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Example sentences for "surrounding"

Lexicographically close words:
surrogate; surrogates; surround; surrounded; surroundeth; surroundings; surrounds; sursum; surtax; surtout
  1. As the vibration of the physical atom must be in harmony with that of its etheric atmosphere, any change coming to one will be imparted to the next, and the next, through the ether surrounding them.

  2. He demonstrated that all physical phenomena come from the chording vibration of the physical atom with the surrounding etheric atoms, and that the latter exercise the impelling force on the former.

  3. All things on this etheric world were caused by the harmonic vibration between the etheric atoms and their surrounding envelopes, except that while all things in this etheric world must have life, not all need have mind.

  4. That there was a mystery surrounding the character of Baldos, the goat-hunter, Dangloss did not question for an instant: and in spite of the instructions received at the outset, he was using all his skill to unravel it.

  5. Their mornings were spent in the shady park surrounding the castle, their afternoons in driving, riding and walking.

  6. He took a more active part in soliciting contributions for evangelizing benighted countries, and he consented on several occasions to deliver an address on "Success in Life" to struggling young men of Benham and the surrounding towns.

  7. His magnetic yet grave manner of conducting business pleased Benham, attracting also both the distressed and the bilious portions of the community, and the farmers from the surrounding country.

  8. Verily, the world has wagged apace in Benham since Selma first looked out at her metal stag and the surrounding landscape.

  9. Her father, the physician of the surrounding country, a man of engaging energy with an empirical education and a speculative habit of mind, had been the companion of her girlhood.

  10. The great rock of Constantine is only attached to the surrounding country by a slim neck of land.

  11. If not a mirage, most likely it is Tozeur, or rather the palms surrounding that sad, but interesting centre of civilization.

  12. The only communication between the city and the surrounding plateau is by the Bridge of El Kantara, spectacularly picturesque, though not artistically beautiful, the successor of an old Roman bridge on the same site.

  13. The general aspect of the land is one of melancholy, because of the numbers of their burial-grounds, three or four surrounding each town.

  14. He did not find any great difficulty in avoiding the more tedious of the social functions at the Residency: and the early mornings and the evenings were spent in tranquillity at his camp or in the surrounding desert.

  15. Southwards, at the foot of the hills, stood a native village, the clustered white houses and dignified groups of palms reflected in the still waters of the inundation which, at this time of the year, cover the surrounding fields.

  16. The remarkable fight of the rod and wire mill men was due in large measure to the peculiar circumstances surrounding their organization.

  17. It provisioned and fortified its great mills and furnaces, surrounding them with stockades topped off with heavily charged electric wires, and bristling with machine guns.

  18. The whole surrounding region abounds in lumber of almost every description, which would become very valuable when the road is built, to say nothing of the extensive formations of stone, soapstone and serpentine which are found there.

  19. The smaller surrounding holes are then charged and fired.

  20. Why give women the right to go into business or trades, either as employees or employers, without the right to control the conditions surrounding their business or trades?

  21. One evening during the convention the Maryland suffragists, reinforced by others from surrounding cities, had a long and handsomely equipped parade.

  22. Then he ran his fingers across the surrounding surface.

  23. I have told of hearing that sharp, welcoming bark, emitted either from the gem or from the air surrounding it.

  24. A special guard: the inner one, Rhamdas, the outer one of crimson surrounding them all.

  25. How explain that they were here represented in reverse, their brilliance scattered and diffused over the surrounding sky, leaving points of blackness instead?

  26. The height of his window was great--he looked very closely, and made out two lines of colour lining and outlining the street surrounding the apartments.

  27. The harbour is one of the finest on the coast, the surrounding country is rich in tobacco and sugar soil, the climatic conditions are favourable, and the new times will be good times for Bahia.

  28. The disagreeable smells of the typical Cuban city are less pronounced in Santiago, and whitewash, limewash, fresh paint, and all sorts of disinfectants have deodorised the surrounding atmosphere and made the old town really habitable.

  29. The surrounding country has many people employed not only in agriculture, but in mining as well, for Santiago is the centre of the mining district.

  30. Diekirch was an important Roman station, and in the 14th century John of Luxemburg, the blind king of Bohemia, fortified it, surrounding the place with a castellated wall and a ditch supplied by the stream mentioned.

  31. In geology the term is applied to wall-like masses of rock (sometimes projecting beyond the surrounding surface) which fill up vertical or highly inclined fissures in the strata.

  32. If the restriction as to uniformity be violated, what we have ultimately to deal with is the wave-length in the medium immediately surrounding the object.

  33. How can you so blindfold the young, stop their ears, and wall them off from surrounding influences, as to expect such a result?

  34. It was on the day of Pentecost, when multitudes were present, not only from all parts of Palestine, but from the surrounding nations.

  35. The surrounding waters swarm with fish of every variety, and of the finest flavor.

  36. The mingled delight at seeing them, and astonishment after looking a few moments at them, have photographed the whole surrounding scene to its minutest details indelibly upon my memory.

  37. My clothing shone with a pale blue light, by which I could peer into the surrounding darkness to the distance, as I should judge, of about twenty or thirty feet.

  38. About the middle of the afternoon, during the severest weather, they begin to fly over to the roost at the head of the Hollow, coming in from the surrounding fields, some of them from miles away, where they have been foraging all day for food.

  39. The nest behind my garden is in the top of a tall, slender maple, with oaks and chestnuts surrounding and overshadowing it.

  40. The pole rose far above the surrounding pines--the highest point for miles around.

  41. Rollo followed up his victory by sailing up the river and laying siege to Paris; but the capital of France proved too strong for him and he had to retire to Rouen, whence he continued to havoc the surrounding country.

  42. Much astounded by such a state of things in a Christian land, but supposing it to be a peculiarity of his own county, he made a journey into some of the surrounding districts, to learn from them, if possible, some better method.

  43. The vikings continued to pillage the surrounding territory, and were daily expected to sack the city.

  44. Its appearance on the map was also very different then, for it not only extended over much of the German territory now surrounding it, but also held all Norway as a province.

  45. Boys climbed about the base of the columns, single figures stood on the posts of the surrounding railings in the boldest relief against the sky; and the whole thing was exactly what Paul Veronese would have delighted to draw.

  46. On the ridge of the surrounding heights, with timber obtained on the spot, a barrier five feet high was constructed, strong enough to resist the attacks of any wild beast, and extending about twenty miles.

  47. The fertility of the lands surrounding this splendid lake is positively unbounded.

  48. The Masai had originally yielded out of fear of our anger, and more still of the danger lest our friendship to the surrounding tribes might lead to the unconditional deliverance of the Masai into the hands of their hereditary foes.

  49. But in the surrounding woods and copses there were still considerable numbers of antelopes, zebras, giraffes, buffaloes, and rhinoceroses; the elephants alone had completely disappeared.

  50. It never occurred to any one that a railway would one day link Penny Green with Tidborough and all the rest of the surrounding world, or that a railway to Tidborough was desirable.

  51. Beneath him the spires of the Cathedral lifted exquisitely above the surrounding city.

  52. You observe that on its outer surface there are several foliated expansions of the shelly substance, surrounding it like so many frills at pretty regular intervals.

  53. This is covered with thick yellow scales, by taking away each of which in turn, we see that the bulb is made up of such, surrounding the central mass which has pushed upward, in the form of the stalk, with its leaves and flowers.

  54. And, first, I find every part of the surface of his body possessing a nearly uniform temperature, which is higher than that of the surrounding atmosphere.

  55. The eggs, acquiring maturity, were hatched, and the infant worms individually scattered themselves among the surrounding herbage.

  56. Year by year they beautified their Abbey Church; the western tower rose stage by stage till it became, as it still continues to be, a landmark for the surrounding plain.

  57. The Scotch settlers retained the characteristic traits of their native stock and continued to call themselves Scotch, although molded somewhat by surrounding influences.

  58. Owing to the surrounding conditions, the army took up its weary march to Wilmington, where it was expected there would be supplies, of which they were in great need.

  59. Mr. Dishart-Watson's wizened and saturnine countenance shrank suddenly and alarmingly to a mere rim surrounding his mouth.

  60. There was the stately family gig, with an academic and myopic paterfamilias at the helm and his numerous progeny at the oars, sweeping the deep of surrounding craft like Van Tromp's broom.

  61. To this image the devout folk of the surrounding region made pilgrimages on holy days; and it was covered with all manner of costly gifts from the grateful believers.

  62. It was a huge mortar, the central cavity capable of holding a bomb of fifty pounds weight; surrounding this cavity were eight smaller bores, each holding a five-pound bomb.

  63. The topic at present handled was a highly popular and frequent one--the personal character of Mrs. Charmond, the owner of the surrounding woods and groves.

  64. The account in the text of the mystery surrounding the Awujale is taken from A.

  65. These cities and the small surrounding territories which they controlled (which, I repeat, were often no more than local agricultural areas necessary for the sustenance of the town) were essentially the sovereign Powers of the time.

  66. Centuries and centuries before, indeed a thousand years before, the word Rex had meant the chieftain of the little town and petty surrounding district of Rome or of some similar neighboring and small state.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "surrounding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    about; ambient; around; cincture; circling; circumferential; containment; embracing; encirclement; encircling; enclosing; enclosure; envelopment; environment; inclusion; involvement; limiting; neighboring; peripheral; roundabout; suburban; surrounding; wrapping