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Example sentences for "condemn"

Lexicographically close words:
concurs; concursus; concussion; concussions; condamnation; condemnable; condemnation; condemnations; condemnatory; condemne
  1. When everything was ticketed that Henchard had owned, and the auctions were in progress, there was quite a sympathetic reaction in the town, which till then for some time past had done nothing but condemn him.

  2. Her anxiety not to condemn Henchard while siding with Elizabeth was curious.

  3. For that life gives occasion to the adversaries of our Faith, who are always on the watch like dragons to detect our slightest failings, to condemn us.

  4. If God justifies him, who shall condemn him?

  5. So rash are we in our judgments that we as often as not seize the firebrand by the burning end; that is, we condemn ourselves while in the very act of rebuking others.

  6. Yet it is written: Judge not, and you shall not be judged; condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.

  7. As to Francis, I see every reason to condemn the course he has taken.

  8. He knew, as well as I did, that Mr. Parasyte had been wrong from the beginning; but being in a subordinate position, it was not proper for him to condemn his principal.

  9. Rebellions, either in the school or in the state, are always dangerous and demoralizing; but while we unequivocally condemn the tyrant in our story, we cannot always approve the conduct of his pupils.

  10. Much as we must condemn Marcus Aurelius, we condemn James I.

  11. To destroy the faith of Christians and lay the foundation for the bloodiest war in history would seem enough to condemn Darwinism, but there are still two other indictments to bring against it.

  12. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

  13. During the Restoration and until the Revolution of 1830, it was the sign of a good royalist to praise Rossini's music, and a sign of liberalism to condemn it.

  14. The public did not by any means condemn "Semiramide," but they found it rather heavy, and allowed it to fall.

  15. He cares for him, so as to approve of what he does right, and to condemn what he does wrong.

  16. No one, he says, would more utterly reject and condemn such speculations than Newton, who first rightly explained the motion of Jupiter and of his attendant satellites, about which Science can pronounce her truths.

  17. Who then shall blame His pester'd senses to recoil and start, When all that is within him does condemn Itself for being there?

  18. We do condemn thee to the very block Where Claudio stoop'd to death, and with like haste.

  19. If it were so that our request did tend To save the Romans, thereby to destroy The Volsces whom you serve, you might condemn us As poisonous of your honour.

  20. This milky gentleness and course of yours, Though I condemn it not, yet, under pardon, You are much more at task for want of wisdom Than prais'd for harmful mildness.

  21. If this were play'd upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.

  22. I do condemn mine ears that have So long attended thee.

  23. Condemn the fault and not the actor of it!

  24. It is the law, not I condemn your brother.

  25. Being done unknown, I should have found it afterwards well done, But must condemn it now.

  26. I shall not want false witness to condemn me Nor store of treasons to augment my guilt.

  27. God forbid any malice should prevail That faultless may condemn a nobleman!

  28. I do condemn you, if you will have the truth.

  29. Yet you condemn poor Paul to a life-long connection with that young bounder.

  30. This was the fate which was continually impending over the free man of low estate if he had the misfortune to make enemies among those who had the power to save or condemn him.

  31. The great satirist, Juvenal, though he repeatedly mentions, does not condemn them.

  32. Or wilt thou condemn the Just, the Mighty One?

  33. These ten times have ye reproached me; Ye are not ashamed that ye condemn me.

  34. I should like to set the poor practising it, for their own sakes; and I have half an opinion that it would be good for the rich--if we are to condemn gluttony.

  35. At least, I should not condemn Nevil on account of his correspondence.

  36. She possessed fully the grave judicial spirit of her countrywomen, and could sit in judgement on the personages of tales which had entranced her, to condemn the heroines: it was impolitic in her sex to pity females.

  37. Shrapnel was related by the colonel, with a refusal to condemn Mr. Romfrey.

  38. Many writers condemn in toto the Minie principle and its cup.

  39. The only method in which there is no deception, is the smoke brown or stain; and, plainly speaking, this and no other is the reason the gun-makers condemn it.

  40. The Church did not wish to condemn the efforts of good and simple men to imitate as exactly as possible the life of Christ and the apostles.

  41. No one shall dare to condemn one who appeals to the pope.

  42. Then might not these ragged, ill-kempt vagabonds appear to condemn the Church by adopting a life so different from that of the rich and comfortable clergy?

  43. I will, if fire can be found, publicly condemn and burn the whole papal law.

  44. I know her, and I condemn her, I hate her--God!

  45. You did know it, and God will punish you--God will condemn you!

  46. It is easy for you to condemn smoking and drinking; you have known what life is, but what about me?

  47. If the critics praise me, I am happy; if they condemn me, I am out of sorts for the next two days.

  48. He tried this with the annular eclipse of 1836, with a negative result which has never been accounted for, and which seemed to condemn Brewster's view.

  49. This, for a time, seemed to condemn his theory, and regretfully he laid that part of his work aside.

  50. Condemn the fault, I pray you, and spare my brother.

  51. You are too just to condemn me before hearing me," pleaded he, "he was the only one laid to my charge, and now I am rid of him.

  52. It is not de brigand who condemn you; it is also me.

  53. You also are condemn by me, for you insult me.

  54. England has ceased to be a grievance, except with those who absolutely condemn the endowment of a Church.

  55. This calamity was the result of a carelessness, which it is easy to condemn after the event on the part of some subordinate officials and the workmen employed by them.

  56. Mena let Rameri speak without interruption, and then answered: "You are as frank as your father, and have learned from him to hear the defendant before you condemn him.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "condemn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abuse; accuse; afflict; arraign; attack; bewitch; blacklist; blame; blight; censure; condemn; confound; consume; convict; corrupt; criticize; crucify; curse; damage; damn; decimate; decree; decry; defile; denounce; deprave; desolate; despoil; destroy; devastate; devour; disadvantage; disapprove; dissolve; distress; doom; envenom; excommunicate; execrate; find; gobble; gut; harass; harm; hurt; impair; impeach; impugn; indict; infect; injure; jinx; knock; maltreat; menace; mistreat; molest; order; outrage; pan; penalize; persecute; poison; pollute; prejudice; pronounce; proscribe; rail; rap; ravage; report; reprehend; reproach; reprobate; ruin; rule; savage; scathe; sentence; shipwreck; skin; stigmatize; taint; threaten; torment; torture; upheave; vaporize; violate; waste; wound; wrack; wreck; wrong