But in an hour His saying rankled, I began to brood On ways of vengeance, till it seemed at last His life must pay.
There betwixt two rocks she laid her, In the clefts among five mountains, But as yet she brought forth nothing, And no brood as yet resulted.
When the ninth month had passed over, And the tenth month was beginning, Then she writhed about in anguish, And the greatest pain oppressed her, But as yet she brought forth nothing, And no brood as yet resulted.
Seven monarchs' wealth in that castle lies stowed; The foul fiends brood o'er them like raven and toad.
In the upper region of the air there is eternal calm and sunshine, while the clouds brood and crash below.
We had a brood of little chickens, and all died but two of them; I don't know why, I took good care of them.
She just put her head in to say she had taken a new brood off.
Israel, that saw his works of grace, Yet tempt their Maker to his face; A faithless unbelieving brood That tir'd the patience of their God.
Just as a hen protects her brood From birds of prey that seek their blood, Under her feathers, so the Lord Makes his own arm his people's guard.
WHAT can be prettier than a brood of chickens with a good motherly hen, like the one in this picture!
What will you be, some day, when Posey lays eggs, and brings out a brood of little chickens?
Grandma Sherwood, in her soft grey breakfast-gown, beamed happily at her brood of grandchildren, and soon they all gathered round the table.
And there are many other stories of the bitter things he said, and how his displeasure could brood like a cloud over a whole company.
We must not drowse and brood in our own sombre corner, when life is flowing free and full outside, as in some flashing river.
Beulah smiled down at the excited brood of young girls under her charge.
Prescott looked anxiously down at her brood and realized for the first time what a task she had undertaken.
The pride of the hovel is an escutcheon suspended against the wall, in which are emblazoned quarterings of the arms of the Marquis of Caiesedo, and of various other noble houses, with which this poverty-stricken brood claim affinity.
The latter stepped forth intrepidly, like a ruffling hen before her brood when a vagrant dog approaches.
The sage shut himself up in his hermitage to brood over his disappointment; ere he departed, however, he gave the king one more warning to beware of his dangerous captive.
If the queen wishes it, I'll remain, and my husband and my whole brood can come too.
I have not yet quieted the wild brood that dwells in my soul.
So we, who have this fear, brood over it in secret, and in every shifting scene of our national life we look fearfully for those coming events which cast their shadows before.
Thus the time passed, and Zillah was left to brood over her griefs, and to conjecture hopelessly and at random about the future.
Four cunning curly heads cuddled under my wings for protection and slumber, and I saw that I was expected to stoop and brood them, which I did, with a feeling of tenderness and responsibility that I had never experienced in my life before.
Let the little girl personate the hen with her feathery brood of chickens, and her own maternal instinct is quickened, as she guards and guides the wayward motion of the little flock.
Then, as the ray eagerly followed him, the last of that hellish brood disappeared.
The boss cow, when overcome, seems to brood over her disgrace, and day after day will meet her rival in fierce combat.
The frightened hen emitted an anxious cackle and calling her brood together stood on guard.
Will there not spring up from thee a race of traitors, a brood of little-souled liars?
Too proud to retract, too honest to confess, he is turned out of office to brood over his offense.
He waits not long to brood over his miseries, but immediately sets off for London to inform the mind.
During this interval it is employed in incubation, but when its brood is hatched it is seen again, accompanied by a troop of ducklings, feeding in the creeks and marshy places.
The male bird is scarcely less affectionate as a parent: an instance being recorded of one, which, on the death of his partner, completed the period of incubation and reared the young brood by himself.
Another characteristic of the same species is, that all the members of a brood appear to keep much together for several months after they are fledged.
The latter consequently saves them from this impossible task, and, by appropriating to his single use the nourishment intended for a broodof four or five, not only makes provision for his own well-being, but helps them out of a difficulty.
Its food consists of insects of various kinds; but when the smaller fruits begin to ripen, it repairs with its young brood to our gardens, and makes no small havoc among raspberries, currants, and cherries.
The experienced ornithologist, Montagu, suspecting that they were male and female of the same species, undertook to clear up the matter by rearing a brood taken from the same nest.
From the time that a young brood leaves the nest until the next pairing season, father, mother, and children keep together in irreproachable harmony.
The hen bird when surprised with her young brood counterfeits lameness, and runs about in great anxiety, as if wishing to draw attention from her chicks to herself.
Both of these strange birds rear one brood of two young.
It raises one brood of four to six young, usually in some unused chimney.
He has the predatory instincts of that being who loves to call himself the image of his Maker, and more than once has given annoyance, especially last year, when he robbed a damson-tree of a brood of Baltimore orioles.
This winter especially I have been feeding a pair; and there should be finer music in the spring, and a lustier brood in summer.
O for some dear abiding-place of Love, O'er which my spirit, like the mother dove Might brood with warming wings!
To live among the winds and brood upon the waves 1802.
The mob turn'd tail, and he pursued, Till they with heat and fright were stew'd, 70 And not a chick of all this brood But had his belly full!
Your whole brood is turning out to be the kind that pines to be 'in the swim' for itself.
A fussy old hen, with her feathers all fluffed out importantly, was clucking and scratching for a brood of downy yellow chickens, just out of the shell.
We were made welcome, and, the ponies being fed and cared for, we sat down with the farmer and his wife and the small brood of young children, sharing their noonday meal.