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Example sentences for "pleasure"

Lexicographically close words:
pleasour; pleasur; pleasurable; pleasurableness; pleasurably; pleasureable; pleasured; pleasures; pleasuring; pleat
  1. His instinctive recoil from its worst aspect as a slavery to pleasure which induces two people to accept slavery to one another has remained an active force in the world to this day, and is now stirring more uneasily than ever.

  2. It pays him and you, let alone the pleasure in a house like this [Mrs Bridgenorth bows in acknowledgment of the compliment].

  3. I had the pleasure of meeting one of the most influential of them a short time ago at Geashill--a fine tall, patriarchal-looking gentleman, the representative of one of the English settlers.

  4. Nothing will do me a more hearty pleasure than to see the marks of civilisation and progress in Kenmare--and not alone in Kenmare, but in the whole country; and I shall hail every manifestation of improvement with delight.

  5. Twenty-four years have since elapsed, and during all that time the marquis has never indulged himself in a repetition of the exquisite pleasure he then enjoyed.

  6. At a meeting of the Killultagh and Derryvolgie Farming Society, in 1849, he stated that he had great pleasure in subscribing to almost everything said by Mr. M'Call.

  7. Everything was so nice that her pleasure began to crowd her anger out of her mind.

  8. Colin had never talked to a boy in his life and he was so overwhelmed by his own pleasure and curiosity that he did not even think of speaking.

  9. But remembering her pleasure in looking at the Mem Sahib in the past she was glad to hear that she might some day look like her.

  10. But they wound in and out among the shrubbery and out and round the fountain beds, following their carefully planned route for the mere mysterious pleasure of it.

  11. The fresh earth is to be added during pleasure or until a sufficient quantity is burned.

  12. In many instances they contrive to worry through life without deserting their calling, though they receive little pleasure from any part of it, except counting the money which it yields.

  13. Tell her whose cheek The blush of conscious pleasure wears, That they who seek To find delights unmix'd with cares Shall own the fond deceit in tears.

  14. We follow their guidance, rather than that of truth; we hurry down the stream of pleasure and business, and make our reason itself the slave of our appetites.

  15. As the Duke said, The will of heaven be done, and the King's pleasure By me obey'd.

  16. But, I pray you, What is your pleasure with me?

  17. If not, i' th' name of God, Your pleasure be fulfill'd!

  18. It proceeds entirely from a few accidents of our nerves, which are made to appreciate very slight happenings, but which could as easily have felt everything the reverse way and taken pleasure in that which is now pain.

  19. I once had the pleasure of collecting no fewer than sixteen distinct species on the beach between Biscayne Bay and New River Inlet, some of them of remarkable form, and all of them nicely cleaned for me by old Ocean.

  20. His birds are marvels of smoothness and symmetry, and I take great pleasure in describing his method of winding as the best known.

  21. Jeffrey) has given more pleasure than anything else the writer ever produced.

  22. It will then be a pleasure to lavish work upon them.

  23. There is a pleasure in the pathless woods.

  24. They will give pleasure to you and your friends long after you have hung up your rifle forever.

  25. Next to the pleasure of collecting shells one's self is that of witnessing the keen delight of children and ladies in gathering these beautiful treasures of the sea.

  26. There is supreme pleasure in crowning a well-made manikin with a handsome skin, and seeing a specimen take on perfect form and permanent beauty as if by magic.

  27. If he is furiously angry with some of his subordinates, his superior tone is a pleasure to listen to, which is some slight consolation.

  28. But I am all right here, and I learnt with pleasure that the bishop had made another choice.

  29. I admit it was quite a novel pleasure to me to talk with a man of cultured mind.

  30. In his position of despotic commander he is in a state of secret hostility against the whole staff; he annoys and oppresses at times, but there is a certain amount of pleasure to be gained by inveighing against him.

  31. It would give him pleasure to show me all the ruins for ten leagues round.

  32. It will give me and also Julienne the greatest pleasure if you come, and I must add that your refusal would place us in a most awkward situation.

  33. Thémines did not notice his mood, or perhaps took a wicked pleasure in thwarting it.

  34. Her white skin gave me pleasure to look at.

  35. But Mary had the pleasure at the next pause of hearing Mr. Ward say, 'That is a very fine intelligent young fellow, worthy of his library.

  36. A pleasure it is well you do not get tired of, my dear, and I am afraid it will soon be over for the present.

  37. The book was the gift of a young lady with whom Ford had the pleasure to be acquainted; the little effusions were trifles of his own, inscribed by her own fair hands.

  38. It is a great treat to have poor Walter here in the holidays, so good and pleasant; but I must say one charm is the pleasure of being alone together afterwards.

  39. The pleasure with which he received Mary's letters was the single satisfaction that she carried away with her.

  40. His lady seated herself beside Mrs. Frost, and began to tell her, with a tone of patronage, how good a neighbourhood it was, and how much pleasure she should have in introducing Miss Dynevor.

  41. I must have the pleasure of looking natural sometimes, without causing any vituperation of any one beyond seas.

  42. James had effectually destroyed all pleasure on her part, and had made the change appear an unmitigated misfortune, even though she did not know what she would have thought the worst.

  43. I can't see what pleasure Italy will be to him, but he is too miserable at home.

  44. Success gave as much pleasure in a household duty as in an accomplishment--nay, far more when it was a victory over herself, and an increase to the comfort of her husband.

  45. I said softly, 'What a pleasure it must be for horses to be groomed!

  46. Her smile of pleasure on entering the room one morning, and seeing me dressed and sitting in a grand-fatherly chair by the breezy window, was like a salutation of returning health.

  47. The rush of pride and pleasure produced by the music was irresistible.

  48. The single wish that I might be a boy again, to find pleasure in his talk, was all that remained to combat the distaste I had for such oppressive deliveries of a mind apparently as little capable of being seated as a bladder charged with gas.

  49. Anything that gave pleasure to us two boys pleased and at once occupied my father.

  50. With visible pleasure he swung to the saddle.

  51. In time it will give me pleasure to receive you.

  52. Pleasure swarms, he has the pick of his market.

  53. The latter remarked mockingly, 'With pleasure and condescension!

  54. All Indians have been scalp-hunters, regardless of whatever else they have been, and a woman's scalp dangling from their sticks afforded them as much pleasure as a man's.

  55. Lowell and Underwood were great friends and they worked together with pleasure and harmony.

  56. Perhaps I had nourished the vanity to believe that nature had endowed me with a versatility which enabled me to throw down and take up at pleasure any pursuit, and I chose to sport with the gift.

  57. Dean Shaler and all later Kentucky historical writers have taken pleasure in paying tribute to his work.

  58. My dear James, From the time we left Pittsburg until our arrival here, which was ten days after our embarkation, we were all appreciating the pleasure we should derive from finding you at this place.

  59. Mr. and Mrs. Gray moved about among the guests dispensing pleasure and enjoyment wherever they went.

  60. Wherever Cartier went ashore, Indians rushed knee-deep to carry him from the river; and one old chief at Richelieu signified his pleasure by presenting the whites with two Indian children.

  61. If the pleasure of one of these be due to any writings of mine, I have wrought some good in my generation.

  62. A young fellow-passenger showed much sympathy while the row went on, and Arnold learned with pleasure that he also was bound for Caraccas.

  63. Thousands of unconsidered subjects of Her Majesty enjoy the pleasure which one great duke monopolized before her reign began.

  64. So, in good time, you may enjoy such a thrill of pleasure as I felt the other day when a great pundit was good enough to pay me a call.

  65. II From heaven the Father's voice declared His pleasure and paternal love; And lo!

  66. He will find no pleasure in ill-treating or tyrannizing over them He has not much invention, and would make a poor machinist, but is likely to succeed in general business.

  67. Ben felt that his companion derived pleasure from his gift, and he did not see why he should make any further objections.

  68. Lovell's Grounds were situated a mile and a half away; they comprised several acres, sloping down to a pond, which was provided with pleasure boats.

  69. Recline on these heaps of gold: command the Infernal Potentates: range at thy pleasure through these immense subterranean domains.

  70. The pleasure he received from the perusal of it induced him at that time to transcribe, and since to translate it.

  71. The Caliph with an emotion of pleasure and surprise, had no sooner raised up his head than a handful of jasamine dropped on his face.

  72. The negresses, full of joy at the behests of their mistress, and promising themselves much pleasure from the society of the Gouls, went with an air of conquest, and began their knockings at the tombs.

  73. That may be,” said the Caliph; “but in the mean time I shall be horribly disgusted by a crowd of smatterers, who will come to the trial as much for the pleasure of retailing their jargon as from the hope of gaining the reward.

  74. The sultanas accepted with pleasure these obliging offers, and followed the young lady to the emir’s harem, where we must for a moment leave them and return to the Caliph.

  75. I have had the pleasure of personal acquaintance with most of the distinguished publishers in London and Scotland, and have made notes of some facts, and comparative statistics, in which you may perhaps be interested.

  76. The first is from an epistle written soon after the marquis's first return to France: "It gave me infinite pleasure to hear from your sovereign, and of the joy which your safe arrival in France had diffused among your friends.

  77. My pleasure in all that is swallowed up by this savage obsession of yours.

  78. As she emptied out the first handful of meal, a curious sense of pleasure came to her.

  79. Rhoda did not see the sudden look of pleasure in his eyes.

  80. If it pleases you, that pleasure is not dependent upon the fact that it does represent some place.

  81. To what then is the pleasure we feel when looking at a good picture due?

  82. As it was she flushed with pleasure and gave a little laugh.

  83. He rang me up this morning and asked me to say how sorry he was not to have the pleasure of seeing you this time.

  84. She did laugh, but with a ring of so much pleasure and relief that the blood flew to his head.

  85. Both were so frankly and unaffectedly glad to be able to talk at all that they broke into each other's laughing and childish comments on obvious things and forgot themselves in the pleasure of meeting.

  86. And also for the pleasure of seeing so many old friends," said Alice.

  87. You have only been denied one pleasure the more that you wanted, and that would not have been so dear to you long if you had not lost it.

  88. At that Notely looked up and shot at her a long, gay challenge without words: his eyes in themselves seemed to fascinate her, as they did most people; she brightened with a caressing, artistic sense of pleasure in them.

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pleasure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admiration; alternative; amenity; amusement; animus; appetite; approbation; ardor; attraction; behest; bidding; bliss; choice; comfort; command; commandment; compatibility; concupiscence; congeniality; content; curiosity; decision; delight; desire; determination; device; dictate; discretion; disposition; diversion; divertissement; drive; eagerness; ease; ecstasy; enjoyment; entertain; entertainment; fancy; fantasy; feast; fruition; fun; gaiety; geniality; gladden; glee; goodness; gratification; gratify; gusto; happiness; honor; hope; imperative; inclination; intention; kick; libido; liking; love; lust; luxury; mellowness; mind; mirth; need; objective; option; order; passion; pastime; play; pleasance; pleasantry; please; pleasure; radiance; rapport; rapture; recreation; relaxation; relish; resolution; satisfaction; solace; sport; urge; volition; want; way; will; word; zest

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    pleasure and; pleasure excursion