This dust the winds catch and distribute far and wide.
That priests so distribute people's alms as to please God, and dispose the people to almsgiving; they shall sing psalms when they distribute alms, and bid the poor pray for the people.
The chantry priest is on that day to distribute to the parish priest of St. Lawrence ministering about the same anniversary, 12s.
Lushington finished his speech at two, and when Pemberton was about to reply Brougham announced that he must go away to the London University, where he was to distribute prizes.
However, the Tories affect to be satisfied, laud it to the skies, and distribute it through the country.
After being exposed to a tempest and forced to put in for supplies, here he was captured, and called upon to distribute prizes!
He should also be able to keep his wings well together, and distribute the play to the best advantage, and most of all to be a fine shot.
A half-back should be able to distribute the ball when it comes his way to the best advantage, and a long swinging pass from centre or outside right or left, according to his judgment, has always proved most effective.
He stopped, as if to emphasize the point, then slowly began to distribute to each of us one of the carbon handles I had seen him adjusting to the peculiar little electrical instrument.
Lungs replaced by tracheae, which receive the air from the spiracles, and distributeit by bronchiae infinitely ramified.
Nor do all that do so employ them distribute them in the same manner as those above described, which rarely attempt to arrange them in any regular position.
The committee of our church that took charge of the tickets began todistribute seats--the best seats and boxes--to their personal friends.
Do we not consider it our duty to print and distribute the Bible in all foreign lands, when there are three millions of people among whom we dare not distribute it at home, and whom it is a penal offence even to teach to read it?
Borrow had got his New Testaments printed, and he wanted to distribute them because he wished to see still more of the world, and had no lack of courage to carry out any well-defined scheme of the organisation which was employing him.
Behold George Borrow, then, first in Portugal and a little later in Spain, upon his great mission—avowedly at first a tentative mission—rather to see what were the prospects for Bible distribution than to distribute Bibles.
It was he who translated Borrow’s appeal to the Spanish Prime Minister to be permitted to distribute Scio’s New Testament.
From this shafting and belting distribute the power in every direction.
A part of the work of the "City Mission" is to distribute tracts and simple religious instruction.
They begin by stating that the vill is rated at a certain number of hides and then they proceed to distribute those hides among the tenants in chief.
We have said above that we have inherited three ancient documents which distribute hides among districts.
The hides or the carucates (A) have often been split into small fractions where the jurors distribute integral teamlands.
The temples distribute tracts with pictures of purgatory so that women may see them and understand.
It was also proposed that these surgeons should act as commissaries, with power to receive and distribute such contributions of money, food, clothing, and medicines as might be forwarded for the relief of the prisoners.
We distribute them to those that are nearby and also help ourselves.
Here a rescue party had brought a large case of fresh rice cakes but there is no one to distributethem to the numerous wounded that lie all about.
And the king surrounded by the ladies of the royal household began cheerfully to distribute wealth and food and drinks of various kinds amongst those that sought to please him, according to their desires.
Having gone there, O regenerate Rishi, and received from him vast wealth, thou canst distribute it among thy sons and servants and then thou canst go whithersoever thou pleasest.
He was a month in England, and then left for Spain to print and distribute Testaments.
He had proposed long before that he should distribute the books himself, wandering overland with them by Lake Baikal and Kiakhta right to Pekin; but the Russian Government refused a passport.
In order to comfort the children, the girls are to be given soup tickets to distribute to beggars, and the boys are to have their choice between French and German wooden soldiers.
The change to the Empire, though it put a considerable check on this kind of plunder, did little to distribute wealth more generally, or to limit luxurious living.
The Commissioners appointed to distribute the land were Pollio, Varus, and Gallus, all friendly to Virgil, and by their advice he went to Rome, and obtained the restitution of his land by personal application to Octavianus.
I made a vow this time, to distribute two hundred copies of the holy book, in order that a greater number of persons might be moved to intercede for the suffering souls.
My arms I leave to thee, and I will that my horse be sold immediately after my death; I charge thee with the care of this matter, if thou wilt promise me to distribute the full price amongst the poor.
Would you be so good as to distribute the presents?
As long as Santy will be here so soon, we'd better wait till he comes, and let him distribute the presents, don't you think?
Seizures were often accompanied by the arrest of printers and publishers, and an order to destroy the press and distribute the bookseller's whole stock.
The idea is to distribute supplies to the sub-stations from the central station and thus avoid the jam of crying and excited people at the committee's headquarters.
Each train bore messengers sent especially to distribute funds and provisions and clothing, volunteer physicians in large numbers, trained nurses and a corps of surgeons equipped with all needed instruments and medicines.