In practically none is an examination regularly required in order to determinewhether the candidate for admission to the union is likely to be a heavy risk.
Under the conditions of this plan, the applicant for retirement must submit himself to the board of examiners, who shall, after a physical examination by the physician of the board, determine his eligibility.
No national union attempts to determinewhether a member of a local union is entitled to the out-of-work benefit except through the local union.
Let us look more closely at the works of fiction of the nineteenth century, and then endeavor to determine how far their influence has been for good, and how far for evil.
How do youdetermine the case of an explanatory noun or pronoun?
You must determine whether you wish to tell the quality of the thing named or the manner of the action.
Let the pupils determine why the following connected subjects are arranged in the proper order:-- 1.
The pupils will determine whether supplying these words makes the description stronger or weaker.
How do you determine the number, gender, and person of pronouns?
Here and elsewhere the teacher must determine how far it is profitable to follow "Models.
Determine from (c) the position of an adverb modifying an adjective or another adverb.
To determine the correct form of the verb in such cases, let the pupils see how it sounds when placed immediately after its subject.
From (b) determine the natural order of a possessive modifier, of an explanatory modifier, and of an adjective.
One item held a small essay on the influences which determine human action in a crisis of life or death.
The Anglo-Saxon race, going together, could determinethe balance of power for a fully peopled earth.
His study-story of some Irish estate, granted by Queen Elizabeth to an English nobleman, showed how language might determine history.
A Government expedition, as head of which Sir George Grey was selected, should determine this, and familiarise the Aborigines with the British name and character.
That would depend on the elements of the gathering, whether local or casual, and who can determine the point in a city like London?
In the process, our varied peoples would determine their common interests and a common pride of dominion, incalculable in worth.
HAIR: One man had curly hair 1 wavy, 1 straight to wavy, and 1 straight, but the character was difficult to determine as in all cases but one the hair was cut, being more or less closely cropped in 2 men.
It is essential to determine the approach of the short dry season, in order that in the course of it the timber may be felled and burned.
Besides these two principal mountain chains which determine the main features of the river-system, there are several isolated peaks of considerable height, and a minor ridge of hills runs from the centre towards the south-cast corner.
But she is not able of her own accord todetermine whether she shall become a medicine woman or not.
Some of the Klemantans practise a third method to determine when the time for sowing is at hand, using a bamboo some feet in length which bears a mark at a level which is empirically determined.
Some of the tribesdetermine the arrival of the season for sowing PADI by the observation of the stars.
Symbols of unknown forms of existence, whether in the case of matter, motion, or mind, are mere representations which do not determine anything about the ultimate substance of either.
It is therefore a matter of great consequence to determine what the evolution theory of the origin and nature of the human mind makes us out to be.
We thus have a sure scientific basis for the moral intuitions which we do not individually stay to analyze when we are called upon to determine the morality or the immorality of certain actions.
You may say that science does not undertake todetermine that mind is or is not a special existence capable of surviving the body.
Must we not conclude, however inscrutable are the causes that determine the sex of a particular infant, that the sexes themselves were specially ordained?
Nor is it material that we can not determine at what precise period in the genesis of the individual, by the ordinary process of reproduction, he becomes an immortal being.
It may be that the dividing line is very difficult of detection; that it is impossible to determine in all cases just where organizable matter passes from dead matter into a living organism.
A peopledetermine to change their government, and they decide what their new government shall be.
To the first question, it can only be answered, as Darwin himself answers, that there must be a definition of man before we can determine at what time he came to exist.
But at the time of the purchase another man had been bidding for this same girl, and, being much in love with her, his family determine to assist him in getting hold of her.
Owing to the total absence of dates it is difficult to determine from what sources all these stories were collected.
Honours with Humility: And having Mon choix est fait, ce voisinage therefore fix'd on this Spot for Determine ma volonte.
The Cardinals could not determine whom to chuse for Head of the Church, till about a Week ago.
One of the first objects in the investigation of an earthquake is to determine the position and form of the epicentre.
The only isoseismals which are drawn accurately enough to determine the earthquake-fault are the two inner ones, those marked 8 and 7; but these are sufficient for the purpose.
The principal objects of Mallet's investigation were to determine the position of the epicentre and the depth of the seismic focus.
Cancani has urged that other factors besides initial intensity determine the duration of a seismic period, and prominently among these he places the depth of the seismic focus.
The wave-paths that penetrate the earth are straight lines, however, only when the conditions that determine the velocity are uniform throughout, and such uniformity we have no reason to expect.
Owing to the limited size of the disturbed area, time-observations, even had they been available, would not have sufficed to determine the position of the epicentre, and both Dr.
An equation of this form is obtained from each observation, and the method of least squares is then applied to determine the most probable values of x and y.
If the period of the principal vibrations were known, the observations of Professor Omori on the overturning of bodies would enable us to determine the range of motion at different places.
The evidence is insufficient to determine whether the earthquake was caused by fault-slipping; it is in no way opposed to this view, but if the Neapolitan earthquake stood alone, we should hardly be justified in drawing any further inference.
Those who do most towards giving character to a building are those who determine its plan and general outlines; and the men who did this to our English houses were the surveyors.
An Attempt toDetermine the Exact Character of Elizabethan Architecture.
The ungainly boat was so far away that it was well-nigh impossible for either to determine whether or not it had veered slightly in its course.
Whether it was the mainland or an island they were unable to determine at the time.
I leave, therefore, to your discernment and taste to determinethe sentiment most congenial to my situation and your desert.
Hast thou scrutinized the organization of sentient beings, to determine with precision whether the instinctive force which moves them on to happiness is essentially weaker than that which repels them from it?
Wealth is an instrument, the use and employment alone of whichdetermine its virtue or vice.
They deceive without object for deceit, and the only way of obtaining from them correct information is to inquire, receive the answer, and determine it to be diametrically opposed to fact.
The Shaykh informed me that his peaceful errand on that occasion was to determine a claim of blood-money amongst the neighbouring Bedouins.
The physiologist may explain the vision that produced an impression so powerful as to determine this resolute wife upon her nocturnal expedition to Moore's Creek.
Israel and Joseph drew lots todetermine which should become a soldier.
But not being able to recollect, that the septic powers of Magnesia had ever been experimentally proved,[r] I thought it would be most satisfactory to determine them by that method; little doubting but that the event would justify my doctrine.
There was heavy enemy fire coming at the platoon, but it was almost impossible to determine its source.
For, if the case should happen to be so intricate, that a man of common sense could not distinguish who had the best title, how easy would it be to have the opinion of the best counsel in the land, and agree to determine it by that?
But, at the same time, it is hard to determine which resemble brutes most, they in acting, or the people in suffering them to act, their vile selfish schemes.
These negotiations will determine how this area is to be governed.
These negotiations will determine how the area is to be governed.
Differences in flag state maritime legislation determine how a ship is manned and taxed and whether a foreign-owned ship may be placed on the register.
He regrets, however, that he was unable to determine its height, for want of contemporary observations at different places.
Besides, growth, whether slow or rapid, never was employed to determine the presence or absence of the vegetable or animal character.
Now, noble peers, the cause why we are met Is todetermine of the coronation.
Then be it so; and go we to determine Who they shall be that straight shall post to Ludlow.
Demand and Supply determine the value of the precious metals each in each at any one time as absolutely as they decree the value of Hindoo rice in silver.
And no government is competent to determine even the maximum price of money loaned, any more than the maximum price of commodities.
Governments formerly deemed themselves competent to determine and fix the general purchasing-power of their own money.
This is the only inquiry that remains, in order to determine whether Political Economy is already a "Science" in the strictest sense of that term.
Having now seen as closely as possible what that is which is rendered in personal services, let us pass to the principles which determine their remuneration.
But in order to determine which may be the easier way, requires constant estimates on the part of each party to a possible trade.
Not Desires only but Efforts as well determine Value.
It is based on the false premise that the loanable value of money is uniform, and that government is competent to determine what it is.
And so, following out the practice of his forefathers, he has recourse to the priests in more important concerns in which he can not otherwise ascertain the schemes of malignant spirits or determine the pleasure of the gods.
The traveler must return and wait till next day, or if that can not be done, recourse must be had to other omens, such as the egg omen, or the suspension omen, in order to determine beyond a doubt what fortune awaits him.
Other forms of divination, especially the egg omen, are employed to determine whether the supernal powers approve the site or not.
The fowl-waving ceremony and the blood lustration must be performed immediately and other omens taken at once to determine whether these ceremonies were sufficient to neutralize the threatened danger.
The rattan-frond omen is taken to determine either the success of a prospective attack or the suitability of a new site for a house or farm.
If these means failed to bring me to my senses, I am not sure but he would have applied for an inquirendo to determine my sanity; all with the best intentions in the world and a sincere desire to promote my moral welfare.
I remembered them all, as if it were yesterday, and at this juncture that meant but one thing: I must see St. Thomas again, if only to determine whether that fortnight was a dream or a reality.
Afterwards, by comparing together the observations of the several years, it will not be difficult to determine from the foliation of the trees, if not certainly, at least probably, the time when annual plants ought to be sown.