coming from the highest ranks of social life, undeterred by the prevailing spirit of caste prejudice, to take commands in the largest negro army ever enrolled beneath the flag of any civilized country, was in itself a brave act.
The caste prejudice now so strong in the country was then in its infancy.
Witness the effect of Caste institutions, Guilds, and family vocations.
Barbarian princedoms, grown decrepit by reason of wars, caste domination, or a sensual and effete culture.
He thought y^t dyd much helpe tocaste downe the fiersnes of their wittes, & tame the wãtonnes of their youth.
An oxe if you pricke hym to harde wyth godes, wyl caste of his yocke, and run vpon hym that pricked hym.
They caste so much mans donge into the childes mouth y^t scarsely he coulde spit, but was cõpelled to swallowe doune a great parte of it.
All thys profite is lost except thou caste seede into the forowe, excepte thou noryshe wyth thy labour this tender plant as it groweth, and as it were make it tame by graffyng.
It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.
The mynde eyther bryngeth forth good fruite, if you caste into it good seede, or if ye regard it not, it is fylled wyth naughtines, whych afterwardes must be pulled vp.
First they seeke for noryshemente that is meete for them, not differyng much frõ mylke, whych yet if it be thrust into the mouthe to muche, either it choketh the chylde, or beynge caste oute defileth hys garmente.
He had, he thought, stepped down from the days of the Grammar School where he belonged with the caste that rules or, at any rate, administers, the caste that sits on velvet and overlooks the mob.
Erberveld was a half-caste agitator who had conspired with certain disaffected natives to launch a revolt, massacre all the Dutch in Batavia, and have himself proclaimed king.
It was a pain to him to feel that he belonged to a caste which had no civic status.
Then, except for the feeling of belonging to a despised caste and the increasing spread of Puritanism, he was at peace with his surroundings.
The old order changes, giving place to new; old caste distinctions are ignored, and he has not as yet had time to learn new mental habits.
Doctor Palfrey was most distinctly of the Brahminical caste and was long an eminent Unitarian minister, but at the time I began to know him he had long quitted the pulpit.
While before the law of the State he was the equal of any other man, caste prejudice prevented him from finding work at his trade of calker; and he therefore sought employment as a laborer.
Surely the weight of all this middle-class common sense would save them from any criminal adventures proposed by a military caste rattling its sabre on state occasions?
Every idea they had was a caste idea, contemptuous in a civil way of poor devils who had other ideas and who were therefore guilty--not by their own fault of course--of shocking bad form.
They know that Europe would be lost if the German Empire, with its policy of blood and iron, with its military caste and tyranny, should become more dominant and stride across the frontiers of civilized States.
The fundamental idea was that the greatest foe of modern states, and especially of republics, is a politicalcaste supported by rights and privileges.
To think a stranger must lose or win caste in Equatoria, on the glance of that Tired-eyed," he mused.
I don't like to see him lose castethat way," the Grey One went on.
I am afraid you would return her to us and sigh for your high-caste Hindoo.
It was not the people of Great Britain which America fought in the War of the Revolution, but the spirit and the ruling caste which then held sway over them.
I should add that there is no difference in the manner of distinguishing the sexes, with the exception that each is numbered apart, and each has a counterpart color to that of the same caste in the other sex.