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Example sentences for "sorority"

Lexicographically close words:
soror; sororem; sorores; sororis; sororities; sorow; sorowe; sorowes; sorowful; sorowfull
  1. As for the persons who told you about our plan, words cannot express my contempt for them, and right here I accuse Grace Harlowe and her sorority of getting the information from Mabel Allison yesterday and carrying it to you.

  2. If we can get her away from that hateful old wretch, the sorority could adopt her.

  3. One of the things that our sorority has pledged itself to do this year is to look up the stray girls in High School, and see that they are not lonely and homesick during holiday seasons.

  4. As at Thanksgiving, each member of the sorority entertained two or more girls on Christmas and New Year's, and were amply repaid for their good deed by the warm appreciation of their guests.

  5. Their sorority enthusiasm had so completely run away with them that they had even neglected basketball until now.

  6. The sorority that Eleanor had mentioned in her letter to the Phi Sigma Tau, was now in full flower.

  7. I suppose a sorority is about to come to the surface.

  8. We are about to organize a sorority of our own.

  9. Let us hold her place in this sorority open for her, and let us make it our business to be ready to help her if she needs us," said Anne thoughtfully.

  10. Why, this sorority business has taken up all our spare time lately.

  11. Edna Wright and the other members of the sorority organized by Eleanor were loud in their expressions of disapproval as to Miss Thompson's "severity" toward Eleanor.

  12. I think it's high time we organized a sorority for the purpose of aiding girls in distress.

  13. Our sorority has made us fast friends, loyal to each other, through good and evil report," she continued.

  14. You are the child of the sorority now, Mabel," said Miriam Nesbit, "and we are your adopted mothers.

  15. Now that we have that question settled," said Miriam Nesbit, after the girls were once more seated, "I think we ought to have a sorority pin.

  16. You might get into the sorority house next year," consoled Phyllis.

  17. She didn't mind the stunts she and Phyllis had to perform to appease their sorority sisters, but from the minute Marcia Marlette appeared on the campus things were different.

  18. Finally she made her way slowly back to the sorority house where Phyllis was waiting for her.

  19. The sorority girls were just ending their sorority song.

  20. The last words of the sorority song floated up to them.

  21. We have some of the sorority girls already in the house and do we get looked over!

  22. Then a special committee of sorority girls gets together and selects one for you.

  23. There the sorority president stopped to chat a while.

  24. Almost at the very door of the sorority house they were forced to halt.

  25. Marcia, much to Gale's and the other girls' amazement, had been elected to the office of president of the sorority for the next term.

  26. The little group listened attentively to the purposes of the sorority as extolled by their president, and paid strict attention while the constitution and list of new officers were read to them.

  27. She found Carol and Janet and Valerie standing before the sorority house arguing.

  28. It seemed that girls from the sorority house had seen her.

  29. She walked along, hands in her pockets, deep in thought until at last she reached the sorority house.

  30. The Seniors were singing their sorority song: "Secure in love and laughter, Our voices blend on high, We link our hands in friendship, The girls of Omega Chi.

  31. Gale and Valerie with Carol and Janet were coming toward the sorority house.

  32. The members of the sorority could not find the place where the candidate had really dug her hole and buried the vase.

  33. But the sorority members admit that Margaret Rolff was instructed to remove the Egyptian vase from the library as a part of the stunt she was expected to do during the initiation ceremonies.

  34. Our sorority has a setback from which it will never recover.

  35. The fraternity to which I had belonged invited her to two or three things, and then sort of dropped her because she had no sorority to reciprocate with.

  36. Bettie, along with three other young women students, founded the first Greek Letter Sorority in the world, Kappa Alpha Theta.

  37. To think that a thing of that character could so get hold of a college and of college students to make them or break them at the whim of this or that fraternity or sorority is an outrage.

  38. But many is the night during these two years when she was studying in the dining room that she would say that this one and that sorority or fraternity were having a big dance, or something along social lines.

  39. A college sorority in my way of looking at it is a very small matter.

  40. Ann had grown well acquainted with Jane in sorority affairs this year.

  41. The girls clasped hands, Eleanor saying that it was too bad not to be able to exchange sorority “grips”.

  42. And sorority or society matters are never to be considered!

  43. Madam President, I move that we waive all rules and put it through now, sending Ann Sterling to present Aline with our invitation and bid to the greatest sorority in Forest Hill college!

  44. Ann said that they scarcely had time to work at what they were supposed to come to school for, until sorority and society matters were settled.

  45. Sorority meetings and sorority affairs are shrouded in much secrecy.

  46. This new hall is too large for a sorority hall any way.

  47. Your sorority in a way does determine your more intimate friendships.

  48. She asked me how you and I became acquainted, how we got along together, if we belonged to the same sorority with Eleanor and Suzanne, and who my special friends in the school were.

  49. They said that since we had such a large sum to look out for now that the subscriptions for the sorority house were coming in, we should put in a treasurer of tried and true integrity.

  50. I jumped up and offered my resignation to the AOU, and said I wished to withdraw my subscription to the Sorority House, that I couldn't have anything to do with a bunch of girls that would stand for a thing as contemptible and mean as that.

  51. I must ask you both to publicly apologize before your sorority for what happened this morning.

  52. The members of Kappa Beta sorority attended the funeral of Mrs. Owen, at Benton yesterday, the mother of Miss Anne Owen of Allgood College and a member of the sorority who died Sunday.

  53. As a direct result of her admission to this select sorority Irene found herself flung by Fate into the arms of Lorna Carson.

  54. Peachy's position was certainly not one of comfort, squatting at the bottom of the great jar, and she was relieved that she had not long to wait before the rival sorority arrived to hold its meeting.

  55. The Camellia Buds had fixed the mischief so certainly on the rival sorority that they had never thought of the younger girls.

  56. Will you give your word of honor to be a loyal member of the Sorority of Camellia Buds, and never to do a dirty trick so long as you remain at this school?

  57. A sorority is a secret sisterhood," explained the President, "just the same as a fraternity is a brotherhood.

  58. Whether the members of the secret sorority felt satisfied or otherwise with the result of the shuffle, etiquette forbade them to show anything but polite enthusiasm.

  59. The Sorority desires to express a vote of sympathy for the very unpleasant occurrence that happened this morning.

  60. I don't mind telling you that we're going to resign from the Starry Circle and found a new sorority of our own.

  61. Among the secret practices of the sorority was a private signal only to be used in times of urgent necessity.

  62. Got the name of your precious sorority slap-bang off!

  63. On it was printed in bold black letters: "You are elected a member of the Sorority of Camellia Buds.

  64. What we were talking about was this--the sorority ought to rally somehow and give Peachy a surprise.

  65. Sometimes Marcella scarcely has time for sorority meetings.

  66. The mention of the sorority, of course, was to impress a non-sorority girl.

  67. Clara was not a Kappa Upsilon, and Betty really did not know to what sorority she did belong.

  68. But I really have so many things on hand, with my sorority and all we do, and my part in the Christmas play, and my music and art, that I could not do justice to being president of anything.

  69. The Theta Gammas wrote her down as material for a quaint little, quiet little dig,--not of sorority interest.

  70. I just hope we have a real interesting session at this place," continued Kitty gleefully, "something to tell the sorority about when we return to school in the fall.

  71. Fancy our sorority moving in here for a week-end, that surely would liven things up a bit, but would no doubt upset the lives of these two ladies who live so secluded and almost a hermits' existence.

  72. I cannot go back on a sorority order," said Jane, wondering why she should.

  73. I believe it would make us all very glad some day to be able to say that we founded the first sorority in our high school.

  74. During the short period in which this sorority has been in existence it has accomplished much good.

  75. If ever we expect to hand down our sorority to those who come after us, we must offer them an unblurred escutcheon.

  76. And although they could not then know it, they laid the cornerstone that afternoon for a famous high school sorority that was destined to flourish and endure long after their Sanford High School days had become but a dear memory.

  77. All nine were anxious to leave a sorority behind them of which they could claim to have founded.

  78. Miss Remson told me once of a sorority that Hamilton used to have called the 'Round Table.

  79. The preceeding year she had given a house-party to the freshmen and sophomore members of the sorority to which she belonged at that time, and they had all had a lovely time.

  80. From the very start she had meant more to Marjorie than any of the sorority girls.

  81. March held fewer opportunities, so Saint Patrick was made much of, and Mary's sorority planned a spread up in the gymnasium in his honour.

  82. The musical little acrostic by the sorority poet gratified her beyond expression.

  83. Then at the last, to the tune of "They kept the pig in the parlour and that was Irish too," Mary was gravely presented on behalf of the sorority with the gift it had chosen for her.

  84. It had therefore been regularly organized as a sorority one evening in Leila's and Vera's room.

  85. The new sorority was now planning to do great things during their senior year at Hamilton.

  86. If we leave the club as a sorority to the next senior class, they will be the first girls chosen.

  87. One of our sorority members had offered to finance us.

  88. This grave set-back only served to make the new sorority more determined to carry out their project.

  89. Mercy Curtis, who had a sweet voice, now commenced to sing the marching song of the school, which had been adopted by the Sweetbriars and made over into a special sorority song.

  90. Although she had been the originator of the most popular--now the only sorority in the school, the Sweetbriars, she had refused to be its president for more than one term.

  91. In spite of belonging to the most important sorority in college, there never will be another sorority like the Phi Sigma Tau, will there, girls?

  92. She patted her sorority pin with intense satisfaction.

  93. And again the camp fires were glowing where a Sorority "spread" was merrily in the making.

  94. A lot of us have broken some of the rules of the Sorority and it's decreed that I must go over the route we came home by on the night of the storm down in the Kickapoo Corral.

  95. Shall we rest here a little while, or do your savage sorority sisters require you to do time in so many minutes?

  96. She said that when I separated from my sorority she knew I was sure to do something foolish, so she decided to make advances to me and see what she could find out.

  97. Marian may have foolishly risked money of her own that we know nothing of, but as for anything else--Marian is still a member of our sorority and the honor of the Phi Sigma Tau is above reproach.

  98. Dashing the sorority pin which Nora had previously shoved into her hand to the floor, with a sob of mingled anger and chagrin she exclaimed: "How dare you ridicule me to my very face!

  99. We know Eleanor's state of mind toward us, but why Henry Hammond should encourage Marian to break with her sorority is harder to understand.

  100. You have stayed away from two sorority meetings and have deliberately avoided all of us, with the exception of Eva.

  101. He is really very clever, for before I realized what I had said I had told him all about our sorority and about being class treasurer, and a lot of things that were none of his business.

  102. She had no money, and the members of her sorority had none.

  103. Here is my sorority pin, and I sincerely hope you will elect another girl to my place.

  104. Knowing what an addition to the trip the society of her young friends would be, I interviewed those responsible for the welfare of the Phi Sigma Tau, and it was decided that her sorority should accompany her.

  105. It seemed at that Gale struck a responsive note for the teacher launched into vivid details of her days at the Sorority house.

  106. Gale made up her mind to write to the Omega Chi Sorority that very night.

  107. Miss Relso was telling me about the Omega Chi Sorority house at Briarhurst," Gale put in, "and from what she says it will be wonderful if we could get into the sorority and live there.

  108. Right then and there Gale decided she would rather stay at the Sorority building than anywhere else.

  109. It would be nice if you could get into the Omega Chi Sorority house," the teacher mused.

  110. Of course they pick up lots of friends among the non-sorority girls; and I guess D.

  111. The frat men give parties to the sorority girls as often as the Dean of Women will stand for it, and every one gets gorgeously acquainted and extremely sociable.

  112. Marcella was going to invite some sophomores, I know, like your brother Ted, and she is in that new sorority and would be likely to invite them all, wouldn't she?

  113. I mean a little club of our own, not a sorority and not exactly secret; but just to get together sometimes, for fun and to plan things if we want to.

  114. Mathilde has some following, Carolyn, and she is a sorority girl.

  115. Peggy Pollard was the only girl of Marcia's high school sorority from Betty's class, and how she was welcomed by her classmates!

  116. I'm glad I was in the same sorority with her.

  117. That meant the sorority girls that were there.

  118. Several girls from our sorority are driving over this afternoon and Peggy Pollard is going to stay.

  119. But if it is to be a sorority affair and perhaps Larry and his chum coming, not to mention others that evidently Marcella means to spring upon us, there will probably be some dressing up.

  120. Marcella had placed him with a senior at the university, one of her sorority sisters, and Chet was evidently much interested and pleased.

  121. She and Peggy Pollard have a good deal of influence with the sorority girls.

  122. The sorority girls who were visiting Marcella were for the most part older.

  123. She had always liked Marcella very much, even if she were not intimate and had not joined the sorority to which Marcella belonged.

  124. Generally speaking, one will use their sorority colors in flowers and ribbons and their insignia cut from paste-board and covered with tissue paper of the desired color.

  125. Have a sorority of dolls dressed in the colors, each doll holding a pennant, in the center of the table.

  126. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sorority" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.