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Example sentences for "articulate"

Lexicographically close words:
article; articled; articles; articular; articulata; articulated; articulately; articulates; articulating; articulation
  1. For years no articulate voice had sounded in his ears.

  2. Anon this humming changed to articulate lamentations as before, and methought I was again wrapt in the dark cloud; but suddenly there came over it a gleam of the most exquisite morning red.

  3. Then he heard a voice like that of soft and articulate music, which pronounced the words, "Forgive, oh Lord!

  4. I could not make any articulate answer to this address.

  5. It seemed to me as if I could distinguish the articulate accents of a most disagreeable broken voice, from which I involuntarily recoiled and shuddered, and which pronounced the words "Brued-er-lein!

  6. The transverse rings of which the body of an articulate animal or annelid is composed.

  7. Let me now illustrate this view by the acquisition of articulate speech and the formation of language.

  8. To what, then, does this conclusion amount, and what is this resultant reality, in as far as we are able to gather it up and articulate its nature from the vague records of our memory?

  9. Philosophy then is an attempt to articulate more vividly the nature of reality than such "reality" can get itself articulated in the confused pell-mell of ordinary experience.

  10. The ultimate duality is embodied in the nature of the gods more richly, more beautifully, more terribly, in a more dramatic and articulate concentration, than it is embodied in our nature.

  11. In thus attempting to articulate and clarify the main outlines of our starting point, a curious situation emerges.

  12. To philosophize is to articulate and express our personal reaction to the mystery which we call life, both with regard to the nature of that mystery and with regard to its meaning and purpose.

  13. As we look back over the travelled road of our attempt to articulate the ultimate secret, there arises one last stupendous question, not to meet which would be to shirk the heaviest weight of the problem.

  14. How, then, for the sake of its contribution to the ultimate rhythm, does the complex vision articulate this mysterious oracle from the feminine principle in life, as it brokenly and intermittently lifts up its voice?

  15. The "I am I" which we then seek to articulate is an "I am I" reached by the negation or suppression of that primordial act of faith which is the work of the imagination.

  16. His compact, prompt, every way articulate character, is in itself perhaps small compared with our great chaotic inarticulate Cromwell's.

  17. La carrière ouverte aux talens: that great true message, which has yet to articulate and fulfil itself every where, he left in a most inarticulate state.

  18. One of my students repaired to the distant telephone to observe the effects of articulate speech, while I uttered the sentence, "Do you understand what I say?

  19. To my delight an answer was returned through the instrument itself, articulate sounds proceeded from the steel spring attached to the membrane, and I heard the sentence, "Yes, I understand you perfectly.

  20. To this succeeds a chapter which considers what electricity stands for as one of the supreme resources of human wit, a resource transcending even flame itself, bringing articulate speech and writing to new planes of facility and usefulness.

  21. And Gwen's voice, with a triumphant ring in it, became articulate above the old man's cry of distress and the low exclamations of the others.

  22. Dan shot one of his almost articulate looks at his companion as they passed on to a narrow stone stair where there was barely room for single-file order up the steep steps.

  23. We represent and imitate all articulate sounds and letters, and the voices and notes of beasts and birds.

  24. Man alone, says Smellie, enjoys the power of communicating and expressing his ideas by articulate and artificial language.

  25. All this was done by the word of God, which is not to be understood of any articulate sound, but of the simple act of his own will; he willed the universe, with all its variety of furniture, into existence.

  26. She herself was scarcely articulate for some time.

  27. She did not know how long it was before the girl became sufficiently, articulate to speak to her.

  28. Then he remembers the cloud of invasion on the horizon, and bids them spell, in its uncouth masses, the articulate name of the Lord (vv.

  29. The kind of sweetness he found in Alma he could never articulate even to himself.

  30. The next thing in importance is to learn how to articulate foreign sounds, singly, in simple combinations, or in long strings of syllables.

  31. To articulate more clearly and deliberately than the average educated native is a mark of inaccuracy, for, as Dr Cummings says, "fluency is an integral part of accuracy.

  32. Our ear-training exercises will be of assistance to us, for it is easier to articulate sounds that we recognize than sounds which have so far been unfamiliar to our ears.

  33. It is more correct to articulate clearly and deliberately.

  34. The student should first be taught to hear and to articulate correctly, then to use sentences, then to make sentences, then to make (i.

  35. At a certain stage, therefore, the learner will be taught how to recognize by eye what he has already assimilated by ear, and how to express with the pen what he has hitherto expressed by means of articulate sounds.

  36. When we are asked to articulate a given string of syllables so many times in so many seconds we are learning to become fluent, to connect sound with sound and syllable with syllable without ugly gaps and awkward hesitations.

  37. Before we call on an individual pupil to articulate a sound or a succession of sounds, let the work be done in chorus on two or more different occasions.

  38. The teacher may have considered it his duty to over-articulate his words, to pause before each word, and to speak under the normal speed of five syllables per second.

  39. As a matter of fact, he is under the impression that he heard you articulate the three syllables, and consequently he reproduces what he thought you said.

  40. The words were accompanied with a half-articulate curse, as he struck at him, blindly, fiercely, and they closed in what seemed a deadly struggle.

  41. If I regard the sequence of noises as a case of articulate speech, their order becomes important--it is a problem to be determined.

  42. In so far as we adopt the conception that thinking is itself a doubt-inquiry process, must we not deny the claims of all of the three doctrines to be the articulate voicing of the methods of experimental science?

  43. It must represent articulate sounds, but faithful representation is wholly a matter of carrying the mind to the same outcome, of exercising the same function, not of resemblance or copying.

  44. Organs of articulate sound did not proclaim the union of our hearts; for untoward circumstance allowed no opportunity for the expression that hovered on our lips.

  45. She perceived me, and looked up enquiringly; her half glance of hope was misery; the words died before I could articulate them; I felt a ghastly smile wrinkle my lips.

  46. Lastly, by dropping the second or vowel element the same symbol, further modified or not, becomes a letter representing the sound m, that is, one of the few ultimate elements of articulate speech.

  47. He became the worthy and articulate voice of musical opinion in and beyond one of the English capitals of the art.

  48. As it was, being without philosophic training, but deeply sensitive to any new, articulate and daring voice, as well as perfectly at home in German, he found in Nietzsche a liberating and refreshing power.

  49. The harmony is full of dreamlike beauty, and here and there accents of extraordinarily eloquent appeal give that impression (so frequent with Wagner) of music trembling on the verge of articulate speech.

  50. His anger and humiliation had rendered him incapable of any more articulate form of speech.

  51. At the moment articulate speech was impossible.

  52. There are also formed from this plate two carpals to articulate with digits 3 and 4; while in the foot the corresponding elements articulate respectively with the third digit, and with the fourth and fifth digits.

  53. Mr. Spencer's task, the unification of all knowledge into an articulate system, was more ambitious than anything attempted since St. Thomas or Descartes.

  54. It shows a want of appreciation as to the real bearings of our problem, if philosophers appeal to the fact that children are born without language, and gradually emerge from mutism to the full command of articulate speech.

  55. He possessed likewise the faculty of giving more articulate expression to the rational conceptions of his mind.

  56. As the result of a comparison of the human with the animal kingdom, Professor Müller remarks that, 'no one can doubt that certain animals possess all the physical acquirements for articulate speech.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "articulate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    articulate language; articulate sounds; articulate speech