Hort's arguments for the posteriority of D are mainly of an internal character, and are loose and imaginative, depending largely upon personal or literary predilections.
Conflation, or Conflate Readings, introduced as proving the 'posteriority of Syrian to Western .
As anteriority or posteriority in ideas does not refer to time, so also will the mental conception of anteriority and posteriority not be subject to temporal conditions, but refer to order (which presides over intelligible things).
For instance, on considering a tree's order that extends from the roots to the tree-top, priority and posteriority exists only under the relation of order, inasmuch as the whole plant is perceived at one single glance.
Why is there in us posteriority in respect to time (as we conceive things in a successive manner, while the universal Soul conceives them simultaneously)?
To you, "these three reasons taken together seem to make up an argument for the posteriority of the Syrian Text, which it is impossible to resist.
On the other hand, anteriority and posteriority exist in dimension as well as in numbers.
It may be said that it is that number which, by following number, measures according to the priority and posteriority of that movement.
If movement exist along with the priority and posteriority which relate thereto, why will we not have time without number?
Further, things which stand to each other in order of priority and posteriority seem not to be convertible.
Hence it is that the continuity of movement is according to the continuity of magnitude; and according to priority and posteriority of local movement, as the Philosopher says (Phys.
The twelfth is birth, as a man is begotten of his father; which implies priority and posteriority of time.
For it must be borne in mind that posteriority of collection and incorporation does not necessarily prove a later date of composition.