It took the form of revolt against God, who had allowed such a blind and cruel sequence of events to wreck the lives of two of His innocent children.
Diagram illustrating Sequence of Paralysis, caused by abscess in temporal lobe.
Even in the notable instances of this gift as displayed by the very clever Theodore Hook, I had always half suspected some prior preparation--some adroit forecasting of the sequence that seemed the instant inspiration of his witty verses.
This sequence is explained as the result of the gradual encroachment, or transgression, as it is called, of the sea over the land and its subsequent recession.
They are arranged in sequence by item numbers, which correspond to the page numbers in the original book, and repeat the names exactly as given.
Pressing a button, flipping a switch, punching a keyboard, triggering a relay-seen as steps preparing for entirely programmed activities-means to extend the sequence of mediations.
The language of drawings, for what eventually became artifacts, confirmed the sequence in the built-in knowledge.
Where there is no sharing of experience beyond what a particular language sequence expresses, there is no understanding.
Obviously, they are less expressive than language-we have yet to read a DNA sequence poem, or listen to the music of a mathematical formula-but infinitely more precise.
To give birth meant to continue the sequence and enhance the chances of survival; to rear children to adulthood meant to afford new levels of efficiency.
In the oral mode, as opposed to procedures later introduced through writing, consistency was maintained by a succession of adaptations in the sequence of conversations through which records were transmitted.
In a variety of embodiments-from ways to sequence an action to the use of available resources, how to pursue a plan, craft tools, etc.
Globality is thus acknowledged, just as the sequence of seasons is ignored.
In effect, to specialize means to be aware of and to master tools that correspond to a step in the sequence leading to the desired result-the final word, in keeping with our example.
Once the same sound, or the same gesture, or the same sequence of sounds and gestures is used to point to the same thing, this stabilized expression becomes what can be defined, in retrospect, as a sign.
It is bound to continue along a time sequence severed from the natural cycle of mating, reshaped into the marriage contract and the family alliance.
Taking a piece from a literary work and using it in its entirety means to almost transform the language sequence into a configuration.
To such a mind the entire sequence of events in the life-history of a universe would appear as a single unit of conscious experience--an infinitesimal point of time in Eternity.
The chemist who confines his studies exclusively within his own province, when he reflects on the probable sequence of life, will speculatively see himself vanish in his blowpipes and retorts.
The doctrine of infant damnation, intolerably painful as it is, has been proclaimed thousands of times by authoritative teachers and by large parties in the Church, and is a logical sequencefrom the popular theology.
It is undated, but to judge by its contents and the sequence of events was written in May.
There is much more talk in the Conversation Book about the opera, but neithersequence nor date can always be determined.
This is the great law of animal and human development clearly revealed in the sequence of physical and psychical functions.
The brute has no reasoning--no sense that this follows from that, accompanied by a feeling that the sequence is necessary.
It was their opponents who were bent on forcing them out of their reserve, pushing them into what seemed the consistent sequence of their attitude, and then holding it up before the world for execration.
The phrase "law of nature" involves a self-contradiction, when used to denote a mode of action or an order of sequence behind which there is conceived to be no intelligent and ordaining will.
According to this theory, all men, as a divinely appointed sequence of Adam's transgression, are naturally destitute of original righteousness, and are exposed to misery and death.
So there is no possible way in which you could fix the date by observing the sequence of the number on the tag?
Well, in any event, you are not able to clarify for us the sequence of what happened?
Does that refresh your recollection as to sequence that prior to her sale of the house she moved out of the house and over to Sherwood Drive and the placing of you boys in the Bethlehem orphanage school was all part of the picture?
At any rate, regardless of what happened, I don't know the exact sequence of events, the police arrived on the scene and took everybody down to the jail.
Well, the sequenceof events had to be this: Davis spent Saturday afternoon with me.
Is it not right, by the eternal law of cause and sequence and unanswerable logic, that life should return to the fountain of life?
Electricity is the cause; they are the sequence or results, and he should say electricity is manifested by these things.
That man and probably all types of life have a spiritual or electric counterpart is not a scientific speculation or hypothesis merely, but a logical sequence of the forms that enter into physical organization.
In your Rudimentary Series, I have placed in sequence two of Duerer's most celebrated plates (R.
I must ask you, in order to make these lectures of any permanent use, to be careful in keeping note of the main conclusion at which we arrive in the course of each, and of the sequence of such results.
He succeeded in producing serious symptoms, such as vomiting and curvature of the neck and back, in fact, precisely the sequence of events familiar in cases of obstruction of the bowels or other retentions of fæcal matter.
The fact that it was composed out of the regular sequence of the Acts and Scenes gives us an important clue.
This sequence of gay words on the childish lips strikes at my heart like so many daggers.
And so the fatal sequence swings on forever, in ever-widening circles of torment.
So far as I could make out there were but few breaks in thesequence of communications.
I'm full of new ideas," he explained, impulsively impatient of the necessity to arrange a sequence among his thoughts.
He strove to arrange in some kind of sequence the things that he should say, when this momentous interview should begin, but he could think of nothing which did not sound silly.
Soon the inference was treated as a fact, and in due sequence came newspaper paragraphs declaring that the British Ambassador had gravely remonstrated with the President for inviting Sir Charles Dilke to his table.
But to the orderly mind and clear intelligence which instinctively brings uppermost and in due sequence the principal points of a question, Sir Charles Dilke adds a frank manner, a clear voice, and an easy delivery.
It was the study of prehistoric Europe and of early Aryan institutions that led me by a natural sequence to the study of aboriginal America.
In order not to interrupt the course of the narrative, the history of this undertaking in its sequence and general bearing on his life and work may be completed here in a few words.
The alarming scenes had hurtled in sequence too rapid and too violent to be by the children understood.
Its obvious advantage lies in affording the only possible means of maintaining a strict alphabetical sequence in titles, whether of authors or subjects.
What I said, just now, in deprecation of set courses of reading, was designed for private students only, who so often find a stereotyped sequence of books barren or uninteresting.
Care has to be taken to lay the signatures in strict order orsequence of pages, or the book may be bound up wrongly.