The progression of pleasures is from the distich to the quatrain, from the quatrain to the sonnet, from the sonnet to the ballad, from the ballad to the ode, from the ode to the cantata, from the cantata to the dithyramb.
And this I take to be a great cause that hath hindered the progression of learning, because these fundamental knowledges have been studied but in passage.
There's a rhythmic progression there that starts four measures back, and doesn't end till you swing into those chords.
Guyot says that 'the unity reappears with the creation of man, who combines in his physical nature all the perfections of the animal, and who is the end of all this long progression of organized beings.
He is: but he is also an immortal, and his confidence in unceasing orderlyprogression is rudely dashed.
He managed to tilt the trunk over, and thus gained a length, and by this method of progression arrived at the foot of the stairs, where he halted, and wiped his face, blowing lustily.
Objections to the Theory ofProgression considered.
We might have anticipated a contrary leaning on the part of both, for to what does the theory of progression point?
There are traces," he says, "among the old deposits of the earth of an organic progression among the successive forms of life.
Adolphe Brongniart is probably true, there has been a tendency in the advocates of progression to push the inferences deducible from known facts, in support of their favourite dogma, somewhat beyond the limits which the evidence justifies.
Arguments of modern Writers in favour of Progression in the Animal and Vegetable World.
Progression not a necessary Accompaniment of Variation.
Causes of the Popularity of the Doctrine of Progression as compared to that of Transmutation.
Long have thy forces in confusion whirled In circles through the misty maze of chance; The nations rise and sink in sepulchres, Thy peoples perish in a common grave; Progression dies, perfection errs, Wrong rules the wood and wave.
The hurried order smites the air; Above the silent prairies fair Unseen progression holds her cup, Filled to the brim with magic seeds That harvests hold for human needs.
The progression may not be regular and smooth as is here given,--it may be a jump, possibly even from one to nine.
It may, however, be a slow progression from one stage to another, largely to be determined by the type of mind that is considered, and the opportunities for development along scientific lines which are afforded.
Not until these are all discovered, described, and standardized, the progression noted, and standard progressions outlined, can methods of least waste be adopted.
Under the hazel there is a regular progression of herbs, very plentiful just after the bushes are cut, and decreasing almost to nothing when the end of the growth period of the bushes is near.
No one has a right to find fault on this ground who has read the lessons of natural science, and observed how it points to gradual progression as a characteristic of the doings of God.
From this beginning the succeeding terms of the progression could be determined mathematically.
Having relinquished faith, he found that he must choose an entirely new faith in which to march with reason; the old ways were so cumbered with priests and Bibles, that progression would have been impossible.
By harmony we mean the concordance of several parts; by modulation, their progressionthrough keys.
The complicated problem of accumulation is thus converted into a diagrammatic progression of surprising simplicity.
Not only that the image of a marshalled uniform progressionon both sides, of conformity even in the number of objects brought to exchange, is wearisome, the expansion of capital is nowhere as much as mentioned in the model.
There is not, consequently, any very distinct progression or continuity observable among them, and so far therefore one has to confess that the title 'School of Miletus' is a misnomer.