There was another season of hugging and kissing, and then all went upstairs that Edna might show her new doll and present the little gifts she had bought at the bazar.
Mrs. Ramsey was present and organized an idea party to meet at her house the next day.
It isn't everyone who can go in a sailing vessel without being seasick, and I am a little doubtful for Dorothy and Miss Eloise, but in your present condition I am very sure it would be anything but a pleasure to you.
Berkeley, in consequence of some fear suggested by Bishop Skinner, wrote the present Archbishop of Canterbury [Dr.
It spoke of their special pleasure in having Bishop Seabury's successor present at that time, attended by some of the faithful of his diocese.
Nichols, be and they are hereby commissioned to present to the Scottish Bishops an Address in the name of this Convention; and that the Secretary be instructed to furnish them with a certificate of their appointment.
Shall we dare from such a past and such a present to look forward through the years of a coming century?
My brethren, we shall have lingered to little purpose among these memories of the past, unless we take away with us something for the present hour with its duties and responsibilities.
All chapels were to be closed; and even in a private house only four persons besides the family were allowed to be present at any service.
We might not have had this office in its present shape had he not risen to favor its adoption when signs of dissatisfaction and a disposition to reject it appeared.
They owned and occupied the Ezekiel Gumaer farm, the present Godeffrey farm.
They owned and occupied the Gumaer homestead farm and built the present Gumaer stone house.
July, 1794, with his wife and children settled in the town of Skaneateles, on the west shore of the lake, about one-half mile south of the present village of Skaneateles.
He owned and occupied the Alva Cuddeback farm north of Huguenot, living in the long, low, red one and one-half story house just north of the present Hotel Huguenot.
Only Ray and Blake were present and it was an interview not soon, if ever, to be forgotten.
The women whom he had best known and trusted were still present at the post.
Plodder had strong men at his back, whom even hordes of painted Sioux could never stampede, but they were few in number, and there were those ever present helpless, dependent women and children.
Just who were the housebreakers no man present could say; but Mistress McGann that afternoon communicated her suspicion to her sore-headed spouse, and did it boldly and with the aid of a broomstick.
By easy stages the trade improved and enlarged its scope, until at the present time it is able to provide for the adequate distribution of tons of water under high pressure furnished by the city water works.
If we should undertake to wipe the joint with the pipe in the present condition, the solder would adhere to all the pipe that was shaved bright.
The plunger closet continued in use until the present all-earthenware closet bowl drove all other makes from the market.
He describes how on one occasion he was present at a free fight among the convicts in the barracks which had been originally a Franciscan convent.
All were shaved close, both head and beard, so that they mightpresent an appearance of nakedness and humiliation suitable to their forlorn condition.
A second Montesinos did not appear and Spanish prisons continued to exhibit the worst features down to the present day.
In 1888 in an official report, the Minister of Grace and Justice said, "The present state of the Spanish prisons is not enchanting.
Philip II was present at the second great auto in Valladolid in October of the same year, when the remainder of the Protestants were sentenced.
Gabira with his two children was present at the execution.
The congregation, at first utterly astounded, raised one great cry and fell bodily upon the sacrilegious wretch, who was promptly stabbed in the shoulder and haled before the king, who was present in the cathedral, and forthwith interrogated.
In this present tolerant age when every one may worship God after his own fashion, it is difficult to realise how recent a growth is toleration.
He saw the present advantage, the ready money, and doubted whether he would get as much from the fines and confiscations promised by the inquisitors.
In Spain it pays to have official friends, and a tactful present carries weight.
They are friends of mine, and in this country a present carries some weight.
In Africa, one gives a present and we have some wine left.
This gets rid of the difficulty in the present question.
Some existing facts present themselves to me, which incline me to a contrary opinion.
If we argue the matter on the supposition that no Confederacy at present exists, it can not be denied that all the States stand on the footing of equal sovereignty.
The Confusion which has produced the present relaxed State is not owing to them.
At present when the ratio of representation is to be established, we are assured that they are equal to freemen.
To give such a prerogative would certainly be obnoxious to the temper of this Country; its present temper at least.
It would be politic as it would reco[~m]end the plan to the present as well as future interest of the States which must decide the fate of it.
According to thepresent population of America, the North^n part of it had a right to preponderate, and he could not deny it.
He besought her to be present with him at the place of execution.
But, so far as present knowledge goes, this sacred play was an isolated phenomenon, and proved unfruitful of results.
It is not my present business to inquire into the subject-matter of his artistic essays, but rather to note the fact that Alberti should have thought it fitting to use Italian for at least the most considerable of them.
Its chief interest at the present time is that the theology expressed in it brought suspicion of heresy on Palmieri.
As the case at present stands, it is impossible to form a decisive opinion regarding the authorship of this famous treatise.
But, however we may attempt to explain this problem, the fact remains that, while the Italian dialects present affinities which show them to be of one linguistic family, it is Tuscan that completes and interprets them collectively.
They present the natural material of neo-pagan Latin verse without its imitative form.
More at the present time I cannot give: The soul returns to Him from whom it flew: The rest of us, thou knowest, will not live!
I use this word according to its present connotation.
Since the poem was to present truth under a cloak of metaphor, it did not signify what figures were used.
To bridge the interval between the Divozione, used in Umbria, and the Sacra Rappresentazione, as it appeared at Florence, is rendered impossible by the present lack of documents.
In Italy at the present time, he says, all boys pass from the games of childhood into schools.
Wrote a very long letter to Hardinge on the present position of the Government and our policy.
Went to Guildhall to be present at the trial of Serjeant Kearney for the assault on Astell.
There being but fifteen present for Lord Stanhope's motion, and ten proxies.
I wished to have his opinion with regard to the new settlement of Indian Government, which may take place on the expiration of the present Charter.
King to dismiss his present quiet Ministers, and have recourse to measures of rigour, which would infallibly ruin the dynasty.
I observed that the present prospective deficiency was one million a year.
Peel is very sorry the question is stirred at the present moment.
Lord Rosslyn said we did not presume to ask to see the King, but we were anxious to know how His Majesty was, and to present our humble duty to him.
Certainly the French funds rose when it was known the present King held the same course as his predecessor.
The Duke gave his decided opinion in favour of adhering to the present order.
And as that way was to give the desired addition to his court a sound thrashing, he felt it must be modified somewhat to help him in his present conquest.
Now--in the present market I couldn't borrow on my Woolens stock.
For a long time it's been getting darker and darker for me," she began, in the tone of one who is talking of some past sorrow which casts a retreating shadow over present joy to make it the brighter by contrast.
Culver always sorted out to present first the agreeable part of the morning's budget; never had he been more successful.
It was the first time she had been present at a game of battledore and shuttlecock with what she regarded as fundamental morals.
On a Friday in December Pauline came up from Dawn Hill and, after two hours at the new house, went to the jeweler's to buy a wedding present for Aurora Galloway.
The slight surface resemblance between the two men, hardly more than the "favor" found in all men of the family of strong and tenacious will, had led her on to deck the absent Dumont with the manhood of the present Scarborough.
You'd better devote yourself for the presentto escaping the grave.
She could not help thinking that it would be better if he were to be sent to a distance, and thus be separated from his present companions.
He without difficulty disposed of his waggon and its valuable cargo, and with Mr Warden's assistance, invested the proceeds, which were sufficient not only to supply his very moderate wants for the present but for the future.
Anyhow, it's worth trying, and I'll help you if you'll agree to let this Surprise Cake be a present to Ozma from you and me together.
Trot and Cap'n Bill will go with you, for this is to be their birthday present to Ozma.
I'm sure she won't have as fine a birthday present from anyone else.
Nevertheless," said the Ruler of Oz, "we must free them from their present enchantments.
Some were from the mountains west of the forest, and some from the plains at the east, and some from the river; but all present acknowledged the leadership of Gugu, who for many years had ruled them wisely and forced all to obey the laws.
Never had any beast beheld such a curious creature before, and so the very sight of the stranger, who was said to be a great magician, filled all present with awe and wonder.
Pipt and his good wife Margalot, and the astonishing Frogman, who had come from the Yip country to be present at Ozma's birthday feast.
Well, Trot an' I set out to get that magic plant for a present to Ozma on her birthday, and I mean to get it an' take it back with us to the Emerald City.
Perhaps his companion, who is at present this walnut, was the real magician, although I seem to remember that it was this boy in the beast's form who whispered the Magic Word into the hollow tree, where I overheard it.
Wizard," said Dorothy, "I want you to help me fix up a present for Ozma's birthday.
The atmosphere of the Carrolls' home, their poverty, their hard work, their gallant endurance of privation and restriction were not in accord with Susan's present mood.
But in spite of this, or because of it, the meal moved in an unnatural atmosphere, and everyonepresent was conscious of a sense of suspense, of impending news.
Susan's little sons were presently taken to Sausalito to be present at Aunt Anna's wedding.
A handsome presenthad been more than enough to satisfy her wildest dreams, the year before.
The girls were all to marry, of course, and marry well, far above their present station, indeed.
At present he was occupying a small house which had belonged to him once, and used as a tenement for a laborer on his estate.
As there were reasons why he preferred to communicate with his sister, he took an opportunity, when alone, to reveal all he knew, and let her into the secret of his own present condition, and the villany of Cross.
Here is a present from Susie; she has hemmed it herself, and I suppose ought to honor you by tying it on; but as she is a little bashful about it, I must do it for her.
James found that his only resource now to meet the present emergency, was to lay his case immediately before the Bank; if he failed to procure aid from thence, he saw not whence it was to come.
Before them was the open ocean, and the southeastern shores of the bay in a proximity to them, which in their present circumstances was any thing but agreeable.
Far off in the south-east, the frigate from which he had so narrowly escaped was bearing away in an opposite direction to the course she had been pursuing, and far enough off at present to remove all apprehension from her.
I have heard through Peter--I give you my authority--that you design to leave your present business.
Calmer views began to break upon him--a juster sense of the responsibility of his present situation.
It was the only one at present that they could procure, and they must either run the risk or give up their trade--a thing not to be contemplated for a moment.
I present five series of figures designed to illustrate the stages through which life forms pass in descending from the realistic to highly specialized conventional shapes.
Morgan (the present director of the Gizeh Museum at Cairo), under the direction of the French Government, made extensive excavations and studies into the prehistoric antiquities and archaeology of Russian Armenia.
Their present country includes the regions of the ancient cliff dwellers, of whom they are supposed to be the descendants.
Our present intermediate link with India for the Swastika lies in the Caucasus and in the adjacent territory of Koban.
Asti, third person, singular, indicative present of the verb as, to be, which is sum in Latin.
Marcano says:[304] The present Piaroas of Venezuela are in the habit of painting their bodies by a process different from that of the North American Indian.
The tree between the two monsters or animals passed from Mesopotamia to India, where it was employed by the Buddhists and Brahmins, and has continued in use in that country to the present time.
As to its invention or origin, we have little to do in the present argument.
Zmigrodzki at the Tenth International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology in Paris, and heard him present the results of his investigations on the Swastika.
In its present condition no one can say positively what it is, whether a statue of Buddha or not; but to all appearances it represents one of the Buddhist divinities.
The earliest phase of astronomical science we are at present in position to refer to, with the still extant aid of indigenous diagrams, is the Chaldean.
It may have slight relation to the Swastika to mention the migrations of the present time, but it will give an idea of the possibility of past times.
The present investigations are rendered much more comprehensive by the appearance of the extensive and valuable work of Col.
Her sophistication in the present instance greatly relieved the strain.
The builder of it would have laughed to scorn the present day apology for an interior so delightful.
Lyn Rowan's kinfolk are few and far between, now; that gold means a good deal to her, in her present circumstances.
At evening we were constrained to admit that we were simply butting our heads against a wall--with an ever-present possibility of the wall toppling over and crushing us flat.
And he's likely to continue so, unless some one buys his release from the service and makes him a present of it.
It was friendly to labour reform as well as to scientific education, and opposed capital punishment, imprisonment for debt, and legislation about religion; but its predominant tone has been skeptical to the present day.
Their action has done much during the present century to improve the condition of the poor; and we may trust that it will do more hereafter.
Douglass and other Garrisonists werepresent at the Free Soil convention, where he was invited to speak.
In 1866 he became president of the National Society of Secularists, who believe only in "the religion of the present life.
Our present statutes are kept in force by people who like amusement, and get all they want of it; but who make it almost impossible for their poor neighbours, in order to conciliate ecclesiastical prejudice.
If there is too little agitation at present for this principle in the United States, it is largely on account of an unfortunate occurrence of which I have written at some length in the last chapter but one.
It was not until after his death that Clay's proposals could be carried through Congress; and it was necessary to present them one by one.
As courage ceased to be the one all-important excellence, industry, fidelity, and honesty were found so useful as to be encouraged with a care which has done much to mould conscience into its present shape.
Carlyle's reverence for the early Hebrews and other primitive barbarians made him present hero-worship as the only secure corner-stone of politics.
The only question is how fast the present opportunities of recreation ought to be increased.
The League passed a strong vote of censure without opposition, and appointed a committee to present a protest which had been circulated during the convention.
And I am in a mood at present which somehow makes me want something less insensible and imperturbable.
How is it possible that you don't see the present before you, with the problems of our own time, especially the eternal problem of poverty?
Her hair was bound with three Greek fillets of pearls; and her fan of white feathers--a present from Urania--was like froth against her throat.
However happy I may be, our present position of financial anxiety sometimes depresses me, though I keep up my spirits for Duco's sake.
The presentwas here: on the grey horizon muttered an approaching storm; and the latter-day problems flashed like lightning.
There was a great deal to be done, Duco considered, by merely repairing and artistically arranging what at present stood thoughtlessly huddled together.
English Literature, A First Sketch of=, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time.
Cities of the World=: their Origin, Progress, andPresent Aspect.
A kind of brilliance and a hush; the courtroom no more present than the ocean is present at some moment of wind and shining sand and sunlight: only the three of them; the three of them, and himself somehow more than a simple observer.
The fantastically graceful hands declared the present hour to be ten-thirty; they had been truth-tellers for eighty years.
She would not permit me to be present at the execution.
I know of nothing in this girl's history or family surroundings to account for her present situation unless you attach more importance than I do to certain childhood accidents.
You see-- It disturbed her, to reflect how little any of those present would ever know about her.
For the present I merely wish to establish their identification by Sergeant Rankin.
Miss Nolan, I understand you weren't present at a certain picnic in Shanesville last August 7th.
It is not the present intention of the Court to hold you in contempt.
May it please the Court, my understanding was that any interruption of this reading would be made by counsel, in an orderly manner, not by the accused who is not at present under oath.
Do you at present do any artistic work yourself, besides photography?
Cecil might enjoy the damned thing, on some relaxed evening far in time from the present hour.
The black-haired beauty was showing no more emotion at present than Mr. Fielding.
It is interesting to remark in this connection that integrity and honor were the surest guaranties which even a merchant debtor could present in the form of promissory notes.
The Japanese reprint has passed through eight editions, the present thus being its tenth appearance in the English language.
A physician who was present on the occasion has left us a diary from which the following scene is translated.
In making emendations and additions for the present edition, I have largely confined them to concrete examples.
All the more pity that a gentleman was not present in Eden!
Laveleye and to my wife, I found that without understanding Feudalism and Bushido,[1] the moral ideas of present Japan are a sealed volume.
I have often thought,--"Had I their gift of language, I would present the cause of Japan in more eloquent terms!
For this crime I disembowel myself, and I beg you who are present to do me the honor of witnessing the act.
The present elaborate military organization might take it under its patronage, but we know that modern warfare can afford little room for its continuous growth.
Will the rights they gain by such a summary process repay the loss of that sweetness of disposition, that gentleness of manner, which are their present heritage?
The present societary forces are antagonistic to petty class spirit, and Chivalry is, as Freeman severely criticizes, a class spirit.
The present system of paying for every sort of service was not in vogue among the adherents of Bushido.
This waterfall is in its present form wholly artificial.
And the Kings of Italy, perhaps as a reward for the courageous shelter it offered to Garibaldi and his broken army, not only recognise its independence, but have made it a present of modern cannon, with which to defend itself.
Anon comes up with us a Caroche, with something I know not what of outlandish in its Build; and within it, two Ladies, one of them having the fayrest Face I ever set Eyes on, present Companie duly excepted.
Onlie think, then, how voluntarilie you have placed yourself in your present uncomfortable Situation.
How bitterly may you hereafter look back on your present Lot!
I don't see muchpresent Chance of it," says Father.