It was acknowledged that there were more bishops than the number of persons then in communion with the Established Church required.
I know that such people will always have churches, aye, and cathedrals, and organs, and rich communion plate.
I do love Him, and I am so afraid of a whirl of gaiety spoiling the communion I have with Him day by day.
If you mingle in one thing, you must in another, and a Christian has to walk very carefully if he wishes to preserve unbroken communion with his God.
This means that one thousand people have seated themselves before an apostolic communion table.
And the Congregational Church down South is the only champion against this papal see, for she has an aisle wide enough for five races of mankind to march up to her communion table, while the sword of the Spirit guards her portals.
At the close of the communion service, adjournment was taken to Wednesday at 8 A.
This is indeed the natural conclusion which flows from your premises; but by what bonds should then the communion between body and soul be preserved?
Within these few years, a young man of good appearance was known to have taken up his abode here; he shunned all observance, only holding communionwith a poor family who procured him what necessaries he needed.
But, blessed are they who forfeit not their claims to the watchful care and protection of, and communion with, the heavenly powers, and pure and lovely spirits.
In this situation, the spiritual organs are susceptible of converse with Deity, or of communion with angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect.
The tendency has been therefore for each religiouscommunion to establish its own church.
When he turns to recreation he naturally seeks to continue the silent communion with his fellow-workers.
I wandered in the woods in communion with the spirit of the dead, until the returning stage arrived.
Yes, but it does not last, and when he wakes from his dream of communion with nature, he is still solitary, still the prisoner of his ego.
But in general the romantic Prometheus spurns the traditional forms of communion whether classical or Christian.
In general one must grant the solace and rich source of poetry that is found in communion with nature even though the final emphasis be put on communion with man.
If instead of following the romantic lure he heeds the call from the opposite direction, he will not indeed attain to any perfect communion but he will be less solitary.
Now that every form of communion has failed, all that is left it would seem is to die in silence and solitude like the wolf (“La Mort du Loup”).
If the genius is cut off from communion with men he cannot hope for companionship with God because he has grown too sceptical.
In the forlornness that follows upon the collapse of her sham communion she meditates suicide.
When a communion on these lines turns out to be not a reality, but a sham, and its disillusioned votary feels solitary and forlorn, he is ready to blame everybody and everything except himself.
The hollowness of the Rousseauistic communion with nature as well as other Rousseauistic substitutes for genuine communion is indissolubly bound up with the subject of romantic melancholy.
The man who wishes to fly off on the tangent of his own temperament and at the same time enjoy communion on any except the purely material level is harboring incompatible desires.
Such is the disillusion that comes from having sought an ideal communion in a liaison with a Parisian actress.
In its accomplishment, for all who have reached a reasonably human degree of development, the communion of bodies becomes the communion of souls.
How sweet, communion here to hold With them, the mighty bards of old.
All ages past, and make one live with all, By you we do confer with who are gone, And the dead-living unto council call; By you the unborn shall have communion Of what we feel and what doth us befall.
It is stated that, for a considerable time before his death, he relinquished his former practices, and died in full communion with the church.
This dogma of the Feminist cult is not vouchsafed by the authority of a Communion of saints but by that of the Communion of advanced persons up to date.
Abbie Clark, Mary Field and I think we will join at thecommunion in September.
This is Communion Sunday and quite a number united with the church on profession of their faith.
He may feel the spell of outward pomp and magnificence and the attractions of pleasure; or he may be driven back on his own thought, and into communion with Nature, and to an ideal longing for simpler and purer conditions.
When shall we cease to "hold communion with her visible forms," and to find in them one of the many avenues which God has left open for us to use in approaching him!
It bears the marks of whatever spiritual fellowship and communion we keep with the Divine.
For an instant she lay palpitating against him, and as long as he lives he will remember the first exquisite touch of her firm but supple figure and the marvellous communion of her lips.
She went to school the next day, and for many days and weeks thereafter, and held communion with the few alone who chose to treat her pleasantly.
His father had given him everything except that communion of which Cynthia spoke so feelingly.
Too deep or too devoted a life seems to have been required, too constant communion with Nature, or too broad a study of her phenomena.
It is a glory that is peculiar, and peculiarly beautiful, that amid that iron age of a murderous criticism, he was forever found in close union and communion with the morning stars of poetry.
An indissoluble sign of their existence has stamped itself on the abodes of all distinguished men, a sign which places all kindred spirits in communion with them.