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Example sentences for "bidding"

Lexicographically close words:
bidders; biddes; biddest; biddeth; biddies; biddings; bide; bided; bides; bideth
  1. I complied with their request, and after bidding each other a friendly good-bye, we followed down the banks of the river, which I now find is the Roper.

  2. That hurt her so much that bidding her husband farewell she returned to her old home in the sea, with her youngest child in her arms, and never came back again.

  3. Hephaestus who at the bidding of Zeus moulded the first woman out of moist earth.

  4. She called out that she had come for the keys of the church, and seeing them on the dresser, abstracted them, bidding the good woman give herself no trouble.

  5. But, even while that hope was in my heart, reason rose up and mocked it, bidding me advance into the Future at my peril.

  6. Bidding the child hurry, she followed her up the hill, and down the other side to a part of the city with which she was not familiar.

  7. At any moment he might stop bidding with an abruptness very disconcerting to the older men, leaving them with the lapin which they were trying to impose upon him.

  8. Of course he knew everything; he had to know; and equally of course the secret of the fake bidding was perfectly safe with him, inasmuch as he had received a share of the plunder.

  9. At once Tom caught him by an arm, bidding Abdul take the other.

  10. Then, bidding a score of the men lift the airship on their shoulders, the head-man and the rest remounted, and led the way to the village.

  11. So bidding goodbye to my fellow missionaries, who were very dear to me, and to the Saints that composed our little company, I mounted a mule and struck the trail for home.

  12. Coming into his presence they would prostrate themselves in the dust of the earth, and await his bidding to arise.

  13. Before the company started westward, Uncle Brigham, in bidding me goodby said: "Johnny, I will give you a little advice.

  14. It was after Alan had slumbered for three or four hours, that he was wakened by voices bidding him rise up and prepare to be jogging.

  15. They that waited at the table were just the wicked serving-men and troopers, that had done their work and cruel bidding on earth.

  16. He wouldn't let you go without bidding you farewell,' said Mrs Askerton.

  17. I have been bidding farewell," Marie said, "not to you, but to our dream of happiness.

  18. The marquis stayed outside for a few minutes while the domestics handed round great silver cups full of spiced wine, and then bidding good-bye to his guests entered the chateau just as the surgeon rode up to the entrance.

  19. Arrived there, the winged messenger of Jupiter sets the poet down, and bidding him farewell, expresses a hope that the God of heaven will send him grace to learn some good from the scenes which are about to be unveiled to him.

  20. Curll forbore to announce letters he did not possess, at the bidding of a conspirator whose name and person he did not know.

  21. Once I looked back--bidding a silent farewell to Mena House!

  22. Bidding Ahmad to look into a mirror, he burned the secret perfumes and uttered the prescribed incantation.

  23. He released her, only retaining her hands for an instant, which he bent and kissed; then bidding her good-night, he hastened down the hall to his room.

  24. In the thickest of the bidding he suddenly closed his sale.

  25. We had, moreover, no small trouble to disengage from our ranks the wives and families who had most unwisely followed many officers abroad, and now clung to their dear ones bidding them farewell.

  26. Among them was Mr. Urquhart: and having readily given leave and accompanied them some little way on their search, I was bidding them good-night and good-speed when I found him standing at my elbow.

  27. Thousands at His bidding speed, And post o'er land and ocean without rest.

  28. In both cases, I was bidding farewell to characters with whom I had spent some of the happiest hours of my life.

  29. Can wheat or grain of any kind be profitably raised there in face of the competition of the great grain-growing countries such as that now opened, and bidding fair to be opened over a much larger area, in the Canadian Northwest?

  30. Some other fraud against me, bidding me Forsake my raft.

  31. No one had thought of bidding her farewell, nor had she thought of taking leave of any one.

  32. The aerial dialogue of the nests bidding each other good night in the elms of the Champs-Elysees was audible.

  33. Bring that wizard back and kill him here," shouted Janees presently, as the spell passed off them, and like hounds from a leash they sprang forward to do the bidding of the King.

  34. Who is that man, O Captain, at whose bidding the wilderness swarms with tribesmen and kings are brought to doom?

  35. He was ready to do her bidding in all things--to gather a band and slay Abi; it would be easy, for every man was jealous of the Prince, and thought him quite unworthy of her.

  36. Asti led Tua to a step in front of the altar and bidding her kneel, departed with the lamp which she hid away in some side chapel, so that now the darkness was intense.

  37. These being finished, she sent away the scribe to spend the rest of the night in writing them in duplicate, bidding him bring them to her in the early morning to be sealed.

  38. The officer of the watch bowed and departed to do the bidding of her Majesty, while others went to light the hall.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bidding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beck; behest; bid; bidding; call; calling; charge; command; commandment; convocation; decree; dictate; evocation; imperative; indent; injunction; invitation; invite; invocation; mandate; nod; order; pleasure; precept; requisition; summons; will; word