The frequent use of long sustained notes in the double basses is another course unfavourable to the singer; these notes in combination with the human voice produce a peculiar throbbing effect.
Nevertheless I shall touch upon a few of these points in thecourse of the following outline.
In any case this is the lowest form of instrumentation, akin to colour photography, though of course the process may be well or badly done.
Overlaying of parts is the best course to adopt: [Music] etc.
Composers using the first class in the course of a big work (oratorio, opera, symphony, etc.
I have endeavoured to outline the general principles to be followed, but I do not profess to deal with all the countless cases which may arise in the course of orchestration.
Miss Caroline was of course under the necessity of being solitary and inactive, while her companions sported on the grass, without fear of incommoding themselves.
It is a happiness that we have it not in our power to regulate the course of nature: the wise and unerring designs of Providence, in favour of mankind, would then, most probably, be perverted to their own inevitable ruin.
He might have stayed in it, for of course Tomkins had a wife and poor innocent children.
Of course not: but think of that remonstrance, and of that Samaritan master of the "Purchase" brigantine!
Of course she said she had come for purposes connected with her business; but this was absurd.
By this little incident (hourly of course repeated, and trivial to all sea-going people) I own I was immensely moved, and never can think of it but with a heart full of thanks and awe.
In the courseof the day the ladies joined the ship.
In the courseof the year the incidents will grow or will dwindle strangely.
Of course I cannot particularize the sum, but he had given too much for that hat.
Only the other day I was writing in these Roundabout Papers about a certain man, whom I facetiously called Baggs, and who had abused me to my friends, who of coursetold me.
Of course the pieces he selected were chiefly by Scottish authors, and Walter Scott was his favorite poet.
For a day school the arrangements were perfect, and there were many features of the course there which suited her tastes.
Dorothy's studies had naturally been somewhat upset by the recent course of events, but she had made an extra spurt at her work, and did not feel herself ill prepared.
Miss Tempest, in the course of the lesson, twice asked Dorothy to read passages, and completely missed out Alison, who sat rejoicing tremulously in the back row.
The collector at Latchworth had not seen her before, and of course could not tell that she possessed a season ticket at all.
She was too proud to ask for sympathy, and felt that her most dignified course was to accept her defeat in silence.
She made it a hockey versus lacrosse contest, and of course we plumped for hockey," murmured Elsie Bellamy.
He's the only uncle I possess, so of course I make the most of him; but he's as good as a dozen.
Mother took me yesterday and brought me home, but of courseshe can't do that every day.
The Course of Study on pages xx-xxvi contemplates five days a week for the study of English.
The principles which guided in arranging this course I believe are sound; but the preferences of teachers and the peculiarities of environment will often make it wise to use other selections from literature.
For the purposes of this book it was necessary that some course be adopted as the basis of the text.
Dramatic poetry presents a course of human events, and is generally designed to be spoken on the stage.
Catholicism has not formally entered into my argument hitherto, nor shall I just now assume any principle peculiar to it, for reasons which will appear in the sequel, though of course I shall use Catholic language.
The subjects for composition given below are not intended as a course to be followed, but only to suggest a plan for the work.
There would be but sorry progress either in the course of study or in the power to analyze literature if the class time were taken up with oral reading of narration and description.
Many times in thecourse of the description the reader makes up a new picture; he is continually reconstructing.
It is in thecourse of study for every secondary school.
Up and up he went without once breaking his majestic poise till he appeared to sight some far-off alien geography, when he bent his course thitherward, and gradually vanished in the blue depths.
To teach the methods of simple, direct, and accurate expression has been the purpose; and this is all that can be expected of a high school course in English.
Of course he did not expect an answer, but he gave call after call.
It did not take long for the Quahada children to rush eagerly and greet these visitors, though of course not one Quahada child could understand what the white children were saying.
It turned out to be the clink of my umbrella handle on his air-pump, both of which lay in the hood; of course of no importance, but he was not sure, hence the stoppage.
Of course it is horrible to run down a man and one would scarcely recover from the effects of so doing, yet self-preservation is the first law of nature.
They made no move during the weeks in Nice but tracked him by his number all over our crooked course from Nice here.
The owner had brought the auto here to try the course before the races come on, and yesterday departed for Italy, leaving it in charge of a young man of fifteen.
Jean absolutely declines to pause or change his course for chickens, but he will do so for dogs.
That's not bad on a straightaway course such as we have found many times, but on these curves it is another thing.
A sad course I live now; Heav’n’s stern decree With many an ill hath numb’d and deaded me.
But me the king dispatch’d in course before, A ship then bound for the Dulichian shore.
Besides, in this broad course which you propose, My father seeking I myself may lose.
But this swift course Of growing into strength thou hadst not need Continue any long date, O thou Seed Of honour’d Maia!
It may be observed, that men, who from being engaged in business, or from theircourse of life in whatever way, seldom see their children, do not care much about them.
He reverses the course of Nature too: he was first the gay butterfly, and then the creeping worm.
Although I was several times with him in the course of the following days, such it seems were my occupations, or such my negligence, that I have preserved no memorial of his conversation till Friday, March 26, when I visited him.
In the course of this year there was a difference between him and his friend Mr. Strahan;[1087] the particulars of which it is unnecessary to relate.
He accordingly brought his action, in the course of which the advocates on both sides did themselves great honour.
At an age like his, for he was not more than twenty-five, with an irregular education, and a course of life of which much seems to have passed in conversation, it is not very likely that he overflowed with Greek.
Mr. Wesley being in the course of his ministry at Edinburgh, I presented this letter to him, and was very politely received.
Johnson of Mr. Murphy's having paid him the highest compliment that ever was paid to a layman, by asking his pardon for repeating some oaths in the course of telling a story.
In the course of this month my brother David waited upon Dr.
It would of course be possible to expend much time and many words in argument on this subject.
Such a "creation" would of coursemilitate against any evolution, however cautiously stated or clearly established.
When men speak of controversy with the Evolutionist and so forth, they of course mean such as insist on carrying the doctrine to a total and even virulent denial of any Divine control at all.
The sea-channel through which the Romans sailed on their course to the Thames, at Thanet, is now a puny fresh-water ditch, with banks apparently as old as the hills.
I ofcourse admit all this, but it is in no way opposed to my suggestion.
From the first dawn of what looks like will and choice between two things, and something like a reason which directs the course of the organism in a particular way for a particular object, we have an altogether new departure.
A single sexual union in the whole course of life[25].
Insects with short elytra ofcourse must fold their wings nearer the base than those with long ones.
Lamarck lays considerable stress upon another character--That Insecta engender only once in the course of their lives, and Arachnida more than once.
Under this head it will not be out of place to mention, that some larvae of insects, which feed only on the juices of animals, or the nectar and ambrosia of flowers, have no anal passage, and of course no feces.
Genital organs double, ventral; more than one sexual union in the course of life.
The majority couple often in the course of life[26].
Well, of course I had to read the minutes, being secretary so, and I was ready, having set up half the night before to make them out.
Of course when a thing’s legal, and you’re anyways patriotic, you are some put to it to find a real good term to blame it with.
Of course you ain’t,” says Mis’ Lockmeyer soothing, and hoping to make it better still.
But of course the upstart and offshoot of that was that before the week was out, I’d invited Mr. Dombledon to leave the little fellow with me, some days, while he went off.
Well, of course we both know Mis’ Sykes ain’t the one to ever forgive a thing like that.
We might of coursedo well to pick out the hymns with care.
We try here in Friendship Village not to contradict our guests too flat; but when it’s a committee meeting, of course a hostess feels more free.
Of course it was her party and all, but they’s some hostesses you hev to lay a firm holt of, if you’re the helper and expect the party to come off at all.
Of course it don’t matter so much now, but when they get older, you can’t be too careful.
Of course some of them just see the lark, and some of them just didn’t want to refuse us, and some of them just joined in because they’re the joining-in kind.
Bed and breakfast of course we can manage among us, but the other two meals is going to be some of a trick.
Here also of course we saw numbers of both ancient and modern native huts, and this is no doubt an old-established and favourite camping ground.
I was now, though of course some distance to the south also, about thirty miles to the west of the most western portion of the Rawlinson Range.
The next day we proceeded on our course for Fort Mueller; at twelve miles we had a shower of rain, with thunder and lightning, that lasted a few seconds only.
I changed my course for a conspicuous hill in this new line, which brought me to the river again at right angles; and, having so successfully crossed in the morning, I decided to try it again.
Of course I addressed them more in sorrow than in anger, although the loss of eight ducks was a frightfully heavy one to all of us; but I was partially consoled with the thought that they would have to bear their share of the loss.
Changing mycourse here to east, we skirted along the edge of the plain for twenty-five miles.
In the course of this work my reader will easily discover to whom it is dedicated, without a more formal statement under such a heading.
From Mr. McMinn I obtained the course and distance of the pillar from our camp, and travelling on the course given, we crossed the Finke three times, as it wound about so snake-like across the country.
At eleven miles we were not only clear of the range, but had crossed to the western side of Lake Christopher, and were fairly enclosed in the sandhills, which were of course covered with triodia.
Under some hills which obstructed our course was another creek, where we encamped, the grass and herbage being most excellent; and this also was a very pretty place.
Above the camp its coursewas nearly north, and a line of low bluff-faced hills formed its eastern bank.
At this of course we roared, and soon had the outfit, despite their misery, laughing themselves while we recited choice bits from the glowing prospectus.
It had the nose of a human being, which bore the signs of conflict with the elements, and brilliantly registered a long course of fiery internal applications.
The winter of course had been very long and tedious, and, in many ways, a most trying one; but it was surprising to learn how lightly clad one can safely and comfortably move about with the thermometer ranging from 30 deg.
Occasionally, however, one would scare up a covey of ptarmigan or white grouse, and of course there were fish in the stream.
As the freight was being taken off, though they were very good about it, the triumvirate crew of the Arctic Bird were not a little bit amused, for of course it looked as if we had lost our nerve at the last minute.
This latter mode of address was of course highly flattering to the host of bar-room loafers.
Perhaps he may have hoped by hard work to finish his course in four years instead of the expected five.
Having decided to begin with a course of free public lectures upon universal history, he took his duties very seriously, and even after curiosity had abated he continued, during the first term, to address a large audience.
He began quite independently, as we have seen, with a course of lectures upon the theory of tragedy.
After a while the Arnims followed him, but presently the count came also; and then the course of true love, thus awkwardly bifurcated, was more troubled than ever.
Of course the men and their time have been greatly idealized; like the sculptor, the imagination of posterity has lifted them above the level of the earth, joined their hands and given them the pose of far-seeing literary heroes.
Here he fell in love with his landlord's daughter Dorothea, a girl of sixteen, and in the course of the summer married her.
Of course there are German critics who find Louise's conduct in this last scene quite 'inevitable' and full of a high tragic pathos.
Their loyalty is ofcourse the great factor in Wallenstein's position; it is because he relies upon their fidelity that he dares to dally with the thought of treason.
It was fated that he should marry Christophine Schiller, become peevish and sour in the course of time and lose the respect of his brother-in-law.
In the course of his philosophizing he perpetrates the sly joke of quoting from his own manuscript play and ascribing the words to an imaginary 'Life of Moor', by one Krake.
Footnote 41: Of course this roseate statement to his Highness took no account of his debts, which had not yet begun to be particularly pressing.
This half-year of amatory perturbation was of courseunfavorable to literary labor.
Toward the end of his course at the academy he had a misunderstanding with his dear friend Scharffenstein, with whom he had sworn eternal brotherhood.
I have also received a bequest of twenty dollars, which of course is exempt.
A telephone call would have brought invitations to dinner and a pleasant evening with convivial companions, but he had mapped his course and he was determined to stick to it to the end.
Jimmy Torrance worked hard, and by dint of long hours and hard-working tutors he finished his college course and won his diploma.
Another man is supposed to have been hired to take the job, but of course he won't show up.
Of course she didn't know how much I knew, but I did, and it's been worryin' me ever since.
Of course I realize, as you must, that I have tried to learn a great deal in a short time.
Of course he doesn't like Jimmy, but why is he so peeved because Jimmy came to work this morning--I don't quite get it.
Day dawned at length, and found the party of horsemen some five miles from the city of Florence; but their coursewas no longer to be pursued in that direction.
He knows the course of the jugular vein, and the exact position of the heart, as if he were an anatomist.
I am about to cast off these priestly robes, that only trammel me, to pursue the path which nature by a mistake opened him; to strive in arms and policy for the great designs of ambition; and I would have the course cleared before me.
However strong may be democratic sentiment, however jealously tenacious of the name of equality citizens may be, there is, in the natural course of all communities, a tendency to produce an aristocracy.
How often in thecourse of each man's life has he to say--and oh!
But short consideration was needed to show him that there was but one course left for him to pursue with any chance of safety.
There was of course the duty visit to the Pineries.
Of course we all like her, and father has taken her to his heart.
Of course you can't love him quite so much; it wouldn't be fair to the rest of us.
Of course she cares for you when there is no one else by.
Of course the family is all right, and the money, I suppose.
Of course he would come around, for if he truly loved her he could not face the future without her.
You might do one through the courseof the summer, Marian.
Of course fiddling is the right thing to dance by, and it seems proper enough for the slaves.
None, I think, so deeply smitten but that a course of Greek and Latin will restore them.
Of course she should tell him of her engagement, and they would still be friends.
Of course he met Jaqueline, who was simply indifferent, a much harder condition to overcome than if she had shown hauteur or resentment.
Of course if I had a home here I should defend it to the last drop of blood in my veins--yes, even against my own kindred," and he blushed with a feeling akin to ardent patriotism that surprised himself.
Instead of the half-blackened tips and semi-sickly blades, which we see in a field of young wheat after a considerable course of dry frost without snow, we have a rich, healthy green which shows the vital energy at work in the plants.
At the Lake of Lucerne there was an exceptional diminution of the number in the course of an hour, viz.
Throughout the courseof the disease, the type continued to be almost exclusively cyclonic, with a heavy rainfall, a high temperature, and a great deficiency of sunshine.
Of coursethey are merely useful precautions; but they are universally attended to by people on the sea-coast.
He then had an interview with the marquis, and told him he had made up his mind to a courseof action.
Of course he selected the most impious and licentious passages.
We were already forty leagues from Alexandria; and, as the wind was not favourable, we could not turn the ship's head round for Egypt; we therefore decided to continue our course and to crowd on as much sail as possible.
At the first shouts uttered by the beaters, two or three hares rose, and, sitting up for a moment to see what course to take, began to make for my ravine at uneven distances from one another.
My father then conceived the idea of making use of these rocks to form a chain; he took the strongest of his men, placed them under Dermoncourt's orders, and they succeeded in making a breakwater entirely across the course of the stream.
We even seemed to be travelling in the direction of the roar of the cannon; but, so blind is fear, that if the enemy had been in front of us my mother would rather have continued her course than turn back.
Of course there were no more classes amid all these alarms; no more college; no more Abbé Grégoire.
Of course they did not leave a single farthing on him--where would the fun have been if Hiraux had had money?
You seldom accomplish ends by indirect means or circuitous routes, but unfurl your banner, take your position and give fair warning of the course you intend to pursue.
To assist in this, she arranged a course of lectures at Cooper Institute.
We shall of course be crowded, but we expect thee and shall prepare accordingly.
She also met here Abby Sage Richardson, who was giving a course of readings in Denver.
Olympia Brown and others made ringing speeches on the right of women to vote under the Fourteenth Amendment, defended the course of Miss Anthony and denounced her arrest.
Why not say simply, "A Course of Independent Lectures?
Of course it being a meeting that women were to address, as "women have no rights in public which men are bound to maintain," there was no policeman present.
Miss Anthony always has believed that he inspired the course of Judge Hunt and that his decision was written before the trial, a belief shared by most of those associated in the case.
Of course they were guests in some beautiful homes, free from all discomforts, but these were the exceptions.
I was not a little startled but answered: "Of course I shall say the Standard is the truest and best paper for negro suffrage; but I can not say that it is so for woman suffrage.
Of course he had charms and spells against every imaginable thing.
This Goldkind is a striking type of our modern society, and the novel of that name contains all the elements of a classic novel, although of course in a crude, unfinished state.
If we let her know in the course of the day, that will be soon enough, and will give us time to look round.
Of course we have one," they all replied at once; whereupon Baron T.
Young and similar “ornaments of religion and virtue” passing of course with grateful “applause” into the upper region.
In “The Old Grey Church” we have the same sort of Evangelical travesty of the fashionable novel, and of course the vicious, intriguing baronet is not wanting.
Bulstrode’s course up to the time of his being suspected “had, he thought, been sanctioned by remarkable providences, appearing to point the way for him to be the agent in making the best use of a large property.
Of course this does not mean that there never will be a time when the hills will cease to stand; the expression here is evidently figurative, but it implies eternity.
He had mental exercises calling himself naught, laid hold on redemption and went on in his course of instrumentality.
Some disbelieve; others says, ‘It is no wonder, where about eighteen or more servants are sometimes taken and dismissed in the courseof a year.
In the course of that substitution class distinctions must inevitably change their character, and represent the varying duties of men, not their varying interests.
Of course we do not pretend to an exhaustive acquaintance with German literature; we not only admit—we are sure that it includes much comic writing of which we know nothing.
On this fact busy rumor afterward founded the story of his conversion to Catholicism, and could of course name the day and spot on which he abjured Protestanism.
But they remained abnormally still, and at last, to the satisfaction and relief of both, the Boer vedette moved off at a trot, leaving the pair of listeners once more free to breathe.
West followed his companion's example, and swung himself out of the saddle.
An hour must have passed away, during which neither of the weary bearers of the despatch moved.
They're rough, and almost unbroken--what sort of horsemen are you?
And by degrees they will put that and that together," said West, "and find that they have been thoroughly tricked.
The man looked at the speaker searchingly and then nodded, West taking the place of one of the Boers, who placed himself just behind him with rifle ready.
You went to Pretoria with the superintendent of police about that diamond case, and you were there a couple of months.
Well, I suppose you can if you make a point of it; but I don't see the use myself; of course it is essential that the purport of it should not be known, and it is therefore unadvisable to multiply copies.
This was of course refused, Mr Chadwick alleging that he had no authority for making public the concerns of a property in managing which he was only a paid servant.
At least I told Sir Abraham that I would resign; and of course I must now do so.
Three months after that time Eleanor became Mrs Bold, and of course removed to her husband's house.
Of course she was anxious to look her best, for she was but a mortal angel after all.
In that case," said he, "of course you must abandon it.
Of course nobody doubts that you could, if you chose.
Of course I must tell him, and I will say that you will see the archdeacon.
Nothing that you say in such a way to your own counsel can be in any way binding on you; of course you were there to ask his advice.
All the McReadys, notwithstanding the fact that his act in saving the girl had caused them to lose a chance at fortune which might never again come their way, approved heartily the course he had taken.
Leading the horse by the rope, Matt picked out the course with the utmost care.
Course dad an' me felt good when Del told us how he had held Perry a prisoner all night, an' how he had only got away half an hour ahead of you.
I had a notion where the old mine was, although I didn't know exactly, an' of course night was a bad time to find anything I was so hazy about.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "course" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.