No use to call the cops--there were too many uncertainties about the setup in wild, polyglot Pallastown.
And over the whole setup there seemed to hang the question: Can Man really live in space, or does his invasion of it signal his final downfall?
Two classes for rapid learners were included in the setup of this school, to accommodate twenty-five pupils each.
What, then, are these pupils doing in the ordinary school setup while the teacher teaches the other children who need the lessons?
This was a similar setup used for firing through gelatin.
If there was no deviation from the time the bullet left the rifle barrel until the time it exited from the Governor's body, then the physical setup exists for it to have gone through the President, and through the Governor.
They don't want anybody stumbling on another setup like Harvest Moon and accidentally activating another king plasmoid.
I'd seen plenty of rural public-health operations in developing countries, and this setup was far too big and fancy.
It's not likely Mirov's Brungarian henchmen would endanger their whole setup by taking any cheap gunmen into their confidence.
So our sonar picks up all that hash, and by means of a computer setupfilters out the sub's real echo from the shadow reflections.
He showed them his drawings and explained how his "sonar-blinding" setup would operate.
The greatest change under the new governmental setup was that now the King, rather than the Virginia Company, appointed the Governor and the councilors, thus making the Governor a royal Governor rather than a company official.
The entire setup of the room was intentionally choreographed to promote psychological terrorism.
To counter this, or rather, to nip any potential problems in the bud, the administration created a setup whereby every department had an appointed representative for Affirmative Action.
Ramirez had, Jamal knew, been working on this setup for five years.
The setupinstalled by ARM was industrial-level only.
There may be a setup for an assault, but I'll take care of it.
Midcourse correction, abort--the wholesetup was going to be a cakewalk.
No, this setup was starting to smell to high heaven.
The precious authorization in his hands, Walton spoke to di Cassio via the screener setup at Security Keep, informed him of what was going to be done with him.
Are you sure you're not planning to leave some other setup here along with the recorder?
If he thinks to link up the third Little Gift with the two Big Ones, he has a pretty sweet setup for making psychic progress--and his race will be Galactic Citizens in a jiffy.
Presumably these figures came out of the analytical setupdown on eleven.
Nor did this kind of market manipulation require a building in midtown Manhattan and a computer setup to rival NORAD headquarters.
Tanaka wants you to approve the final setup for the partitions.
I nodded, still chewing over the setup and trying to understand what in good Christ was underway.
We were about to start handling his communications with the DNI office for him, via a setup of our own devising.
That last was DNI's special setup that caused the computer to automatically dial the home number for all members of the staff, giving special instructions.
As noted earlier, the financial setup had been handled by Henderson and friends.
The factories were calling for setupmen and maintenance men for the production and assembly machines.
From upstate, General Vegetables had sent a recruiting team for farm help--harvest setup and maintenance men, a few openings for experienced operators of tank-caulking machinery.
All right--of course, at the time nothing was thought of the incident because it was just a natural sales setupwe had.
Each division has its own organizationalsetup and subsidiary sections and officers to carry out its functions.
Yes; in considering that question, I made an impression from the stamp, from the typesetup in a stamp which is a part of this kit at the present time.
Those reports were given to the investigative team that the chief setup headed by Captain Jones and some of the inspectors and they gave me a copy.
We have a coordination setup in Treasury on which the heads of organization levels meets regularly.
What if I wake up and find the whole setup is a phony?
It was a highly unorthodox procedure to show a prospective colonist the test pit setup before examination, but Ashby still had hopes of shunting Jorden aside without wasting the facilities on a useless test.
It started right after the first setup here, and by now I guess the Alberts think they invented it all by themselves, or their Great Elder came down from a tree and told them.
People are calling the setup on Fruyling's World slavery, and slavery is a nasty word.
Now that he had been told, the social setup appeared obvious.
Space-cop, don't you have any idea what Pyrrans are like, or what kind of a setup you were walking into?
He's not far away and will be back soon, so I'll try and give you the entire setup quickly.
The setup was inspected twice daily by the commander or his executive.
Already, on his order, duck-boards were being laid through the mud, and the whole physical setup was in process of reorganization.
He set to work on a new electronicsetup which would make still another modification of the Lawlor space-drive possible.
Instead of pulling a ship to ground, in the setup he'd made, the new fields pulled the ground toward the ship.
Scotty asked, while they rechecked the setup and tried out the tape motors.
Hakim Farid took the boys to the tape setup he had established and explained it to them.
Under our present setup two are used for breeding and the other ten for maturation.
Under a pasture setup there's always a chance of contamination.
They worked so well on the American shuttles, our people installed an identical setup here.
Matter of fact, there's a lot more to thissetup than an airplane.
The setup was simple, but the next part would need some programming.
I don't setup to be a Solomon, but there's a maxim which I established when I was very young, and which I have seen break down very much less frequently than most of his proverbs that will go in your favour, if we but manage properly.