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Example sentences for "company"

Lexicographically close words:
companionless; companions; companionship; companionships; companionway; companye; companying; compar; comparable; comparaison
  1. I was with my wife's grandfather and her aunt, and in the company of friends I had long wished to see.

  2. For the old adage is wonderfully true, "You may tell a man by the company he keeps.

  3. Have they full possession of you, and do they share your company in turn?

  4. You urge me to recite my speech before a company of my friends.

  5. So I pass the whole day in the company of Saturninus.

  6. Though the Buddha was occasionally kind to the sick, no such picture is drawn of the company about him and persons afflicted with certain diseases could not enter the order.

  7. The Buddha is walking along the high road from Râjagaha to Nâlanda with a great company of disciples.

  8. One was a sawmill owner; another served the Hudson Bay Company in the northern wilds; the third was a young, keen-eyed American, quick in his movements and concise in speech.

  9. Turn it over to a company strong enough to exact good terms from the American producers or, failing that, to work the wells.

  10. His career had been a humble one, but it had taught him self-reliance, and when he was thrown into the company of men brought up in a higher station he was not surprised that they accepted him as an equal and a comrade.

  11. During his illness he insisted on his nephew's company whenever the nurses would allow it, and when he began to recover, he again begged him to remain at Sandymere.

  12. Why don't you make your offer to some company floater or stockjobber?

  13. The company will pay my commission on any orders I get at the settlements, but this is my venture, not theirs.

  14. The negro-driver always tried to insinuate himself into the good opinion of Georgiana and the company that she brought.

  15. The company then quietly withdrew, showing that the preacher had some influence with his people.

  16. The company had been in the woods but a short time ere they got on the track of two fugitives, one of whom was Jerome.

  17. The auctioneer once more resorted to his jokes, and concluded by assuring the company that Isabella was not only pious, but that she could make an excellent prayer.

  18. This was the first evening that Jerome had been in her company since the night when, to effect his escape from prison, she disguised herself in male attire.

  19. After a march of eight days, the company arrived on the banks of the Ohio River, where they took a steamer for the place of their destination.

  20. If a dinner-party was in contemplation, or any company was to be invited, after all the arrangements had been talked over by the minister and his daughter.

  21. At confession, they prompted the people to believe "that the wines of the company were not fit for the celebration of mass.

  22. They assailed it from their pulpits; and one of their popular preachers made himself conspicuous by impiously exclaiming, "that whoever joined that company, would have no part in the company of Jesus Christ.

  23. Commerce next engaged his attention; he established a company to trade to the East and China, the old sources of Portuguese wealth.

  24. The Oporto Wine Company had no sooner come into existence, than its benefits were felt in every branch of Portuguese revenue.

  25. He established a great company for the Brazil trade.

  26. But the question, whether the country is yet fit to bear the abolition, is settled by the fact, that the wine-growers are complaining of ruin, and that the necessity of the case is now urging the formation of the company once more.

  27. The company had the privilege of purchasing all the wines grown within a particular district at a fixed price, for a certain period after the vintage.

  28. Her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness.

  29. Now the conversation and company of wisdom are found in contemplation.

  30. Thirty of the ship's company being sick, they, with me, were compelled to leave the ship, and forced to proceed on shore to the hospital.

  31. Opposite the west gate of the citadel are barracks and a convenient hospital for the company's soldiers, and at the other end is a mint where the company coin gold and silver.

  32. After the company had withdrawn to their evening refreshments, I amused myself with walking on the solitary poop.

  33. On the 20th December we sailed from Bengal bound to Madras, in company with the Honourable Company's ship Marquis of Wellington.

  34. We sailed from Bengal in company with the Hon.

  35. They brought such things as might be wanted by the ship's company and officers.

  36. Company's ship Princess Charlotte of Wales, and that he would be glad of his company on the morrow.

  37. As soon as we had discharged all our cargo, and the ship was docked, the ship's company and officers were sent to Butcher's Island.

  38. Fashion has relegated them to the sideboard or to the top shelf, where the old-fashioned, high silver cake basket keeps them company in exile.

  39. Several private touch marks were registered at Pewterers' Hall, but these, together with important records that the company had compiled, were destroyed in the great London fire of 1666.

  40. All of these may bear the printed name of the town, since members of the company which traded in them resided at that place.

  41. For a long time this company or guild controlled the manufacture and sale of the ware in England, and during the days of its greatest influence it did much to improve the quality.

  42. The history of pewter making in England might almost be said to be that of the London Guild or Worshipful Company of Pewterers, so closely is the ware allied with it.

  43. The new company was a leader in colonial clock manufacturing for a number of years, until competition brought the prices of clocks down to five and ten dollars.

  44. Company K was drilling on the wide plateau between the camp and the highway when the ambulance bearing the afflicted officer came slowly over the road worn through the greensward.

  45. In response to this a stripling, in the most extraordinary costume, came out from the impedimenta of the company with a springy step and consequential air.

  46. Now we're in Jeff Davis's land," Barney called out from one of the rear files, as the company reached midway in the bridge.

  47. Jack was sergeant of the guard that night, and it was in the group of sentries awaiting their relief every two hours, re-enforced by his tent-mates of Company K, that these learned dissertations on war were carried on.

  48. He hurried to the spot and Nick saluted him with the cry-- "Here, Jack, are two recruits who declare they must enter Company K.

  49. One evening when it was known that orders had come for the regiment to march, Jack, having formed the company for parade, received a paper from the captain's orderly to read.

  50. The orderly sergeant is to the company what the adjutant is to the regiment.

  51. We do want to, and we're going to come into Company K.

  52. All of Company K, and many in the others, had enlisted on his word, and he could not in honor leave them.

  53. Company K watched them as they galloped back, and as they reached the group at the head of the long line, a half-mile or so distant, a body of men hastened forward laden with stretchers and hospital appliances.

  54. He saluted respectfully, recognizing, with a thrill of joy, old Red Top, as the company called Sherman.

  55. The cronies of Company K listened in delight to his exposition of the action.

  56. My quest for stuff suitable to exercise my handicraft on led me into the spare, or company room, where I found material to my liking.

  57. She'd have to have talents or we'd part company pretty pronto, I'm telling you.

  58. I was going to catch him in company and trap him into boasting about loving to sleep in a snowdrift and then I was going to call him Eskimo, which should have been good for a laugh every time it was spontaneously sprung on a fresh audience.

  59. Having had this great principal fact firmly implanted in my consciousness, I shortly thereafter embarked in congenial company upon the auction-room life upon which already I have touched.

  60. I remember all our best people favored bird's-eye maple for the company room.

  61. Policies effected with this Company for the whole term of life, when they have acquired an adequate value.

  62. Under the management of Mr. Krebs, a remarkable Dane, this company beat off the Pacific Mail Company from the China trade, and actually purchased their ships.

  63. East India Company for a rental of L10 per annum.

  64. This steamship company is worth noting as an evidence of what Japanese enterprise is doing.

  65. Upon one of this coral group the Pacific Mail Company has deposited 3,000 tons of coal and a large amount of mess pork as a reserve supply in case any steamer should be disabled.

  66. We made an excursion to the famous iron and steel works of the Schneider Company at Creuzot.

  67. The company also had the attendance of two dukes; but these were Lord Granville's compeers only in title.

  68. We have just finished, in company with our friends, a three-days' excursion to Paestum, embracing the famous drive along the coast to Amalfi.

  69. One of our company has kindly shown me "some things in waves" which I have always passed over before.

  70. Father Brown, of the small church of St. Mungo, come out smoking a large pipe in company with a very tall French friend of his called Flambeau, who was smoking a very small cigarette.

  71. It was he who ran the great Tyrolean Dairy Company in London, with no dairies, no cows, no carts, no milk, but with some thousand subscribers.

  72. What I say is, let's do something for the company tonight.

  73. Galloway went to the drawing-room and told the terrible news tactfully enough, so that by the time the company assembled there the ladies were already startled and already soothed.

  74. Sometimes he even embarrassed the company by phrases suggesting that there was some difference between a Liberal and a Conservative.

  75. The whole company was more lighthearted and humane, for though the riddle of the death remained, the load of suspicion was lifted off them all, and sent flying off to Paris with the strange millionaire--a man they hardly knew.

  76. When he reappeared in the room, or rather in the doorway, it was in company with another waiter, with whom he whispered and gesticulated with southern fierceness.

  77. But what shall most bow thee down, is the worthless and disgusting company with whom thy lot must be partaken; for they shall all turn against thee, the whole mad, heartless, and ungrateful set.

  78. The company of six became diminished to two, and Virgil took him forth on a far different road, leaving that serene air for a stormy one; and so they descended again into darkness.

  79. It then rejoined its fellows, and the whole company clustering into one meteor, swept aloft like a whirlwind.

  80. She eloped from her first husband, Richard of St. Boniface, in the company of Sordello (see Purg.

  81. They had to part company with the latter when they went down, and catch them flying as they came up; and the result was not always elegant or swift.

  82. At the signal the whole company closed in a solid phalanx round the poles.

  83. Ainger, Barnworth, Stafford, and Felgate, requesting the pleasure of their company at 7.

  84. If you were in the company of one all day long, as I am, you'd soon throw it up.

  85. As all the room was dark except the part allotted to the actors, it was not till these intruders had mounted the platform and honoured the company with two ceremonious bows that their identity became apparent.

  86. No doubt Wellington, Dickens, and Company were good fellows in their way, but he had never done them any harm.

  87. Mark was entertaining company when this uncomfortable letter arrived, in the person of Monsieur Lablache, the French master.

  88. Smedley to Branscombe as the company stood round the tables, waiting for the doctor.

  89. The captain replied that he didn't fancy he would do it again in a hurry; and as the remainder of the company expressed positive impatience to go to the cricket-field, he let them of!

  90. So he hunted about and made inquiries of friends who were supposed to know, and finally submitted to the company a certain screaming farce, entitled, After You!

  91. It passes the winter on the African coast of the Mediterranean, in company with the Common Starling.

  92. These it loaded with the most delicate attentions, keeping them company and carrying them bones to gnaw.

  93. There these birds may be seen wandering over the open plains in flocks of about thirty, in company with herds of oxen, horses, and sheep.

  94. The little company was well on its way by now--though Gwendolyn could not recall the moment of starting.

  95. There she ate all her meals, in the condescending company of Miss Royle.

  96. The little company was on the beveled edge of the field.

  97. There are men whose company she cares for, but their association is practically sexless and has come down to a point of mere good fellowship.

  98. I thought that I was pretty decent to take a dusty ride half-way across the continent in order to keep you company on your way back to New York, and welcome you to our home; but maybe I had the wrong idea.

  99. Only one of the girls who used to be in the same company with me.

  100. At the time of the opening of our play, she has played a summer engagement with a stock company in Denver, which has just ended.

  101. You've often heard me speak of him; he came out here to keep me company when I go home.

  102. She possessed a considerable beauty and an aptitude for theatrical accomplishment which soon raised her to a position of more or less importance in a local stock company playing in that city.

  103. You know that old stuff about two's company and three [LAURA smiles.

  104. And so, perchance, as we keep company with Him, we shall learn the secret of that divine charity which fills the heart with peace and joy and quiet strength.

  105. It is sin that drags him from the fellowship of God into the company of beasts.

  106. In Madame de Staël's Delphine there is a scene in which the heroine enchants a large company with her graceful and expressive performance of a certain foreign dance, the shawl-dance.

  107. She had lost Alexander's favour for ever, partly because she had been much too communicative about the origin of the Holy Alliance, partly because of the mixed and often bad company in which she travelled about.

  108. When Madame de Krüdener had lived in the edifying company of Fontaines and Marie Kummer for fully eight months, Fontaines began to feel that he was no longer safe in Markirch.

  109. Company of the Colony of Canada, the, founded by the King, i.

  110. Provisions enough were obtained from the Portuguese to keep the frigate’s company alive till they reached Port Louis.

  111. The prospects of the Company were thought good, and the governor himself was one of the shareholders.

  112. Popularity, we have seen, was indispensable, and even company officers were appointed with an eye to it.

  113. Hawks made his report to the provincial government under the title “An Account of the Company in his Majesty’s Service under the command of Serg^t.

  114. The list of a company of forty-two “subscribers to go voluntarily upon an attack against the Island Battery” is preserved.

  115. Rémonville, Sieur de, proposes to form a company for the settlement of Louisiana, i.

  116. Rémonville proposes to form a company for the settlement of, 389 i.

  117. When this is over the entire ship's company not engaged in actual duty in running the ship is summoned aft.

  118. You even go to the brig and you see where men can be confined in cells or left out in the open so that they may have company and simply be restrained, the latter being the prevalent form for light punishments.

  119. To Rear Admiral Evans: Having completed the honorable duty with which I am charged by my Government, I am about to part company for Buenos Ayres, and it would give me great pleasure to transmit any despatches for Admiral Evans.

  120. They allowed none of the Louisiana's officers who had gone to bed to dress, and pajamas were almost as common as dress clothes in the company that assembled in the wardroom.

  121. When you have a dozen or more men eating together three times a day and for weeks confined to their clubrooms the social life of the company is likely to be beset with pitfalls and shoals.

  122. In the first place, the ferry company to Nictheroy set apart a large room in its commodious new building.

  123. The game is for about one-half of the company to sing the chorus and just before the finish the others shout an interrogatory of astonishment at the top of their voices.

  124. He ordered her to be admitted to the dining-room, and promised to forgive her if she would repeat to the company all her abusive epithets, not omitting one.

  125. He renounced his pension, and sitting at the abstemious table with the monks, declined seeing any other company than that of the world-renouncing priests and friars around him.

  126. At Christmas 1574, she had a company of Italian players, amongst others, one of them was a tumbler.

  127. He adds, “Strange it was for me to see what a company of small fees I was called upon by a great many to pay there, which, I perceive, is the manner that courtiers do get their estates.

  128. In the following year, Hemynges and his company received £60, for the same number of plays, and £10 a play seems to have been the usual reward.

  129. I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company at dinner.

  130. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "company" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ace; affiliation; agency; aggregation; amigo; army; assembly; associate; association; atelier; attend; band; barbershop; battalion; battery; bedfellow; bench; bevy; body; brigade; bunch; business; cabal; cadre; caller; carry; cartel; cast; chorus; chum; circle; classmate; clique; club; cluster; cohort; colleague; collection; column; combine; community; companion; companionship; company; complement; comrade; concern; conduct; congeries; conglomerate; consort; consortium; contingent; convoy; cooperation; corporation; corps; coterie; covey; crew; crony; crowd; desk; detachment; detail; division; eight; eleven; employer; ensemble; enterprise; escort; establishment; facility; faction; fellow; fellowship; file; firm; five; fleet; flock; fraternity; fraternization; frequenter; gang; garrison; gathering; good; gossip; group; grouping; habitue; house; industry; installation; institution; junta; knot; loft; mate; membership; messmate; mob; movement; muster; nine; number; office; order; organization; outfit; pack; pal; pardner; parlor; partaking; participation; partner; partnership; party; phalanx; platoon; playmate; pool; posse; presence; rank; regiment; reserves; retinue; roommate; ruck; salon; schoolmate; section; sharing; shipmate; shop; society; squad; squadron; stable; string; studio; sweatshop; syndicate; team; train; tribe; troop; troupe; trust; unit; utility; varsity; visitor; wing; workbench; workhouse; workroom; workshop

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    company commander; company were; company with