Body having a row of cream-colored spots in place of a lateral stripe, and another row in place of dorsolateral stripe; dorsally, large diffuse tan or light green spots partially fused and tending to form irregular transverse markings.
The cream-colored spots on the flanks are expanded to form vertical bars (Fig.
The encroachments of the publishers upon one another, the friendly exchanges, the loans of plates and type, form one of the most curious parts of the study of the Book.
They commenced with a large volume of "Letters" of Gasparin of Bergamo, which was set up in quarto with the Roman type, the form of which had been accepted.
But the wise harmony of the old printers, their sure taste, even in their old irregular blocks, was no longer there to form a graceful and charming whole, which is to modern precision as a picture by Van Eyck is to a chromo-lithograph.
The cords in them form an enormous and massive projection.
Never in any country had scrupulous perfection of detail been joined to so masterly a knowledge of disposition and form of characters.
Painting, of which it was accidentally the issue, returned to it under the form of illustration a short time after its first and fruitful essays.
Arms, porcupines, ermines, are treated so as to be confusing, and form a medley that is not pleasing.
The artistic formof the Book originated on the Continent, but England was not slow to adopt it and fashion it to her own ends.
The rooms are disposed in the formof the letter H, with pavilions to east and west, united by a gallery.
The type, or character used in printing, is a composition of lead and pure antimony, which, melted, form a resisting and at the same time supple mixture.
Jenson at Venice used a balance of which the form varied.
After gently shaking it to and fro in a horizontal position, the fibres of the pulp became so connected as to form one uniform fabric; and the water escaped through the wires.
Many people form an unfavourable impression of him when they meet him first, and afterwards they come to like him.
It is rather an expensive form of amusement, but as you have made two hundred and fifty-six pounds in ten minutes, you may as well spend a pound or two that way as any other.
Near it, upon the floor, was an ordinary packing-case, in the bottom of which a quantity of wood shavings had been pressed down, to form a sort of bed.
They form a distinct class of spirits and have their distinctive marks.
The government has the power at any time to form a trust or combination of any line of business by paying liberally to those already engaged in it.
There is much moreform and ceremony than is found in our system under the Mediator, Jesus Christ.
Our own Earth is inhabited by a large variety of living forms ranging from the microscopic bacteria and animalcula to the glorious form of man with all his superior endowments.
He acted as if I were some unheard-of animal, but when I addressed him in his own tongue and manifested a becomingly meek disposition, he accepted me as a deformed creature afflicted with a mild form of lunacy.
She scanned my form with wild curiosity and I feared that she would at once use her wings at their swiftest.
In these great red-hot seas live the monsters of the deep, as well as a motley variety of other species, veritable salamanders, some grotesquely hideous, others surpassingly beautiful inform and hue.
We hope that this book will be inspiring to every thoughtful mind who loves to learn more and more of the great system of intelligent life of which the human creatures of this world form one link in the chain.
After witnessing the wide extent of this slavery system, I appeared in visible form to a rich dignitary on one of the most refined highlands.
They have a sacred book which corresponds to our Bible, and it has always remained in its original form because there is but one language.
The nearer of the two stars that help to form this famous Dipper and that point toward Polaris, is called Dubhe by our astronomers.
Scientifically I could not account for this on any other ground than that the Moon, being a much smaller orb, cooled off sufficiently to sustain life on its surface long before any form of life could exist on our Earth.
I then appeared in visible form and walked into one of the largest cities on this world.
We cannot possibly grasp an idea of such infinite distances, neither can we form any adequate conception of the long, long stretches between star and star, which is the same as saying, between solar system and solar system.
If you cannot paint this picture, then you must not endeavor to form the faintest conception of the natural features of this Millennial world.
But Margaret was gone; and as Ned watched her flying form disappear toward the Mill House, he wondered if, after all, the last hours of horror had turned her brain.
She was lame, and in every movement her slender form seemed to shrink from curious eyes.
It is easy to complain of these monstrosities: but impossible to cure them, it seems to me, without an education of the taste, an education in those laws of nature which produce beauty in formand beauty in colour.
It might connect itself with--I hold that it should form an integral part of--some existing educational institute.
From spirit emanates the soul, which can unite itself to a body and form an individual.
Consequently, it is necessary to distinguish the matter and the form of our knowledge: the matter of the knowledge is the things themselves.
Finally, matter without form is the most distant of the emanations from God, and the lowest of the descending stages of God.
When it was observed that the Sophists form the most important epoch in the history of ancient philosophy, it was because they taught Socrates to seek a philosophy which was entirely human and preoccupied solely with the happiness of man.
Assuredly the monarchical form; for the republican form is always too individualist.
They will form a caste--poor, stern to itself, and redoubtable.
These ideas then commingle in such a manner as to form an enormous mass of combinations.
The form of our knowledge is ourselves: "Our experimental knowledge is a compound of what we receive from impressions and of what our individual faculty of knowing draws from itself on the occasion of these impressions.
As often happens, philosophic theories being essentially plastic and taking the form of the temperament which receives them, a certain Cyrenaic (Hegesias) enunciated the doctrine that the supreme happiness of man was suicide.
Putting aside for a while the continuation of this subject, what political form should the great State take to conform to its destiny?
It was said that these two people who lived in such strange form were once a poor old couple, and their home was a wretched house in the valley.
Notice a rainbow, when possible, and form one with a prism in the schoolroom.
Donatello has clearly taken classical motives; the winged feet and the serpents twining between them are not Renaissance in form or idea.
At Padua theyform a little orchestra to accompany the duets.
Footnote 151: This open form of trouser, of which one sees a variant on the Martelli David, was also classical.
Raffaelle found his ideal, and waited for the bodily form wherewith to clothe it.
Nothing requires more deftness than to give elasticity to a form which has no external sign of vigour.
They form a striking group, and their merits are not appreciated as they should be owing to the excellence of the sculpture immediately above them.
Even if painters were in the habit of putting conventional symbols on their pictures in the form of inscriptions, it is not likely that this careful and elaborate carving should be meaningless.
The model is restive and the form is immature, the softness of nature has to be rendered in the hardest material.
There is no life in them, no savour, and the energy of the children seems to have exhausted the humbler form of vitality beneath their feet.
In the Bargello the colouring modifies what the form itself was meant to suggest.
Footnote 105: Wreaths and putti form its decoration, and though Donatellesque, they are not by Donatello.
Its merits can best be appreciated in a cast, where the form is reproduced without the dubious embellishments of later times.
Many respectable people were obliged to accept relief in the form of necessary food, seed potatoes and seed oats.
The same massiveness, the same wedge-like stones piled together to form arches prevail in both.
One feels bad to hurt anyone's feelings, and between those who have a desire for a gift and are hurt if they do not get one, and those to whom offering a gift is the worst form of insult, one is sometimes puzzled to know what to do.
Again I saw fields from which stones had been gathered to form fences like ramparts.
The crowd then went to the house of James McCauley, when the same form was gone through and the same respite granted.
The roof is made in the same way as all arched roofs of old castles which I have yet seen, of thin stones laid edge-wise to form the arch and cemented together.
It is near the close of August and there is hay yet uncut, there is hay lying out in everyform of bleached windrow, or lap, or spread, under the rain.
Widdowson managed the sculls without awkwardness, but by no means like a man well trained in this form of exercise.
Indeed, it is only just to see your face or your form as you walk along.
It came in the form of a telegram, bidding him hasten to his wife; not a word of news added.
It was the old fashion in its purest presentment; the consecrated form of domestic happiness, removed beyond reach of satire, only to be touched, if touched at all, with the very gentlest irony.
She did not offer to shake hands, and used no form of civility beyond requesting her visitor to be seated.
Of course I know as well as you do that "Guy Mannering" is better; but that doesn't say I am not to form my opinion of other books.
I am not so foolish as to form any judgment in such a case, cousin Everard.
It made her feel as if she had to learn herself anew, to form a fresh conception of her personality.
For the most part the differences are limited to the form and sound of the words; only a few words seem to be quite distinct in the two dialects.
The aboriginal tribes of Central Australia form an exception to this rule; for among them no attempt is made to injure a person by performing magical ceremonies over his shorn hair.
The soul or shade of a Dene or Tinneh Indian in the old days generally remained invisible, but appeared wandering about in one form or another whenever disease or death was imminent.
A coral ring is used in Gujarat to ward off the baleful influence of the sun, and in Bengal mourners touch it as a form of purification.
In San Cristoval, one of the Melanesian islands, the vicarious sacrifice takes the form of a pig or a fish.
It takes the form of a little bird called the chichurkna, and may be heard crying like a child in the distance as it flies.
The vital spark had been commonly devoured by the malignant god Sit, who concealed his true formin the likeness of a horned beast, such as an ox or a gazelle.
The latter writer tells us that the witch's spirit is also supposed to assume the form of a fly, a hen, a turkey, a crow, and especially a toad.
From the pot four channels run in the form of a cross to the four cardinal points of the horizon.
Greek artists of a later period sometimes portrayed the human soul in the form of a butterfly (O.
This is confirmed by the form of auricular confession which is practised by the Akikuyu of British East Africa.
Tears trickled down Winifred’s face, I saw them trickling by the moonlight, as she gazed upon the writhing form of her afflicted husband.
The formpressed heavily against my bosom—at last methought it moved.
And on fairer form of queen ash fire never shone,’ said I, ‘than on thine, O beauteous queen of the dingle.
I remained alone, supporting the senseless form of my father; the light had been extinguished by the fall, and an almost total darkness reigned in the room.
Mr. Kerr’s sixteen illustrations in colour form a gallery of genre studies, sympathetic and yet sincere, that allows us to look with our own eyes upon Ireland as she really is to-day.
There was, however, one individual who, in the days of my childhood, was disposed to form a favourable opinion of me.
Should you imagine that these three form one, permit me to assure you that you are very much mistaken.
The building now belongs to the town, and the stables (The "Dome") form a very fine concert hall.
They are not coffins, but cists or chests, and are both of similar form and dimensions, ornamented externally by a large net-work of interlaced cords moulded in the lead.
The Priory building was probably irregular, varying in its form as the increase of inmates demanded additional room.
It is to be hoped that the votaries of this form of archaeological research have now discovered all that they desired to know, and that our far-off ancestors will be left to the peace we do not grudge our more immediate forefathers.
One unlucky individual's nerves caused him to stigmatize as "ghastly and disgusting" one of the finest scenes in the Lake District, probably unsurpassed in Europe for its perfectly balanced beauty of form and splendour of colouring.
The characters, indeed, more resemble the form used in the twelfth century.
But stone weapons, some of rude form and others highly finished, prove the greater antiquity of the camp.
It is close to the church, which, with the buildings of the nunnery, form three sides of a hollow square.
Eastwards is Highdown Hill and the country round Worthing, North the beautiful valley of the Arun and the lovely tree-clad slopes of the Downs of which the nearer spurs form Arundel Park.
Those in the centre which form the subject of Miss Vigers' sketch, are being demolished as this is written; their disappearance will be appreciated by motorists in a hurry but by no one else.
A rebuilding of the Priory Church was begun on the anniversary of William the founder's death in 1243, and from the antique form of the letters G and M the inscriptions cannot be fixed at a later period.
The candle had gone out when all the oxygen in the globe had been absorbed; the red pellicles had ceased to form when they found no more oxygen.
Now, when these vapors are sufficiently condensed to acquire a certain weight, they can no longer float in the atmosphere, and they fall in the form of rain.
In the experiment which we have made, if the oxygen has diminished in the globe, if it seems to have disappeared, it is because it has united itself and combined with the carbon of the candle to form the flame.
When the combustion took place, they saw water form in drops upon the sides of the retort and unite at the bottom.
In the same way in Lavoisier's experiment it had combined itself with the mercury to form the red pellicles.
When the clouds fall they fall in the form of rain.
They gave offense by refusing to remove their hats in public and by applying to all alike the words "thee" and "thou," a form of address hitherto used only to servants and inferiors.
Governor Carteret ruled the colony with an appointive council and a general assembly elected by the people, the typical colonial form of government.
These gratuitous inflictions, not mentioned in the statute, as well as the public exhibition of the prisoner were abolished in later times and in this modified form the method of correction was extended to the two other counties.
Descendants of the Swedes and Dutch still form the basis of the population of Delaware.
North of that line the successive terraces of the piedmont and mountainous region form part of the original North American continent.
They began imprisoning former officers and confiscating estates in the most approved revolutionary form and for a time had the whole government in their control.
For a hundred and fifty years the horse's back was the best formof conveyance in the deep sand of the trails and roads.
Her form was such as rapt Endymion Saw on the heights of Latmos when he slept And dreamed Heaven down to him.
Led by a phantom without form or truth-- To find reality still rising up To crush hope's fabrics with relentless force.
Here is found the most beautiful of all the primroses, the delicate rose-colored form (Primula rosea.
Its flight is rapid, with a whirring sound, occasioned by the concave form of the wings.
Point lace of the old sort was the highest form of needle art.
Europeans and Americans usually take it internally in the form of the tincture or laudanum, paregoric or the powder of the sulphate of morphine or codeine.
Briefly stated, the question of origin is whether the copper was set free by the decomposition of silicates or was in the form of a sulphide in the rock.
Large numbers of the willow ptarmigan are said in the winter to shelter in willow thickets and dwarf birches on the banks of lakes and rivers, where they feed on the buds of the smaller shrubs which form their principal food at that season.
Unlike pure lead, the alloy assumes a sphericalform when dropped through the air.
An intelligent, desirable little Volume,--many misprints in the English form of it.
A great behemoth of a war-captain; one of the fiercest, inflexiblest, ruggedest creatures ever made in the form of man.
These dead myriads, having nourished with their lime the various articles thatform our sustenance, have passed into our very being.
These nests frequentlyform there a succession of layers; and in certain localities they are superimposed one upon another in sufficient numbers to form a kind of stalactite suspended to the vaulted roofs of the monuments.
They forman instrument admirably adapted for feeling and groping.
In the solid mass, well placed and skilfully squared, where such numbers have harmoniously deposited their contribution of wax, an excavation must now be made, and some degree of form attained.
All these conjoined form the insignia of her trade.
To form a correct judgment of insects, you must examine and estimate their achievements and their societies.
Now, as these workers form nearly the whole people (except five or six bred as queens, and a few hundred males), it follows that the hive of twenty or thirty thousand bees is female.
Secondly, the form of the cells is by no means identical.
The captive thus secured was, without form of trial, adjudged to undergo our investigations as a punishment for his fratricidal voracity.
Others (bees and ants) form a protecting community; but the immense majority are born solitary and naked.
Many gave up their lives in its defence, and their names form one of the proudest and most cherished heritages that can descend to a grateful country.
Still creeping cautiously on, the outlines of the prodigious ram gradually assumed form in the gloom.
The massive form of the preacher swayed and quivered as the words crowded to his lips.
The only hope of solving this difficult problem seems to lie in the possibility of territorial segregation of the coloured population in an area in which it might, with assistance from the American people, form an independent nation.
The thick air, the monotony of vague form and colour, drive the mind to reflection upon itself; and in art the objects of nature serve merely as symbols by aid of which the mind seeks to express its own broodings.
And it is clear how, this differentiation having been achieved, either form of religion favours and accentuates in the peoples among whom it has become established the innate tendencies that have shaped it.
Her form could be discerned from head to foot, though nothing was uncovered but the pretty little arm which held together with a careless grace the folds of her raiment.
I have seen kermesses got up by actresses, and, upon my word, they were good form in comparison.
Men in black, with solemn faces, came and bore away the body, no longer like the form of the father she had loved.
Nailles's face showed traces of the habitual fatigue that was fast aging him; his tall, thin form had acquired a slight stoop; though only fifty he was evidently in his declining years.
The most cautious of men are not insensible to flattery, whatever form it may take.
They were even more kind and cordial to her than ever, unless an exaggerated cordiality be one form of impertinence.
She was not a prude, but she disapproved of anything that was bad form at her receptions.
You saw this form between you and the lighted lamp.
I beheld the outlines of a form between me and the lamp.
He was also a handsome man, or no, I will not go so far as that; he was only one in whom the lines of form and visage were fine enough not to interfere with the impression made by his strong nature and intense vitality.
The most unamiable form in which comedy has ever appeared, was that it assumed at its first rise in Greece.
Any form you please I will put on: but might I make my choice, With humble emulation, I would follow The path my lord marks to me.
Scorn me not, good lady; But, as in form you are angelical, Imitate the heavenly natures, and vouchsafe At least awhile to hear me.
Scaliger maintained that no one could form a just judgment of the true Attic dialect who had not Aristophanes by heart.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "form" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.