Drawing herself up with conscious dignity, Diane spoke as though hurling defiance at some unknown and threatening power.
Madame de Monesthrol sometimes lamented that according to the canons of taste her niece’s eyes ought to have been brown, yet in defiance of all rule they were intensely blue, and shaded by black heavy curling lashes.
When daylight came he showed himself from time to time to lure them on, then yelled defiance and distanced them again.
But as she sat on the bed and stared at her thin thighs, defiance oozed away.
Her defiance ran out in face of his immense flaxen stolidity.
In very defiance of danger, again Lewis pitched his camp beside the Falls, green and foamy as Niagara.
Whether that fierce cry meant defiance or greeting no man could tell.
Year by year the fields increased, and rosy girls stacked the hay in defiance of all Virginian customs across the Ridge.
He proceeded then to remind her of that trying night, when, in defiance of female fears, and laudably regardless of those staid checks and restraints by which her sex would conceal or defend its weaknesses, she had dared to save his life.
III-30] In a deep and lonely canyon near Fort Defiance there is a spring that this tribe hold sacred, approaching it only with much reverence and the performance of certain mystic ceremonies.
But there was much defiance in her eyes, as though she was aware of the trend of his words and was determined to outwit him.
He now threw a glance of challenge and defiance about him.
In the spring of the same year, Gerard Truchses, Archbishop of Cologne, who had lost his see for the love of Agnes Mansfeld, whom he had espoused in defiance of the Pope; took refuge with the Prince of Orange at Delft.
He planted a free commonwealth under the very battery of the Inquisition, in defiance of the most powerful empire existing.
The president then prorogued the meeting till eight the next morning, in defiance of the cries of several members, who called on him to maintain the literal permanence of the sitting.
Finally, in defiance of parental orders, he had left that "beastly hole" and was living at home until his father should turn him out.
Most of the bushes were gay with song, while the birds seemed to laugh in verydefiance of winter when the sun was so warm.
The unexpected defiance on his wife's face confounded him.
But before she could fling back her silent defiance at him, he was gone, without a second glance, or seeking in any manner to soften the insolent rebuke he had dared to convey.
Thrice, in defiance of all warnings from the mariners of Harfleur, did she put to sea, and thrice was she driven back on the coast of Normandy, her ships much damaged.
And judgment greater than Jerusalem's will surely overtake this present evil age with its idolatries, its abominations, its rejection of God's Gospel and defiance of God.
Territorial aggrandizement was the motive of the invasion, besides the wicked defiance of God; but instead God gives them graves in the land of Israel.
Antichrist, yet to come, his shadow cast so sharply in our days, will be the consummation of the greatest departure from God and defiance of God the world has ever seen.
Immediately at the opening the swirl of the struggle is upon us, and the first theme is the defiance of the Titan--a noble yet obstinate melody.
Have you a thousand men at your disposal, and suffer yourself to be set at defiance by a wagon-master?
They did so, indefiance of King John, and left England.
But quickly from afar 5 Defiance breathes with more malignant aim; And alien storms with home-bred ferments claim Portentous fellowship.
She slipped away, and her face seemed to bubble with defiance or laughter; she ran up three steps, stopped, looked at him across her shoulder, and fled on up the stairs.
Night and day he was haunted by the thought: How can I, living in defiance of authority, pretend to authority over my fellows?
His words halted, as though he were apologizing for having at last deviated from the path of virtue, and succumbed, in defiance of sounder principles, to his more natural instincts.
About the Forsytes mingling that day with the crowd of other guests, there was a more than ordinarily groomed look, an alert, inquisitive assurance, a brilliant respectability, as though they were attired in defiance of something.
Mrs. Bellew looked at him hard; the defiance in her eyes changed to a sort of pity.
But at the time it was disquieting in its defiance of modern conventions.
Judging from the facts, Whistler treated Ford badly, but Sheridan Ford acted in defiance of Whistler, and in the Paris edition published an article so vile that papers refused to print it.
To the second Grosvenor in 1878 he sent, in defiance to Ruskin, another series of Nocturnes, Harmonies, and Arrangements.
After this, the appointed psalm was sung to a most incongruous tune, every voice being exerted to its utmost pitch, in absolute defiance of harmony.
This was particularly the case in the state-cabin, occupied by twenty persons: not a table or a chair would remain in its place; every thing rolling about in its own stupid way, in defiance of all rule and order.
He had flung defiance at vested ecclesiastical right and functions, even in the house of one of the stanchest adherents of formalism and authority--a Pharisee.
Even the lepers began flocking in, in defiance of law and custom, and the authorities were beside themselves with anger and annoyance.
This was in defiance of the spirit, if not the letter, of Booth's promises, and Mr. Smith would not connive at what he considered a deception.
Let defiance to them pay mistrust of Thee, And Rome make amends for Calvary!
Instead of injuring that fabric, it has strengthened its foundation so that it cannot be shaken, and has surrounded it with defences, which bid defianceto assaults.