It is certainly worthy of notice with regard to Simeon that the final allocation of territory gave to this tribe the district in which Kadesh was situated.
On the other hand, life history strategies can be regarded as time and energy allocation on a grand scale, and it therefore seems appropriate to look briefly at their implications for seabird management.
Food demands of nestlings have a great influence on the time and energy allocation of breeding over nonbreeding seabirds.
If all data on time and energy allocation for a single species were known, it would be possible to make up detailed budgets for birds of different age, sex, and experience throughout the year.
As concerned biologists, we should be combating this apathy by pointing out that conservation represents a rational allocation of public resources.
They represent a rational allocation of economic resources.
Adults must adjust their time and energy allocation to foraging to optimize not only energetic, but also nutritional return.
The real issue here, as in all economic problems, is the rationalallocation of resources.
Any activity of an animal requires time and energy use; therefore, the patterning of use makes a common thread to which allocation to all activities in a bird's life cycle can be related.
This relation does not imply, however, that the time and energy allocationof the adults would be the same for the two species.
Allocation to such items as avoidance of predation and competition is not considered here, because they are not readily analyzed as activities to which time and energy are devoted in a specific part of the annual cycle.
Seasonal allocationof time and energy resources in birds.
The allocation of a fortune-telling aspect to these cards is the story of a prolonged impertinence.
I have seen yet another allocation of the zero symbol, which no doubt obtains in certain cases, but it fails on the highest planes and for our present requirements it would be idle to carry the examination further.
Partiality is seen in the allocation of most of the insolence and cruelty to Sylla, while our sympathy is constantly being evoked on the side of Marius.
Among the eccentricities of this anonymous author's misdirected ability is the disregard of appropriateness in the allocation of speeches to the various characters.
Still further, in the allocationof the tribes in their various territories we have an instance of the way in which God designed the earth to minister most effectually to the wants of man.
Again, in the allocation of the tribes in their various territories we have an instance of a great natural law, the law of distribution, a law that, on the whole, operates very beneficially throughout the world.
By the end of 1997, the allocation of new Dutch development funds was frozen as Surinamese Government relations with the Netherlands deteriorated.
A canvass of the total supplies available and of the demands of the various countries ordinarily led to voluntary compromise in the allocation of supplies.
The purpose might be accomplished by direct allocation of supplies or by control of tariffs and exchange.
The allocation of the former to approximately definite epochs, and also of two great and important phases of the latter to well-defined periods, are the salient features of late investigations.
Hence in late years a system of differentiation has been evolved, and the allocation of an earthwork to a definite class is now possible.
Else how comes it that David Spreul received but yesterday an allocation of two hundred shares in the Westermidden Junction; whilst your application and mine, for a thousand each, were overlooked?
He is especially responsible for the peace of his district, and therefore the allocation of the police force rests primarily with him.
The allocation of the troops and police was reviewed in consultation with the Commissioners of Divisions and so made that the one force supplemented the other.
Thirty-four Indian families from one tribe in Pembina are reported by the agent as demanding their allocation of farms; the chiefs and headmen of other tribes are in negotiation for farming implements, stock, etc.
When bribes and promises of bribes actually alter outcomes in the real world - a less than optimal allocation of resources and distribution of means of production is obtained.
Reallocation Fees Benefits paid (mainly to politicians and political decision makers) in order to affect the allocation of economic resources and material wealth or the rights thereto.
The allocation of resources so as to yield the maximum effect was rightly recognized as one of the most vital and difficult of our war-time problems.
And so, indeed, it becomes necessary for any particular business to pay for its capital interest at the market rate, not so much to secure the saving of it as to secure its allocation from the common pool.
But the allocation of these resources between, for instance, the various theaters of war was none the less a very real problem, which gave rise to much engrossing controversy.
Now this is precisely analogous to the problem of the allocation of our resources for the purpose of peace.
Fourth, to continue the priorities and allocation authority in the field of transportation.
The Air Force eventually agreed to enlist Negroes at a 10 percent ratio to whites, but the Navy held out for higher standards and no allocation by race.
This is a manifestation of a more general problem of minimal agency resource allocation to emergency preparedness.
You will ask: "If that is so, what is the use of this expensive allocation of the Russian troops?
This policy has directed the Russian allocation of troops for a long while.
I now come to the other point, the allocation of the troops.
The only events which could have occasioned a change of opinion are the attitude of the Russian press and the allocation of the Russian troops.
If we now proceed to examine the revenue derived from the national estates, we find that its most important item proceeds from the sale and allocation of the public lands.
Recognizing the need for PsyWar officers on army and corps staffs, the Department of the Army hastened to make an allocation for these officers to be integrated into headquarters structures.