As I told you last week, I hope to be coming over again to see you soon--quite soon, in fact.
He's coming over with an irresponsible sort of man, and accidents do happen so easily that in the present day one can't be too careful.
The Germans have a nasty habit of coming over at night, flying low and turning their mitrailleuse on the roads which they know are crowded with wagons carrying material.
From behind a nearby rising ground come forth a group of men in blue, who will reach me before the officer who is coming over there.
Gas iscoming over now in shells, dozens of them; I must put on my mask.
And of course you know about your mother's idea of coming over here to settle?
Philip iscoming over himself, I see," Madelene said.
I was just saying to Miss Shepherd,” Jo said, coming over to me, “that you and I have been fast friends since you were born.
I laid out in London a good part of the thousand pounds for goods, and got as much by them in Philadelphia as nearly defrayed the families' expenses of coming over.
He keeps saying, coming over, coming over, and when Feda asked 'Soon?
I want you to know that when first I came over here, I thought it a bit unfair that such a lot of fellows were coming over in the prime of life, coming over here.
And now, having stripped myself of all, and thrown myself at my Sovereign’s feet, shall enemies or accusations prevail against demonstration, to make my intent of coming over to be held suspect?
And now it appears that I settled the State before my coming away, and that there grew no dangerous consequence by my coming over.
And now, having said enough for the consequence and opportunity of my coming over, I desire to know why my coming should be suspiciously apprehended.
And I know she put a stop to my coming over to her wedding.
You warn the Italians, blow up the dam and run for the hills, planning to meet our own men who’ll be coming over them at that time.
And we’ll be quite a parachute force dropping behind their lines on the opposite hill from the ones the Rangers will be coming over.
And I feel a little bit the same way—but I don’t believe in not ducking when a shell’s coming over.
The people of England are much impressed with our speed in coming over.
On guard to prevent the men of the two ships (our own and the Florizel with the Newfoundlanders) coming over to visit each other.
Mr. Garratt is coming overto his dinner on Sundays, and we shall sit there in the afternoon--if we are not taking a walk.
He was scarce out of the house when Nancy appeared from the garden, coming over to the place I sat to put her hand on my shoulder.
Coming over to the duke she put one of her hands on his breast and stood looking up at him out of those gray eyes of whose power she was not unconscious.
And you must sleep all you can, because the very first meal you can sit up for, Helen is coming overto have with you.
I talked to her over the telephone and she knows nothing at all about Rosanna, but she is coming over at once.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coming over" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.