The most vulnerable point was the section at and about that eminence, and the necessity for supplying Clark with further reinforcements became urgently manifest.
At length on January 5th, Sturt the engineer officer got his instructions to throw down into the ditch a section of the eastern rampart, and so furnish a freer exit than the gates could afford.
The 2000 men holding the King's Garden and the Mahomed Shereef fort had been equipped with scaling ladders, and were to make a false attack which might become a real one, against the western section of the southern front.
The section commanders there were General Hugh Gough in charge of the eastern end of the Behmaroo heights, and Colonel Jenkins from the village down to the Native Hospital and beyond to the bastion at the south-eastern corner.
The section of it from the Babawali Kotul to its south-western termination is known as the Pir Paimal hill, from a village of that name in the valley near its extremity.
In the middle section you have done something new and good; the alternating chords above the pedal-point, rather à la Russlan.
The close becomes very commonplace, and the whole of the section after the end of the second subject (D major) seems to have been dragged from your brain by main force.
At the same time he acted as the propagandist of "The Band" in Moscow, was their intermediary with the Moscow section of the Musical Society, and busied himself with the performance or publication of their works.
After the third and fourth acts I had several calls, but also a few hisses from a section of the public.
The local section of the Musical Society presented him with a bâton, and the musicians gave him a laurel wreath.
The only exception occurs perhaps in the middle section of the first movement, in which there are some forced passages, some things which are laboured and artificial.
The middle section of this piece is a Venetian song, which was sung almost every evening under his window in Venice.
Dedicated to the Moscow section of the Imperial Russian Musical Society.
I have also received a letter from the committee of the Russian section of the Paris Exhibition, which has made me regret my refusal.
The direction of the musical section was confided to Nicholas Rubinstein, but when he resigned, because his scheme was too costly to be sanctioned by the committee, the celebrated 'cellist, K.
Around these leading characters others might be grouped (in the middle section of the work): the monstrous Caliban, the sprite Ariel, with his elfin chorus.
The account of the commercial relations of the Babylonians given in the succeeding section still has full authority, notwithstanding it was written before modern excavations had created the new science of Assyriology.
He crosses the Lower Zab, invades Babylonian territory, and restores a small section of it to Assyria.
The first contains the gifts to the Theban temples, then follows the gifts to Heliopolis, those to Memphis, and those to the smaller sanctuaries of the country; finally, the fifthsection contains the total of all the donations.
There is no other section of the United States where the potter's art was so extensively practiced, or where it reached such a degree of perfection, as within the limits of these ancient Pueblo regions.
He seemed a being from another sphere instead of from another section of the country.
His pail contained four doughnuts, a quarter section of pie, six buttermilk biscuits, six ginger cookies, a baked cup custard, and a quart of cold coffee.
In the archaeological section of the Biblioteca Gambalunghiana of Rimini there may be found a well-preserved pair, each dated 1622.
The 217th section of the To be altered so as to give first recited Act is hereby vestries and district boards repealed, and in lieu thereof be power to make improvement rates.
By the twenty-seventh sectionof the act (23 & 24 Vic.
In section 109, gas companies to be prevented from taking up mains of pipes except for the purpose of substituting new pipes for old, unless by permission of vestries or district boards.
So much or the 141st The committee think the section of the first recited Act numbering should be also as provides that it shall be transferred to vestries, &c.
They descend to no details, enter into no particulars, point out no minor fallacies, argue no questions of the ultimate effect of any one section of the bill.
We have seen how Thomas Reid (section 50) recoiled from the conclusions to which the reasonings of the philosophers had brought him, and tried to return to the position of the plain man.
And, by the argument from analogy which we have already examined (section 41), he inferred the existence of other finite minds and of a Divine Mind.
This I have spoken of before (section 30), but it will repay us to take up again a little more at length the clearest of the ancient forms of materialism, that of the Atomists, and to see what may be said for and against it.
We have a good illustration of the fact that there may be parallel streams of philosophic thought (section 87) when we turn to the Stoics and the Epicureans.
What I am going to say in thissection is closely related to what has been said just above.
Remember the illustration of the "telephone exchange" (section 14).
We have seen (section 49) how men were led to take the step to idealism.
We have seen (section 7) that children, when quite young, can hardly be said to recognize that they have minds at all.
As we have seen (section 12), he meets the doubt with a jest.
In one section of the Philippines, I know, the Chinese pay one peso (50 cents gold) a tree for the nuts and pick them themselves.
Company B was here, in support of a section of the Indiana Mule Battery.
On my section a curious snake or animal was dug out.
There was a large community of people in that section who were intensely Southern in feeling, and mourned the defeat of the cause for which so many noble lives had been sacrificed, with an intense grief.
Murrell, who obtained great distinction as an outlaw in the Southern section of our own country.
Huntington, West Virginia, and a section of the band had paid a visit to, and plundered the bank at Corinth, Mississippi.
These rows of micellae are combined into more or less complex arrangements, so that the cross section of the strand represents the configuration of the idioplasm.
Northward from this point, it extends to Nubia and Abyssinia; but it does not appear that it inhabits the western section of the continent, since it is not heard of in Guinea, or any of the countries on the Atlantic coast.
Hence it is that the study of this section of the mammalia is, perhaps, the most difficult of all; and a true classification of these small quadrupeds has hitherto proved a puzzle to the most expert zoologists.
There are several species of lemmings belonging to the northern section of the Old Continent--in Eastern Russia and Asia.
There is yet a section of the cat family to be described.
Indeed, there is a section of the antelope tribe, called the goat-antelopes, so called on account of this very approximation.
The Temple of the Sun, which is the best preserved of the three, is shown on the Plate facing page 228, and a ground-plan and section is also given.
Goodman, of California, whose essay on the subject has been published as an Appendix to the Archæological Section of the 'Biologia Centrali-Americana.
The accompanying woodcuts show the plan of the mound and Temple marked A (of which a photograph is also given on the following page), and a ground-plan and section of Temple B.
We sold the Arrow today, an' by this time tomorrow we'll be among the missin' in this section of the country.
After traversing this section he encountered a flat, dull plain of sand, hard and smooth, which the horses appreciated, for they traveled rapidly, straining willingly in the harness.
His trail took him into a section which led to the slope which the horses drawing the wagon had taken on the night of the ambush.
We left the ranch and took up a quartersection of land on the Nueces.
Another sectionof our women had arrived with more food, and I went out to the covered way between the receiving room and the operating room, to steal a ride home on the driver's seat of some departing ambulance.
The covenant of the League of Nations constitutesSection I of the peace treaty, which places upon the League many specific, in addition to its general, duties.
As the British section of the line withdrew, the French, in order to preserve this continuity, were necessarily affected.
Failing in this (and Germany had taken into account the possibility of failure), the British were to be forced back through Amiens to the sea, and the split in the armies accomplished by interposing between the parts a section of the seacoast.
The map was developed and kept posted to date daily by the third section of General Pershing's staff, and used by them and other superior officers during active operations for strategical studies and purposes of general information.
Endress, and Muhlenberg were appointed the committee provided for in section five of the report.
The English Report merely states: "All that we can understand from this [Section VIII] is a desire to unite with all denominations.
A further objection to the General Synod was based on Article III, Section V, which provided, among other things, that the General Synod shall take good care "not to oppress any person on account of differences in opinion.
It is pointed out that when the whole of one section of Christendom was organised as a single religious community under the Pope, men did, as a mere matter of historical fact, fight and hate even more bitterly than now.
All of these three then, and the last as emphatically as any, in spite of its comprehending a greater section of human nature, fail to reach their own achievement.
No new article can be produced until it has been approved by the Improvements Section of the Department of Industry and Commerce.
The chief work of the Medical Attendance Section is in connection with births; consequently we employ a number of women doctor-nurses in this Section.
This was the first stage for young persons, and was divided into a section containing 'elementary-general' pictures, and another containing historical pictures.
He had consequently arranged for me to spend the first three days in the Great Meccanian Gallery under the guidance of Specialist Art Section Sub-Conductor Musch.
Dodderer, the Sub-Controller of Public Amusements (Section B); but I do not mind giving you a few facts such as are common knowledge among all Meccanians.
Now we have a carefully thought-out scheme, and although it does not come under my department, but under Section A1, it affords a good illustration of the basis of our system.
It is being conducted by the AEsthetic Section of the Department, but they have not yet reported.
If you ever get it again, it will be in a few years, after it has been translated for the benefit of the Sociological Section of the Ministry of Culture.
It was afternoon when we entered the first section or stage of the Great Meccanian Gallery.
A ramp, the entrance of which was camouflaged by a rotating section of the inner castle wall, gave access to the subterranean passage.
The singing in the background moved further into the distance as the monks shifted to a different section of the building.
Three great spikes jutted along the centre crest of the helmet from the frontal section to the hinges of the fall.