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Example sentences for "title"

Lexicographically close words:
titillating; titillation; titillations; tition; titlark; titled; titlepage; titles; titmice; titmouse
  1. The champion lodge "jiner" is the title bestowed by Mrs. Jennie Gehret, wife of John D.

  2. After a person's name has been mentioned once in a story, his initials or Christian names are omitted thereafter, and a Mr. or his professional title is put before the name.

  3. Detroit Golf Club, whom he defeated for the | |same title last year at the Kent Country Club.

  4. Usually the last page to come is the title page, and as soon as the last locking lever has been clamped, the wheels of the big press begin to turn.

  5. A the preceding the title of a newspaper or a magazine is regarded as part of the title and is capitalized.

  6. The prefix ex- before a title is not capitalized and does not affect the capitalization of the title.

  7. When they had been there long enough to give to the country as a lasting name a title derived from their kings, they extended their settlements from the Yamuna further to the north-east.

  8. Brahman now greets him as a great sage; but Vicvamitra wishes to have the incomparable title of a wise Brahman.

  9. Both authorities denote the king of the Kaikeyas by the title Acvapati, i.

  10. When was this causeway, the first step in road-making, constructed?

  11. The site of the Globe is generally allowed to have been at a spot 150 feet south of Park Street, close to the Southwark Bridge Road, and on the east of it.

  12. This company met by appointment the night before the day of departure.

  13. You ascend to this by a great many steps, under which there is a certain vault that opens a passage to the north side.

  14. The ship is pointed at both ends; she is steered by a rudder attached to the side of the stern; on each side hang 16 shields; she carried 64 rowers, and probably as many men besides.

  15. The story centers about a Hudson Bay trading post, known as "The Conjuror's House" (the original title of the book.

  16. Well earned was the title of Optimist, for that these coarse, untrained men should so devote themselves to a futurity certainly indicated optimism, and of a fine sort.

  17. The first Sunday of each month, a colonist is elected in the respective sections, who takes the title of elder Brother; and serves as mediator between the masters and the pupils.

  18. The Haut Rhin is classed under the generic title of the gentil.

  19. This piece has sometimes vied with le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hasard for the title of Marivaux's chef-d'oeuvre.

  20. I didn't know that an old Irish title must necessarily be connected with guilt," says her companion, fairly puzzled.

  21. A title is indispensable to you too, as well as to her?

  22. You may scold me if you like, but a title isn't everything, and he is worth a dozen of that cold, stiff Rossmoyne.

  23. A title is not to be despised; and he was devoted to you, and would, I think, have made a good husband.

  24. This magnificent title in which they took pride and securely sinned, God leaves to them.

  25. A "meritum congrui" (title to reward based upon equity) they attribute to a work which has been performed not against but in accordance to the divine law, inasmuch as an evil work is subject not to a reward but a penalty.

  26. Therefore though in their judgment they rob us of the title of the Church, still we retain the Word, and through the Word we have all ornaments of the true Church.

  27. The "meritum condigni" (a title to reward based upon desert) they attribute not to the work itself but to its quality as being performed in a state of grace.

  28. If ever in the future a council shall be held--which I hardly believe--no one will be able to take from them the title of Church, but propped up by this alone they will condemn and oppress us.

  29. So did the popes glory in the title of the Church only to replace gradually their spiritual glory by carnal indulgence after forfeiting the knowledge of God, his Word and his worship.

  30. They love to delve in the more mysterious books, such as the Revelation of John, and that worthless fabrication passing under the title of the second and third books of Esdras.

  31. And yet, with all such blasphemies and outrages, they arrogate to themselves the name and title of the greatest saints and boast of being vicars of Christ and successors of Peter.

  32. Under this title appeared in the columns of the True Flag, one of Fanny's most effective sketches.

  33. If he failed to win that title from the Khedive, he succeeded in gratifying a more profitable desire, by leading off into slavery the larger half of the population of Darfour.

  34. The letters appeared in July 1884, under the title of "General Gordon's Letters from the Crimea, the Danube, and Armenia.

  35. But these successes at several different points were of far less significance than the nomination of a single chief with the royal title of Tien Wang, or the Heavenly King.

  36. This proud title was given long before the claim to it was justified, but its subsequent appropriateness has buried in oblivion the slender claim it possessed to it on its inception.

  37. Gordon's title to rank among skilful military commanders rests on his conduct at the head of the Ever Victorious Army during the Taeping war.

  38. It will be more convenient to speak of him by his subsequent title of Chung Wang, or the "Faithful King.

  39. Yet the peasants of Kwangsi and the artisans of Kwantung assumed the title of "Wang" or prince, and divided in anticipation the prizes that should follow the establishment of some dynasty of their own making.

  40. I dare say you know some scientific title for club-moss.

  41. This title was justly conferred at the time, because he was one of the leading spirits in the organization of the enterprise.

  42. The title of this book refers to the 'secret history' of a recent critical episode between the United States and Mexico.

  43. Such was the title of Mr. Claud Beverley's play of real life.

  44. The sale of the title of Lords Say and Brook by him, in 1644, to Connecticut, is considered evidence as well of the existence of the design of removal alluded to as of its abandonment.

  45. He subsequently appears with the title of "colonel," and is believed to be the same person who besieged Hume Castle, in 1650, for Cromwell.

  46. Yet he has little or no title to be considered their discoverer, and has left no evidence that he ever landed upon them.

  47. The meditative reader may ponder upon this resumption under a French title as an evidence that time at last makes all things even.

  48. I should say Marblehead might still assert its title to the number of children it "nourishes.

  49. After a considerable time the chief broke silence, addressing Mr. Mayhew as sachem, a title importing only good or noble birth.

  50. A fish-house, with brush flakes about it, and a pile of wreck lumber, completed what man might have a title to.

  51. The insertion of the lengthy title in full appears unnecessary.

  52. The earliest inhabitants had no other title than possession, and their conveyance is by quit-claim.

  53. The cluster numbers thirteen eminences, to which the title "Old Thirteen" may be more fitly applied than to any political community of modern history.

  54. The name and title of Baroness Wentworth were in 1856 assumed by Lady Byron, whose grandfather was Sir Edward Noel, Lord Wentworth.

  55. The play which we now open is called by the comprehensive title of "The Creation of the World, with Noah's Flood.

  56. At that time, the title attached to these pages was strictly descriptive of the state of the county, when my companion and I walked through it.

  57. A first survey of my subject led me for a moment to doubt how far my title would cover the creations of that incomparable humourist.

  58. Syntax himself were here--a subject this which, published by Ackermann under the title of a "Tour of Dr.

  59. Shortly afterwards, it was agreed to transfer the title of the property at 3734 McKinney to St. Nicholas' Church.

  60. They have gathered ideas about you, and many of them in the past at least have felt that you might have been, or that you perhaps were--had a title of some kind.

  61. He claimed for himself the title of Baron.

  62. I don't remember the title or name of the book.

  63. Her favorite title was the mother of the gods, the origin of the gods.

  64. What is it then that literature brings to us, that earns its title to high place, though far from a highest place, among the great humanizing arts?

  65. It has been said that the best title of Lewis XIV.

  66. The full title is Essai sur les Moeurs et l'Esprit des Nations, et sur les principaux faits de l'Histoire depuis Charlemagne jusqu' a Louis XIII.

  67. Chevalier appears to have been a title given by courtesy to the cadets of certain great families.

  68. Nay," said I, "I know not but what I like the first title the better.

  69. But there is every reason to believe that General Jackson never saw the good old lady, that the story is a myth, and that Mr. Whittier, who has given us the popular poem under the title of her name, was misinformed.

  70. She fixed on the commander of his present regiment, and that awfully mysterious personage the Adjutant-General of the army, a title which seemed to represent omniscience and omnipotence.

  71. Coronado drew courage from the kindly title of relationship, and, leaning gently towards her, attempted to take her hand.

  72. Although Garcia was very distantly connected with Clara, she gave him the title of uncle.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "title" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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