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Example sentences for "behest"

Lexicographically close words:
beheading; beheard; beheld; behelde; behemoth; behests; behight; behime; behind; behinde
  1. The devils stood in so great awe of you, that at your behest they forsook the possessed demoniacs; now ye yourselves dread devils.

  2. Verily God's behest is act, as the psalmist said, "He said it, and creatures were made.

  3. But Jason made gentle answer to the angry king, assuring him that no such wild dream had brought him to this land, but the ruthless behest of a tyrannous king and the doom of a god.

  4. Unwilling, I swear, by the behest of the gods did I leave thee, even as now, by the same behest, I tread the land of darkness and despair.

  5. I go," he cried, "at the ruthless behest of a tyrannous king and the doom of a god!

  6. Making it of his own volition, unprompted, at the behest of no one save, perhaps, the man in the car, asserting at last his manhood in defiance of the subjection that had never come home to him until that moment.

  7. At the behest of one girl eighty men had to endure the discomfort of a storm at sea, and a great steel ship, straining and quivering, was flung into the perilous night.

  8. Her heart's behest She yet knew well, and was resolved to fill: She knows now joy, with true love in her breast.

  9. The Baltic people will at my behest Sing songs heroic that preserve your name.

  10. At thy behest I will traverse all lands and fearing no season of the year will hazard Meroë in summer and the Danube in winter.

  11. Verily God is with thee, when at thy behest Aeolus frees the armed tempests from his cave, when the very elements fight for thee and the allied winds come at the call of thy trumpets.

  12. If the dominant party, at the behest of so sinister an influence as Cowperwood, was to tie up all outside traction legislation, there could be but one thing left--an appeal to the voters of the city to turn the rascals out.

  13. We do not want a public-service commission at the behest of a private street-railway corporation.

  14. The local banks at the behest of the big quadrumvirate might be coerced into straining their resources still further.

  15. I mean the force of their behest Compelling my removal hence to Thebes.

  16. To thee I come, Justly to cleanse thee by behest from heaven.

  17. I let myself in, softly, with due regard to the slumbers of people compelled by the tragedy of life to go to bed at the behest of a clock, and trod the creaking stairs in utter darkness, guided by a friendly but shaky balustrade.

  18. But his words enabled me to see who the other occupant of the room was, for at his behest the woman whom I had accompanied almost all the way from Folkestone town came to a part in the room where I could see her plainly.

  19. Not that the news hath long come to me, for I have only but lately arrived from France, where I have been at the behest of James of York.

  20. Delcasse, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was peremptorily dismissed at the behest of Germany.

  21. It was a reiteration of the behest given at the supper table, "That thou doest, do quickly.

  22. Thus hath the Pen of the Most High commanded thee at the behest of thy Lord, the Almighty, the All-Compelling.

  23. I was indeed as one dead when His behest was uttered.

  24. The King should be as generous, as liberal in his mercy as the clouds, the outpourings of whose bounty are showered upon every land, by the behest of Him Who is the Supreme Ordainer, the All-Knowing.

  25. All this befell Me, though I had come unto them at their own behest and did not oppose their authority, which deriveth from thine own.

  26. Soon as he heard the high behest The driver of the chariot pressed Within the chambers of the king, His lord with praises honouring.

  27. Obedient to my sire’s behest And by the queen my mother pressed, To keep the law and merit win, I sought this wood to harbour in.

  28. Obedient to his lord’s behest Away Sumantra sped, And brought Vaśishṭha and the rest, In Scripture deeply read.

  29. By Ráma’s high behest to her I go a willing messenger; And never shouldst them hinder one Who toils for Daśaratha’s son.

  30. Obedient to my sire’s behest I serve the cause of duty best.

  31. Obedient to my guide’s behest On earth by night I never rest.

  32. At that great sage’s high behest Up sprang the princely pair, To bathing rites themselves addressed, And breathed the holiest prayer.

  33. When Vindhya, best of hills, would stay The journey of the Lord of Day, Obedient to the saint’s behest He bowed for aye his humbled crest.

  34. I saw it was his heart that laid it upon him to act as he has done, and he is a man that cannot go against the behest of his own heart.

  35. Command my lord of Stanley instantly to attend me," was Henry's stern behest to the court attendant, who bowed himself within one of the curtained entrances.

  36. Why, he had asked himself, should he run about London at the behest of Séverac Bablon?

  37. Why should he run about London at the behest of Séverac Bablon?

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "behest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    behest; bidding; charge; command; commandment; decree; demand; dictate; imperative; injunction; mandate; order; pleasure; precept; will; word