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Example sentences for "marshal"

Lexicographically close words:
marrye; marryed; marrying; marser; marsh; marshaled; marshaling; marshalled; marshalling; marshals
  1. The sovereign found no personal inconvenience in transferring the duties of these officers to the governors of the boroughs themselves; and the mayor or bailiff became the King’s Steward, and Marshal of the King’s Household in the borough.

  2. The killing of a United States marshal carrying a writ of arrest for an election offense is full of prompting and suggestion to men who are pursued by a city marshal for a crime against life or property.

  3. General Rosecrans has just sent me an order to arrest the Major, and send him under guard to the Provost-Marshal General.

  4. Mark had stuck the picture of Marshal McMahon over the schoolroom chimney-piece.

  5. Mark was going to be a soldier like Marshal McMahon.

  6. He sent directly to the quarters of the Swiss and the French guard, to Marshal D'Aumont, to Biron, and to all in whom he could trust.

  7. For this marshal had added to revolt things more vile and more insidiously hurtful: he had defrauded the government in army contracts.

  8. The first, who was keeper of the seals, Richelieu threw into prison; with the second, who was a marshal of France, Richelieu took another course.

  9. The superintendent, Emery, was dismissed, and the incapable Marshal de la Meilleraye substituted.

  10. In many courts it is the custom for all present to rise on a signal from the sheriff or marshal when the judge enters the court room to take his seat on the bench.

  11. But if the Supreme Court had rendered a judgment dismissing the prosecution, and given a writ to the marshal directing him to set Worcester at liberty, the officer would have found the prison doors shut in his face.

  12. To lay siege to one would be too great an enterprise for the marshal to undertake without military assistance.

  13. It was in 1809, when the marshal in Pennsylvania was opposed by a large body of the militia called out by order of the Governor for the purpose.

  14. The long procession was closed by the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of the realm, by the great dignitaries, and by the brothers and sons of the King.

  15. My Lord Shrewsbury, you are marshal of England: attach him for high treason.

  16. Odd times the marshal farms a ten-acre truck patch close to the river at the southern edge of the town.

  17. After the escape of the Ramblin' Kid the marshal reentered the pool-room and had the big Greek removed to the hotel.

  18. The marshal rushed into the street and picked up his gun, jerked some cartridges from his belt, slipped them into the cylinder and fired quickly at the fleeing horse and rider.

  19. He was standing there, by the side of the lanky marshal and surrounded by a group of pool-room loafers and "carnival sharks" when Carolyn June and Skinny came by.

  20. The marshal had heard of Sabota's effort to have the young cowboy drugged the day of the race and also the immediate cause for the fight.

  21. From the open door of the pool hall the marshal saw a thin, black streak of smoke curling far out on the horizon--a dozen miles--northeast of Eagle Butte.

  22. The owner of the Quarter Circle KT then hunted lip the marshal of Eagle Butte.

  23. The lanky marshal had reached the station.

  24. The victorious Germans marched southwards towards Wörth,[122] where Marshal MacMahon was striving to draw his scattered forces together.

  25. It was a fine boy, for an old field-marshal who saw him when he was but a few hours old declared that he was as strapping a recruit as one could ever wish for.

  26. Marshal Blücher was made a prince, and thenceforward was known as "Marshal Forward.

  27. That boy is now Field-Marshal Earl Kitchener,[138] the British Secretary of State for War, the man whom we all regard as our organizer of victory.

  28. He was made duke and field-marshal after saving the day at Magenta (see p.

  29. Marshal of France; previously saw service in Algeria, Spain, Italy, Morocco, the Crimea and Mexico.

  30. The old marshal was doubtful whether, after having been wounded, he was fit to command the army.

  31. So great was the anger of the Parisians at the French defeats that the Emperor hurried to the capital, leaving Marshal Bazaine[126] to command the "Army of the Rhine.

  32. A careless watch was kept, and early in the morning the marshal was painfully surprised to find himself attacked by a force which greatly outnumbered his own.

  33. Just before he left Berlin the Kaiser sent him a message, regretting what had taken place, and saying that he would no longer retain his rank as a British field-marshal and a British admiral.

  34. He, therefore, sent Marshal Lannes forward to direct the battle, while he watched the conflict and gave commands from a distance.

  35. April Fool (as my lord's jester) took upon himself to marshal the guests.

  36. There it was attacked by the French army commanded by Napoleon himself and led by the brave Marshal Lannes, Duke of Montebello.

  37. Late in the day, however, French valor prevailed, the Austrians were routed, and Marshal Lannes forced his way into the city.

  38. Meanwhile Luxembourg, the prince of Conti, the count de Marsin, and the marshal de Joyeuse, charged on the right, and in different parts of the line with such impetuosity as surmounted all resistance.

  39. In vain he exhausted his invention in marches, counter-marches, and stratagems, to bring on a general engagement; the French marshal avoided it with such dexterity as baffled all his endeavours.

  40. A motion was made and agreed to, that the marshal of the prison should bring the captain before the committee; and the speaker's warrant was issued accordingly.

  41. This was a mortifying necessity to a prince of his high spirit, at a time when he saw himself on the eve of reducing the place, notwithstanding the gallant defence which had been made by general Marshal the governor.

  42. No regard was paid to this proposal; but the superior asked in his turn, where the marshal would be in case he should be wanted?

  43. The duke of Ormond and lord viscount Bolingbroke having omitted to surrender themselves within the limited time, the house of lords ordered the earl-marshal to raze out of the list of peers their names and armorial bearings.

  44. Mr. Cony, Deputy Marshal of the Kingdom, at Hilo, Hawaii, last week and by a funny circumstance he knew everybody that I ever knew in Hannibal and Palmyra.

  45. We 'll not invite the Field-Marshal Rosen-krantz: that will itself offend Austria.

  46. The Marshal was acknowledging the salute of his army after a famous victory over the infidel Turks.

  47. He is now a Field-Marshal on his campaign.

  48. I am a United States deputy marshal in the service of Steele.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marshal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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