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Example sentences for "blackmail"

Lexicographically close words:
blacklegs; blackletter; blacklist; blacklisted; blackly; blackmailed; blackmailer; blackmailers; blackmailing; blackness
  1. Instead of going back to her village, she comes here and tries to blackmail the officer!

  2. To the time," I said, "when any man could blackmail me.

  3. The pikelhaube and the lash, blackmail and coercion would take the place of generosity.

  4. She means by that that he knows she's a desperado, and she thinks he'll draw the line at a trip that promises murder and blackmail and such like dirty work.

  5. He had his moral conviction still; but you cannot blackmail a sharp lawyer on a moral conviction.

  6. Yes, but if I am right about dishonest and finds the Uncle Masterman, I can blackmail bill, he will know who Michael.

  7. A hell-like voice in Morris's own bosom gave the answer: "Blackmail me.

  8. Each lord of a castle levied systematic blackmail on the neighbouring parishes.

  9. While Robert was watching Stirling, his brother Edward devastated the country round Carlisle, lording it for three days at the bishop's castle of Rose, and levying heavy blackmail on the men of Cumberland.

  10. And you have no hold on me, no letters to blackmail me with, and nobody anywhere would take your word for anything against mine.

  11. And don't try any blackmail dodges on me or I'll beat your head off!

  12. Just this: You tell Tom that this blackmail has got to stop!

  13. It just happens that I've placed him in a most superstitious dread of me--through a little encounter we had because of an attempt Tom Hewlet made to blackmail me.

  14. Still more serious were the conspiracies in which solicitors and police officers were concerned, which had for their object the levying of blackmail from bankers and others.

  15. So flourished the system of the weak levying blackmail upon the strong.

  16. During those three centuries they levied blackmail upon all who had any trading interest in the Mediterranean.

  17. If you attempt to blackmail Annie any more I will tell Mr. Parker all about this matter.

  18. Very well; I promise not to tell what Annie has done if you make me a promise not to blackmail her again.

  19. But a citizen of a great town like this, owes something to his fellows, and submitting to blackmail is but a poor precedent to set.

  20. He has been attempting a system of blackmail upon me.

  21. The venturesome caravans seldom numbered more than one or two a year, and were at the mercy of a Mamasani Beluch called Pasand Khan, who lived in Sistan and levied blackmail on such caravans as came through.

  22. But, Senor, I should be sorry to have you think we levy blackmail indiscriminately.

  23. Of Drinkwater’s assiduous curiosity and the plan of blackmail which had long matured in his crafty mind, Pansy had not the slightest suspicion, as was afterwards evident.

  24. At the same time no solid peace had been obtained, and the Mongols continued to harass the borders, and to exact blackmail from all who traversed the desert.

  25. Then you did blackmail him," she said in a tone of dismay.

  26. She felt chiefly annoyed by the fact that the complete stranger they had chosen to blackmail should be Sir James.

  27. The police courts had taught him the amazing ingenuity of the criminal mind, as well as something of the plots and devices by which the unwary are beguiled into the dark places where blackmail may be levied with impunity.

  28. The patient (for so he must be called) often becomes the victim of blackmail on the part of vicious girls or children, incited by unnatural parents.

  29. Such is the case with gambling hells, with dens for prostitution and sexual anomalies, where the poor blackmail the rich, while the latter in their capacity as social exploiters help to maintain poverty and prostitution.

  30. A second very grave result of homosexual love is the continual blackmail which is levied on inverts by all kinds of scamps.

  31. We have had to pay her blackmail regularly, like the other artists, for we are obliged to go home after midnight.

  32. Her mother had been a good wife, but her grandmother had extorted a mint of money and, after all, nearly ruined him in the good graces of his Emperor out of spite, from her blackmail failing at last to remunerate her.

  33. On the way he corrected his entry by deducting five cents for fare; then on reflection added fifteen cents as the probable tip to the chauffeur, this representing the sheer blackmail of the dread of being considered a short sport.

  34. He began to suspect that much of the change that he systematically dribbled out was simply the blackmail paid by vanity to extortion.

  35. Deliberately she withheld information about the blackmail plot.

  36. But why should Mr. Judson submit to blackmail even for his daughter's sake?

  37. From his own lips they learned how he had submitted to blackmail rather than disgrace Pauletta by returning to prison.

  38. Don't you figure it's a blackmail attempt?

  39. Blackmail used to bear a significance not fully understood by the modern use of the word.

  40. The spread of civilization here means that the old-time dattos will be driven into the wilds, and that there won't be any more plunder or blackmail money to live on.

  41. They hoped to be able to scare Mr. Seaforth into paying the blackmail their datto had demanded.

  42. Whatever their convictions upon arrival, almost all Americans have come down to paying their waiter the regular blackmail of a dollar a month and setting it down as one of the unavoidable evils of life.

  43. He'd discharge me and blackmail me, and you know I have a wife and innumerable children to support.

  44. He had used his official position in the past to blackmail inoffensive citizens, but he knew that it would take him more than a year to raise ten thousand francs by that method.

  45. When Bastien had served his sentence for burglary he began to blackmail Robert systematically, until another robbery landed him in gaol again.

  46. It was always easy for her to persuade some rich man that she had lost her heart to him, then get him into a compromising position, and afterwards proceed to levy blackmail as the price of her silence.

  47. The mysterious lady may not have been the daughter of the manufacturer, but it is credible that Barthelemy may have planned the whole affair in order to blackmail Mr. Moore.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blackmail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    account; allowance; ask; assessment; badger; bill; blackmail; boodle; booty; call; challenge; claim; contribution; demand; draft; drain; draught; draughtsman; draughty; duty; exact; exaction; extort; extortion; fee; footing; gouge; graft; haul; impose; imposition; impost; indent; levy; loot; mileage; notice; order; perquisite; pickings; plunder; prize; protection; reckoning; rend; require; requirement; requisition; retainer; rush; screw; shake; shakedown; snatch; spoil; squeeze; stealing; stipend; swag; take; tax; taxing; till; tribute; ultimatum; warn; warning; wrench; wrest; wring