The new claim of woman to a political status is itself an honorable testimony to the civilization which has given her a civil status new in history.
Forthwith he gave up the great prohibitions by which he was bound, and resumed the status of a Srâmanera.
These were the gradations marking the status of families, and Confucius's sense of propriety was offended at the Ki's usurping in this way the appearance of royalty.
The Teutonic women, whose status she would re-establish, went to the wars with their husbands, and fought by their sides.
General information about their status is more probable.
Perhaps the conjugal statusof men ought to be indicated in their titles, but they do not change their names in marriage, and therefore it is less convenient to change their titles.
Generally speaking this is dissatisfaction with the status quo and a desire to alter it.
If, as Charles contended, the Treaty of London guaranteed the status quo, Francis, by invading Navarre, was undoubtedly the offender.
But, between the extremes of Lutheranism and the status quo in the Church, there was a good deal to be done, in the way of reform, which was still consistent with the maintenance of the Catholic faith.
Ultimately they were ejected, and had to meet in a wood near the town, where two followers of the Reformer, who had been deprived of their status as Catholic priests, used to preach.
The friendship of the dogs assured the humans' new status in life.
But he did feel an enormous complacency, what with having brought his followers to an effective paradise of safety, and having arrived at a completely satisfactory emotionalstatus with Saya.
The conclusion of the Civil War returned Fort Gibson to the unimportant status to which it was reduced by its abandonment in 1857.
Some of the wealthier Seminoles claimed them as slaves, and they were retained in the custody of the garrison while their status was being investigated and determined by the authorities in Washington.
The gradual attainment of skill in the working of copper ore on the part of the early Egyptians had a marked effect on the whole status of their culture.
So was his naive frankness in regard to his status in the family, shown in the few words of greeting with Sir Ashley, and in his later simple yet free admissions regarding his obscure youth, his former poverty, and his present wealth.
Even the interpreter who stood between their remote dignity and the nearer civilized world acquired the status of a court chamberlain.
The results reached by these men are therefore of great weight, and go far to fix the status of the phenomena examined.
In exchange, We offer confirmation of their status as rulers of the new Traiti Sector, subject only to the restrictions that apply to all Sector Dukes.
If the war is to be ended with honor, it must be done by someone who has highstatus on both sides.
There was no denying a Ranger's statusamong humans.
They did, smiling when Tarlac had to use the Language term for his own status as he translated.
All ships will therefore go onto secondary alert status immediately, and will maintain thatstatus until the Terrans appear.
If anything, they had more status than any males except the n'Cor'naya, the Honored Ones who'd passed the Ordeal.
When they do, you will go to primary alert status without waiting for my orders.
Those who'd bet on him had very good reason to be appreciative; they'd gotten excellent odds, and some would gain clan status for their daring in backing such an underdog.
They are, as a rule, peaceful and harmless, but as they have been so long neglected by the government, their social status is but little above that of their savage ancestors.
Their general material progress and intellectual status was commented on as something quite comparable with the best that obtained in Mexico or Cuzco.
In England, until the latter part of the nineteenth century, the educational status of women was but little better than in Germany.
The authors believe that this explanation will reveal a status of Edison in relation to the subject that has thus far been unknown to the public.
There are numerous others, and it might be said with truth that Edison is hardly ever without some new device of this kind in hand, as he is by no means satisfied with the present status of electrical measurements.
The part "thereof below the said run and course" retained its status as a distinct county and the name of Fairfax.
Three other members of the bench associated with one member of the quorum, who had a different status from the other justices, formed a sufficient number to make a valid court.
The statusnow attained was that of regent master, i.
Sidenote: The status of women students at Cambridge and Oxford.
Newnham to Girton in the collegiate status now enjoyed by both, Girton to Newnham because the considerable advantages accruing to women students through proximity to Cambridge have been reflected on the sister college.
Cambridge by his father and grandfather; not only obtaining for it the status of a studium generale but maintaining a group of scholars there at his own [Sidenote: A.
This status continued through Lent, and hence the incepting bachelor was described as stans in quadragesima.
Here, as elsewhere, a bachelor was an apprentice or aspirant to another status or position; and he remained in statu pupillari as he still is in theory to-day.
For six hundred years the aspiring bachelor and master obtained their status by public disputations in the schools.
Bathing also in the Ganga-hrada and adoring Maheswara, one obtaineth the status of Ganapatya and rescueth his own race.
By this, one acquireth the merit of the horse-sacrifice, and the status of Ganapatya.
Repairing thither, O king, and worshipping the deity having the bull for his mark, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice as also the status of Ganapatya.
Residing there without food for one night, one obtaineth the status called Ganapatya.
And through the grace of Mahadeva, he acquireth the status of Ganapatya blessed with prosperity and peace and high grace.
Bathing there, O best of men, one obtaineth the status of a Brahmana.
Doing so, without doubt, one obtaineth, after death, the statusof Ganapatya.
Going thither, he that liveth on vegetables or fruits acquireth the status called Kaumara.
An estimated 10 million tourists visit annually, attracted by Andorra's duty-free status and by its summer and winter resorts.
Even the less fastidious are disposed to resent the presence in the university of a department whose intellectual and culturalstatus is hardly superior to that of a normal school.
He fell back into the status of a catechumen, and it was much discussed from the 2nd century onwards whether he could be restored to the church at all, and, if so, how.
But if the supply of raw Slavs were cut off, the standards and status of the laborers would rise, and the Americans would come into the industry.
Assuredly the Church of England would have sought no official recognition of its priestly status by the Church of Rome had it any independent claim to the power and authority of the priesthood.
These views were as vigorously opposed by some as defended by others, and the disagreement was rife when Constantine so suddenly changed the status of the Church, and brought to its support the power of the state.
They were allowed a considerable degree of liberty in maintaining their religious observances and national customs generally, but their status was far from that of a free and independent people.